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to help get over my fear of ghost's

152 replies

emms1981 · 20/07/2014 12:10

I've been reading the spooky posts on here. Knew it was a bad idea but keep getting drawn to it. I find the stories very interesting but also scary.
I've never seen a ghost but I hate going in dark rooms or being alone.
I live in quite a new house so feel safe, my dh works most evenings and I know when the floorboards creek its either one of the boys sneeking out of bed or my fat cat.
I visit my dad at weekends and when the house is full I feel fine but its an old house and don't know the "history" eg I know a few years ago the house over the road the single man who lived there killed himself I don't know how I knew he died but the killing himself part I only found out last year and after he passed one of the lights at the top of the house kept coming on and this freaked me out, so I know if a house is old there are bound to be things that have happed in it.

I've been staying at my dads this weekend to look after his dog just me and my boys and during the day I'm fine but at night shit myself. No reason to I haven't heard or seen anything but couldn't sit alone in the front room for long and went to bed shortly after the kids. My dad has always said the house is unlucky he's lived here since 1996 but I think that's just because my mum left him.
I wish I knew how to get over the fear. The bathroom has a mirror over the sink and I kept thinking I could see things but I think it was just the trousers hanging up behind me or my hair moving. I know it sounds silly but I honestly don't think I could live in an old house out of choise.

OP posts:
fluffyraggies · 21/07/2014 21:14

OP please don't be put off by the snidyness you get here sometimes. AIBU is a bit of a bear bit. 'Chat' is much nicer, and relationships is gentler still.

For every sarcastic or unpleasant remark posted here there will be loads more reading reading this thread who agree with you, or empathise with you completely, but just haven't posted. Take heart.

My spelling is shite as well - i'm sure some have a good snigger about the ones that get through my spell check but that says more about them than me.

Come over to chat :)


Gileswithachainsaw · 21/07/2014 21:15

Someone changed their username to one of my classic typos :o

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