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To Have Horrified By This And Refused To Get In Car?

210 replies

GoldenGytha · 02/05/2014 19:17

I was out for lunch today with a friend, her niece and niece's two boys aged 4 and 1.

It was about a 20 minute drive along the dual carriageway to the place we went to for lunch, but after that friend's niece wanted to go to Matalan for some clothes for a forthcoming holiday.

When we got back into the car after lunch, Matalan was about a 5 minute drive back along the dual carriageway and niece told the 4 year old to just sit in his seat and not bother about his seatbelt as it was "only a couple of minutes along the road" She also didn't strap the baby into his seat.

I said "You can't do that, you must strap them both in, it's not safe" I was rather abruptly told that it was not my business, they'd be fine for all the distance they were going. I said I couldn't get in a car where a child wasn't safely strapped in, and that I was very uncomfortable with it.

After a lot of muttering and "FFS Golden, what a fuss to make about nothing, are you always this bad, and if it makes you fucking happy I'll strap them in"

I don't normally go about telling folk what to do with their kids, but this really shocked me, WIBU to have said something?

OP posts:
Heathcliff27 · 02/05/2014 20:28

Its mayday weekend init

YoureBeingASillyBilly · 02/05/2014 20:28

Aww! Why delete bruno's poem? That was funny. How did that break guidelines?

CrystalSkulls · 02/05/2014 20:28

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YetAnotherHelenMumsnet · 02/05/2014 20:28

Hi there, we have dealt with the situation, thangyewverymuch. Grin Remember, troll hunting is against our guidelines and such posts will be deleted.

Maryz · 02/05/2014 20:29

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50KnockingonabiT · 02/05/2014 20:29

we had an accident 20 yards from our front door, didn't even get out of first gear, so I don't think distance has anything to do with it.

I can't believe a parent would be so irresponsible:(

CrystalSkulls · 02/05/2014 20:32

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Maryz · 02/05/2014 20:32

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YetAnotherHelenMumsnet · 02/05/2014 20:32

Like I say, it has been dealt with. About 20 minutes ago now. Wink

Passmethecrisps · 02/05/2014 20:33



It must be bad if I am getting deleted.


YoureBeingASillyBilly · 02/05/2014 20:33

Mine wasnt T hunting either! Jeez louise helen! Bit keen tonight arent you? Pity not so quick on the actual goady trolly threads.

fifi669 · 02/05/2014 20:33

OP you were completely right. No question about it.

I was in an accident when I was 18, the car settled prob 30 yards from my front door. I was a passenger, got in the car 2 minutes drive from my house. The seatbelt was trapped behind the seat and I was convinced by others it was only a short trip it'd be ok. According to the policeman the only thing that saved me from having my head mashed into the road was the fact the car was a Volvo.

DP used to drive without a seatbelt. I never noticed as I usually drive. Went a little mental at him and he does now (that I know of anyway).

You can't take the risk, esp not when it comes to children.

alcibiades · 02/05/2014 20:34

I was thinking of trying to do some science-y stuff about kinetic energy and whatnot, but that wouldn't convince the g*dy fckers. Anyway, the rest of us are very clear about the dangers to people, most especially young children, if they're not belted in.

What I am surprised about, though, is the paltry fines - £100 to a maximum of £500! A few thousand might get the message across.

Maryz · 02/05/2014 20:34

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peggyundercrackers · 02/05/2014 20:35

I'm not sure it would have bothered me given my other car doesn't have any seat belts and drive it nearly every day during the summer. It don't think it feels strange at all given I've been doing it for so many years now. It's an older car that's a convertible and didn't leave the factory with seat belts installed

Passmethecrisps · 02/05/2014 20:35

Oh I remember. I had forgotten what I posted.

Fair emuff.

Does my mum get a letter Sad

GoldenGytha · 02/05/2014 20:37

I was doing an order on another site so haven't seen most of the deleted posts,

Are people questioning whether this actually happened or something Confused

I started this thread as I was genuinely worried about this, had no intention of starting a bun fight.

OP posts:
YoureBeingASillyBilly · 02/05/2014 20:38

No golden- an idiot tried to have a bit of fun on your thread. Nobody doubting you.

ThatBloodyWoman · 02/05/2014 20:38

Grin at Pass and the letter to her Mum!

Passmethecrisps · 02/05/2014 20:39

Cripes no.

Someone suggesting we are all silly for agreeing.

qazxc · 02/05/2014 20:40

In Ireland we used to have this ad to illustrate how dangerous unrestrained people were.
Just to be warned it is rather hard hitting (no pun intended).

Pianissimopleeeeease · 02/05/2014 20:40

Golden, you did a good thing!


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thebodydoestricks · 02/05/2014 20:41

Ah well as one who has had a dd badly injured and traumatised and involved in a major fatal accident.

Some of her friends will never walk properly again and other adults are dead or injured for life it's a shame that some people take the piss ot derail threads.

Sleep well. You never know what's ahead. But please belt up.

Passmethecrisps · 02/05/2014 20:41

hq could we at least get a message from you to reassure the OP that we were not dissing her?

Genuinely, an important point got lost

MrsWedgeAntilles · 02/05/2014 20:42

When we were very small a family we were friendly with narrowly avoided an accident when their unrestrained 4 year old thought it would be funny to put their hands over his dad's eyes - who was driving at the time Shock

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