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To think that something's wrong if u can't afford breakfast for your children

260 replies

Blossum123 · 25/06/2014 21:51

A friends neighbour constantly says she can't afford her childrens breakfast - the school have started a breakfast club and the children attend for free . Which is good.
Iv been on benifits but how can you not afford breakfast - it's surely the cheapest and easiest meal ? I know some children won't have breakfast but this isn't the case - she claims she can't afford it - makes u wonder what they get for tea

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FloozeyLoozey · 25/06/2014 23:12

I agree with you Darkesteyes! I'm not saying their diet would be a good one, but hungry they would not be.

Onethingatatime · 25/06/2014 23:12

brilliant post

Barefootgirl · 25/06/2014 23:12

BIWI said "Why report them? The children are going to breakfast club at school, so they are getting breakfast.

You have said that they are well dressed, so why report them? You have no idea at all what else is going on."

They won't be getting breakfast club after the end of term though, so its not actually unreasonable to worry that after that time, they simply won't be getting breakfast, or potentially lunch either.

Are you really so naive as to think that SS only care about poorly-dressed children? The sky must be a lovely bloody colour on your planet. The whole point of letting Social Services know about their situation AS IT SEEMS TO AN OUTSIDER is that someone who actually does have the ability to help, can get a better idea of the real circumstances. Maybe the neighbour jsut likes saying things to shock people, and there actually is food in the cupboard.

scarlettsmummy2 · 25/06/2014 23:13

Darkest- absolutely. I give out supermarket vouchers regularly in work. I give out Iceland and farmfoods. I don't do this because I think it is ideal, but because they are cheap and because they are all there is locally in deprived communities and tickets for the bus are too expensive.

BIWI · 25/06/2014 23:14

Barefootgirl - if I thought that the OP was genuinely concerned about them then I would agree with you. But she isn't. She is speculating, judging and gossiping and not in the least bit interested in their situation.

Darkesteyes · 25/06/2014 23:15

Yy Floozy Ppl who are having to eat like that for long periods are likely to gain a lot of weight In the late 90s when I was signing on I was 19/20 stone I lost the weight in the early 2000s when I was working nights in a sex chatline office.

But when I was signing on cheap pasta and bread etc was my staple diet It was all we could afford.

usualsuspectt · 25/06/2014 23:16

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HaroldLloyd · 25/06/2014 23:17

I think your the one who is naive to think social services are going to take an interest in this.

Birdsgottafly · 25/06/2014 23:18

OP, defiantly report any fighting, but don't assume that you know what is going on, or "she is the more aggressive".

EA makes the victim appear like the unstable one.

It sounds as though they have been referred to breakfast club and there are probably CAF's in place for the children, which will prompt a check up by Family Support during the holidays.

Darkesteyes · 25/06/2014 23:19

Im NOT having a go btw Thanks I just think that in the next few years we are going to see some very bad irreversible health problems because of this.

crazynanna · 25/06/2014 23:21

I agree that it is silly to report her for making use of the Breakfast club. I mean, I make use of the 30% discount in the canteen at work for staff cos I am as broke as a joke. Maybe I need reporting

Iswallowedawatermelon · 25/06/2014 23:22

I think she means that she can roll the food/money needed to supply breakfast over to another time/something else.

For example we go to a free toddler group every week which supplies toast, sandwiches, milk and fruit. On this day I don't give ds breakfast or pack him a snack for the morning.

I see this as saving a couple of pieces of bread, some milk and some fruit for another day, which on turn reduces the need to buy more of the above.

Maybe that makes me a bad mother Hmm Confused

WooWooOwl · 25/06/2014 23:23

There's really very little point in you phoning the school, unless there is more that you haven't posted, you won't be able to tell them anything they weren't already aware of.

YouMakeMeHappy · 25/06/2014 23:24

I don't get it either. Oats for porridge and some bananas cost a few quid for a weeks worth.

But she must be genuinely stuck for cash, why else would anyone get rid of the kids an hour earlier than necessary on a school day?

What is breakfast club? Do you have to be getting child be benefit to take part or can anyone with kids in school go?

emms1981 · 25/06/2014 23:25

You can buy a loaf for 50p I can make many breakfasts with that

BakeOLiteGirl · 25/06/2014 23:27

In my area there a only a Co op and you can't buy bread in that one that cheaply. Bus fare to a cheaper supermarket which is a significant distance away would be £6.

usualsuspectt · 25/06/2014 23:28

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HaroldLloyd · 25/06/2014 23:29

The point isn't you can buy this for a pound and that for 75p.

If someone has a weekly budget and it's stretched to the maximum something has to give. What she probably means is that she can't afford her FOOD BILLS and so uses the breakfast club to stretch.

FiveFingerDeathPunch · 25/06/2014 23:30

usualsuspectt because you will be judged for it, the Po and people like her will hoist their expensive pants at you

FiveFingerDeathPunch · 25/06/2014 23:30

OP not PO

YouMakeMeHappy · 25/06/2014 23:32

Why wouldn't you? I'd be ashamed to admit I couldn't afford breakfast. I'd be worried people would assume I had some expensive habits and it might raise alarm with social services.
Not saying you friend is wasting cash, but possibly not great with managing it.

jacks365 · 25/06/2014 23:33

I'm in a similar position to bakeolitegirl I do not have a supermarket in walking distance so value foods were not really an option when I was on a very restricted budget, bus fare would have swallowed half my budget.


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Blossum123 · 25/06/2014 23:34

I am concerned not because she is using the breakfast club but what will they do in the summer hols -

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usualsuspectt · 25/06/2014 23:34

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Blossum123 · 25/06/2014 23:35

Iv made my mind up I'm gonna ring the school first thing .they will know the situation so if needed they can contact ss .

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