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To Have Horrified By This And Refused To Get In Car?

210 replies

GoldenGytha · 02/05/2014 19:17

I was out for lunch today with a friend, her niece and niece's two boys aged 4 and 1.

It was about a 20 minute drive along the dual carriageway to the place we went to for lunch, but after that friend's niece wanted to go to Matalan for some clothes for a forthcoming holiday.

When we got back into the car after lunch, Matalan was about a 5 minute drive back along the dual carriageway and niece told the 4 year old to just sit in his seat and not bother about his seatbelt as it was "only a couple of minutes along the road" She also didn't strap the baby into his seat.

I said "You can't do that, you must strap them both in, it's not safe" I was rather abruptly told that it was not my business, they'd be fine for all the distance they were going. I said I couldn't get in a car where a child wasn't safely strapped in, and that I was very uncomfortable with it.

After a lot of muttering and "FFS Golden, what a fuss to make about nothing, are you always this bad, and if it makes you fucking happy I'll strap them in"

I don't normally go about telling folk what to do with their kids, but this really shocked me, WIBU to have said something?

OP posts:
MrsDeVere · 02/05/2014 19:57

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Juliaparker25 · 02/05/2014 20:00

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passmethewineplease · 02/05/2014 20:00

Julia really?

So because some terrible stuff is happening in other counties we should not care about car safety?

You sound smart.

JonesRipley · 02/05/2014 20:01

I turned a car over about half a mile close to home. If seatbelts had not been on, and tight, one of the 3 children in the car could have been badly injured. What struck me afterwards was the praise I got from Emergency services for them wearing seatbelts. It seemd to me that they'd obviously experienced enough instances of this not being the case to remark on it

Good on you.

She is a fool.

MrsDeVere · 02/05/2014 20:01

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JonesRipley · 02/05/2014 20:02


Ffs right back atcha

GoldenGytha · 02/05/2014 20:02


It is possible to care about more than one thing!

Today I was uncomfortable with something, and wanted some opinions,

Now that I'm home, I keep thinking of what could have happened, I think if I see this again then I will phone the police, no question.

OP posts:
TereseaGreen · 02/05/2014 20:02

An onanist is a man who withdraws his penis as a method of contraception.

There are an awful lot of mothers here though. Perhaps our partners are/were onanists hence all the children. Its quite a puzzle.

JonesRipley · 02/05/2014 20:03

Ooooooh Onanists.

MrsDeVere · 02/05/2014 20:03

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MooMaid · 02/05/2014 20:03

Dear god, Syria and Ukraine. Heard it all now.

Not sure I could give less of a shit about your thoughts on us suburbanites - go find that at Woolworths

pluCaChange · 02/05/2014 20:04

What is the matter with people? I can't believe this sort of thing even needs to be illegal. I for one love strapping the DC in, so they don't cause trouble while I'm driving!

YoureBeingASillyBilly · 02/05/2014 20:04

Julia go and have a wee lie down love. Clearly not firing on all cylinders.

ThatBloodyWoman · 02/05/2014 20:05

I don't give a shit what onanists means personally.

People only use obscure words when they can't give a decent argument in plain language imo.

Juliaparker25 · 02/05/2014 20:06

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KatieKaye · 02/05/2014 20:06

Julia - what on earth are you talking about?
Child safety is very important indeed.
And how do you know that we are all suburbanites?
(not that I know what being a suburbanite has to do with deaths in Syria and Ukraine, but as you are so worried about this, why not go out and do something constructive rather than posting on mumsnet?

GoldenGytha · 02/05/2014 20:06

I'd never heard of Onanists before,

Mrs DeVere Grin

You learn something every day on here!

OP posts:
DocDaneeka · 02/05/2014 20:06

There was a collision not too long ago where a toddler was sitting unrestrained on her grandmothers knee, because they were only driving half a mile down the road.

Another vehicle lost control and hit that car, as a result of the impact, the toddlers head hit the grandmother I the face somehow and killed her, toddler survived ad did everyone else except the grandmother.

Imagine living the rest of your life knowing you were inadvertently responsible for the death of a loved one because some numpty hadn't bothered to strap you in.

Heathcliff27 · 02/05/2014 20:07

I never ever thought i would hear the words woolworths, syria and suburbanites used in the same thread

passmethewineplease · 02/05/2014 20:09

Can't people be lying wankers Julia?

Honestly to mention the worlds conflicts on a thread about car safety for children is bizzare.

ThatBloodyWoman · 02/05/2014 20:09

G'wan.You go first Julia.

Which are you?

Heathcliff27 · 02/05/2014 20:09

And no OP yanbu, a childs safety is paramount whether in a vehicle or a war zone


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YoureBeingASillyBilly · 02/05/2014 20:09

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Juliaparker25 · 02/05/2014 20:10

Wanker , most days

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 02/05/2014 20:10


And how the hell has this thread turned out!

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