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to help get over my fear of ghost's

152 replies

emms1981 · 20/07/2014 12:10

I've been reading the spooky posts on here. Knew it was a bad idea but keep getting drawn to it. I find the stories very interesting but also scary.
I've never seen a ghost but I hate going in dark rooms or being alone.
I live in quite a new house so feel safe, my dh works most evenings and I know when the floorboards creek its either one of the boys sneeking out of bed or my fat cat.
I visit my dad at weekends and when the house is full I feel fine but its an old house and don't know the "history" eg I know a few years ago the house over the road the single man who lived there killed himself I don't know how I knew he died but the killing himself part I only found out last year and after he passed one of the lights at the top of the house kept coming on and this freaked me out, so I know if a house is old there are bound to be things that have happed in it.

I've been staying at my dads this weekend to look after his dog just me and my boys and during the day I'm fine but at night shit myself. No reason to I haven't heard or seen anything but couldn't sit alone in the front room for long and went to bed shortly after the kids. My dad has always said the house is unlucky he's lived here since 1996 but I think that's just because my mum left him.
I wish I knew how to get over the fear. The bathroom has a mirror over the sink and I kept thinking I could see things but I think it was just the trousers hanging up behind me or my hair moving. I know it sounds silly but I honestly don't think I could live in an old house out of choise.

OP posts:
netty7070 · 20/07/2014 16:07

If ghosts DID exist, why would they want to hurt you?

They really, really don't exist, though.

Is there something else in your life which is making you anxious and fearful? - perhaps 'ghosts' are a distraction from that?

WorraLiberty · 20/07/2014 16:08

Make a lot of money out of renting your holiday home to people chandalier?

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:10

I think it would be wonderful if ghosts did exist. It would give me some sort of hope for the afterlife. They're a fabulous fantasy...along with God and heaven and Hell. Marvellous!

But not real sadly.

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/07/2014 16:18

The reason I say "far fetched" is because often statistically the chances of the explanation happening are low. Low but plausible. However frequently to explain an event there is a combination of explanations all of which are unlikely on their own but together with all the others needed to fully cover every part it's more unlikely than the possibility of paranormal in the first place

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:18

Vampires don't drip venom

No you're right - I really need to get my facts right about imaginary creatures don't I? I'm so embarrassed now. Wink

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:20

You mean like "what are the odds?" Giles? I swym, yeah.

Vivacia · 20/07/2014 16:27

If there's ever been anything strange or creepy or scary, you have witnessed, how do you explain it to yourselves?

Honestly? That I was imagining things.

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:28

Our imaginations are incredibly powerful. Frighteningly so.

Vivacia · 20/07/2014 16:34

Agreed Pictish I think humans are intrinsically, necessarily imaginative creatures.

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:36

Absolutely...and there's nothing so fearful than the recesses of our own imaginations imo.

pictish · 20/07/2014 16:38

Which...bringing it back to the OP, is what she is experiencing. The fear conjured up by the power of her imagination.

cardibach · 20/07/2014 16:41

I think the fact that you felt safer in bed (judging by your OP) confirms it is just your imagination, emms. Think about it - why would a 'ghost' bother you downstairs or in the bathroom but shrug its shoulders and turn away at the bedroom door?

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/07/2014 16:43

But then what are the odds of unaware,unrelated people who have never met all "imagining" the same experience days/weeks/moths/years apart, having read or ears nothing about it

Vivacia · 20/07/2014 16:49

But then what are the odds of unaware,unrelated people who have never met all "imagining" the same experience days/weeks/moths/years apart,

Firstly, unlike imagination, I don't think that probability comes as naturally to humans.

Secondly, define "same experience". Wondering if there's someone upstairs is different to being woken up by a red-haired woman in a blue dress and small white hat who tucks your sheet in and opens the window.

WorraLiberty · 20/07/2014 16:51

I just think some people are in love with the idea of being able to connect with our ancestors and the people who lived hundreds of years ago. I think they refuse to accept that they'll never meet the people their teachers taught them about, or the people who lived Downton Abbey-esq lives.

This is why 'ghosts' are nearly always very old fashioned and rarely wear Primark tracksuits with 'Juicy' or 'Princess' emblazoned across the arse, because people can see them every no need to imagine them or claim to see them.

DontGiveAwayTheHomeworld · 20/07/2014 16:55

Giles maybe some kind of instinct? Like being scared of the dark - it seems irrational, but it's because we didn't evolve to have great night vision, and our other senses aren't great because we rely so much on sight. I honestly think that's where a lot of supernatural stories come from - things that go bump in the night!

pictish · 20/07/2014 17:02

Plus, don't underestimate the what the subconcious picks up either.
We all have detailed dreams about things we conciously know nothing about for example.

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/07/2014 17:06

But people report exact Same experiences.

Same smells, same times even, same person/thing. Details match to the letter.

pictish · 20/07/2014 17:09

And how do you know they haven't subconciously heard/read/seen about it before? Even in passing?
We overhear a lot more than we are aware of you know. It goes in without us registering.

Vivacia · 20/07/2014 17:10

Same smells, same times even, same person/thing. Details match to the letter.

That's really interesting, I have never known more than one person report the same experience with such detail (and obviously with no way of knowing!).

pictish · 20/07/2014 17:10

And that is far more likely and rational than it being some spirit resurrected from their grave isn't it?
You know it is.

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/07/2014 17:12

You don't. But neither can you be sure that's the explanation either.

Sometimes it's families and no one says any thing because they don't want the kids to hear or think they are going nuts but then the kids experience it too


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Vivacia · 20/07/2014 17:15

Sometimes it's families and no one says any thing because they don't want the kids to hear or think they are going nuts but then the kids experience it too

Well in that case they aren't independent reports are they?

pictish · 20/07/2014 17:16

Obviously it has been discussed and overheard.

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/07/2014 17:54

It was another example, to show that it's not something that's been looked Into by people because young kids wouldn't have access to any of the info.

There are people all over the world who, only have the location in common and hadn't heard or didn't buy I to that kind of stuff if they have, and all have reported the same thing.

I find the whole thing fascinating tbh.

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