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DH has started misusing "myself", like he's an estate agent or works in a call centre. WIBU to LTB?

192 replies

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 17:58

He had very good grammar when I married him in the last century.

It's very embarrassing.

OP posts:
Allalonenow · 10/12/2013 21:33

Much, much worse than all of these is having to remain polite to someone who does not know the difference between less and fewer.

ShriekingGnawer · 10/12/2013 21:36

Allalonenow - just dont bother. They don't deserve you respect.

GoofyIsACow · 10/12/2013 21:40

Allalone... I did notice the other day that Sainsburys have now got five items or fewer tills!

BiscuitMillionaire · 10/12/2013 21:41

A manager I worked with used to say 'suck it and see'. As in, 'we'll just have to suck it and see'. It made me want to vomit. He was a prototype David Brent. But even sweatier.

nauticant · 10/12/2013 21:42

We must be pacific here.

Not said in the context of international peace talks.

LifeofPo · 10/12/2013 21:46

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WordOfTheDay · 10/12/2013 21:48

Some of my colleagues end e-mails with "Best". Presumably, this is short for "Best regards". It doesn't make any sense to me to shorten "Best regards" to the adjective and not the noun. Have I understood this rightly? Is this prevalent? Where did it come from? Do you agree that it bizarre?

PoshPaula · 10/12/2013 21:49

'Suck it and see' is up there, alongside 'We'll just have to suck it up' and the classic 'Pull your finger out'.

extracrunchy · 10/12/2013 21:49

You need a water spray gun thing - squirt him every time till he stops. If he doesn't stop, progress to taser.

limitedperiodonly · 10/12/2013 22:01

I went through a stage of ending emails with 'best' WordOfTheDay.

It was because I was sucking up to someone I was trying to get some work from who used to do the same.

It was needy but I'm in a much better place now and I've stopped it to the extent that often I leave no sign off at all. All right?

Actually I'm so well-adjusted that I don't give a shit whether you think it's all right or not. Wink

nennypops · 10/12/2013 22:28

I used to work with a manager who was a total wanker. One of the many aspects of his wankdom was his love of management speak, which he clearly thought made him sound big and clever. The only way to get through meetings with him without wanting to slit your throat was to play management bingo - we would choose a list of his ten favourite phrases and tick them off whenever he used them, the one with most ticks was exempt from buying a round at the pub afterwards. However, we had to give it up because he was getting suspicious about why people were laughing whenever he spoke, and the person who chose "across the piece" invariably won.

Ultimately a group of us found we could take it no longer and left. It came to light that he looked at all our emails, wasting fruitless hours trying to find something incriminating. However, what he did find were a number of emails taking the piss out of his management speak. Our ex-colleagues are eternally grateful to us, apparently they haven't heard "across the piece" since.

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 22:59

ThreeBee I like the diagnosis of Reflexive pronounitis.

Unfortunately DH has been known to do some management speak too.

Maybe he could go on The Apprentice next year. There is surely a screening process in place to ensure that when Suralan says:
"Who was responsible for deciding to try and sell snow to the eskimos/wine at an AA meeting/Greggs to a bunch of MNers?", one of them will pipe up with "That was myself, Lord Sugar".

OP posts:
SchnitzelVonKrumm · 10/12/2013 23:08

Have you tried reaching out to him, OP?

YoungBritishPissArtist · 11/12/2013 05:55

I've just discovered this thread, can I touch base with yourselves?

DameEdnasBridesmaid · 11/12/2013 07:26

nennypops did you work for a bank?

We used to do something similar, the winner would be the one who got the most Wank Speak phrases in during the meetings. I don't think they ever realised we were taking the piss.

kumamon · 11/12/2013 09:55

Oh, my ex used to do the 'myself' 'yourselves' bullcrap too. Hence, he is now an ex.

I have a thing about East Coast train announcements, you get the classic "on behalf of myself, I would like to welcome you to the train" and also the exceptionally flowery "please ensure you uplift your belongings".

uplifts mug of tea

LCHammer · 11/12/2013 10:52

Ooh, can I add a micro-rant about the word 'pressure'. Everything is a pressure. No, it's a cut - in money, staff, hours.

madoldbird · 11/12/2013 11:07

My DH puts the word "old" infront of everything. E.g. "Did you see what old DS3 did?", "Just popping out to the old shops" etc.

Why? Why??

youretoastmildred · 11/12/2013 12:02

he has even done it to you, madbird!

madoldbird · 11/12/2013 12:21
TheBigJessie · 11/12/2013 15:13

So that's what YOLO means. I'd tried to glean its meaning from context and had decided on

YOLO: an public admission that you are an immature drunken teenager about to do something stupid. Usually uttered to draw attention to your latest feat of daftness, in order to maximise the number of people who will comment "Total LAD" when you update facebook the next day to explain you were sick on an A&E nurse's foot.

TheBigJessie · 11/12/2013 15:13

*a public admission.



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peppinagiro · 11/12/2013 16:15

Myself and my boss used to play that too nennypops! We were surrounded by awful management-speakers. We called it Bullshit Bingo.

OBitchery · 11/12/2013 17:32

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suegardener · 11/12/2013 18:30

I think you've said it all in your 1st reference to him cos i always think DH stands for Dick Head

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