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DH has started misusing "myself", like he's an estate agent or works in a call centre. WIBU to LTB?

192 replies

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 17:58

He had very good grammar when I married him in the last century.

It's very embarrassing.

OP posts:
NewtRipley · 10/12/2013 18:25

He'll be calling you "dear" soon and asking to wear matching fleeces

limitedperiodonly · 10/12/2013 18:26

That should have read: 'I feel, myself, personally...'

Note the comma after 'feel'.

I'm now going to thrash myself soundly with a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

Even though I hate Lynn Truss and the book is too small to do serious damage.

KrabbyPatty · 10/12/2013 18:26

I've noticed my dh signs off his work e-mails with 'Kind regards' and sometimes abbreviates this to 'KR'.

This is almost as worrying as incorrect use of reflexive pronouns.

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 18:26

I'm not sure if he's team "text" or "texted".

His IT team have provided him with a very fancy phone, which he uses for the sole purpose of making calls.

OP posts:
NewtRipley · 10/12/2013 18:27

Does he say "Lidls" and "Westfields" and "Aldis"?

GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 10/12/2013 18:28

It does sound like a severe case.

Mardy, what do you, yourself, think you, yourself, should do about it, Mardy?

TooOldForGlitter · 10/12/2013 18:28

I have a similar problem in that my DP says, ''You OK'' as a greeting rather than Hello. As we live oop north it confuses people massively who mumble, er yeah thanks and wonder why he didn't just say hello ffs. He says its a Norfolk thing, I pinch his thigh every time he does it. I see myself as the Barbara Woodhouse figure in his life, making him a better dog man. Grin

(I felt obliged to add the grin, i'm fucking serious tho').

GoofyIsACow · 10/12/2013 18:28

Grin at this thread... I had a similar experience with a call centre bloke today who was going to 'email yourself a copy'


MardyBra · 10/12/2013 18:29

Newt We don't have any of those where we live (dead posh, you know). He does say "Sainsbury's" but not "Waitrose's".

OP posts:
Lovelybitofsquirrel · 10/12/2013 18:29

Best thread I've read in ages!! One of my pet hates. If he starts saying could of and should of then definitely ltb!

GoofyIsACow · 10/12/2013 18:30

Newt... And mataland?

NewtRipley · 10/12/2013 18:32


John Lewises? Surely


My mum call her car a Ford Kay Ay, thus missing the whole point of the KA/car pun

PenguinsDontEatPancakes · 10/12/2013 18:34


What is wrong with kind regards? it is standard business sign off on emails surely?

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 18:35

Tee That doesn't sound that ungrammatical.

It's when people use yourself instead of "you" that I get the rage.

The call centre people are the worst.
"Can you bear with myself while I look up the details?"
"I'll send yourself a copy in the post."

OP posts:
PenguinsDontEatPancakes · 10/12/2013 18:35

My parents also called the Ka a K A as they said it was confusing with their other car otherwise Hmm . Thank god that they now have a fiesta.

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 18:36

"Kind regards" is fine. KR is odd.

OP posts:
KrabbyPatty · 10/12/2013 18:36

Kind regards is ok, but KR? A bit wanky, surely?

LineRunner · 10/12/2013 18:38

I'm afraid I was also expecting to read about your husband pleasuring himself senseless in the fashion of actual professional wankers estate agents.

NewtRipley · 10/12/2013 18:38
lottiegarbanzo · 10/12/2013 18:39

KR would confuse - I'd think it was either someone with those initials signing on his behalf, or some sort of Knight-based honorific.

NewtRipley · 10/12/2013 18:40



GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 10/12/2013 18:41

I have never seen KR. Not even from an estate agent.


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GoofyIsACow · 10/12/2013 18:46

Eurgh... Yes I have seen KR, just fucking lazy... Although probably better than a typo I once saw 'kind retards' Shock Blush

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 18:46

Very funny link newt

And so odd seeing all those celebs in the audience with their '80s hair and shoulder pads.

OP posts:
PenguinsDontEatPancakes · 10/12/2013 18:46

Yes krabby, KR is wanky. Thought you were objecting to kind regards too. Smile Recently saw BW for best wishes too.Shock

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