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DH has started misusing "myself", like he's an estate agent or works in a call centre. WIBU to LTB?

192 replies

MardyBra · 10/12/2013 17:58

He had very good grammar when I married him in the last century.

It's very embarrassing.

OP posts:
NewtRipley · 13/12/2013 18:07

Another one I hate is the word (beloved of TV programmes ) is "a property" when referring to a house.

PoshPaula · 13/12/2013 13:04

I'm having a good laugh about your post, giraffes. Thank you for this contribution, giraffes.

giraffesCantSledge · 13/12/2013 03:35

My supervisor constantly uses my name - she even does it in reports n our meetings.

Giraffes, we discussed how you felt about x. You said, giraffes, that you felt fine about it. We then discussed how you would cope if you didn't feel fine about it, giraffes. Thank you for meeting with me today giraffes.

ReallyOverThis · 13/12/2013 02:44

There is a classic episode of Friends in which Joey repeatedly misuses air quotes. The joke is of course on Ross who uses them in all seriousness and gets immensely het up about their "abuse".

KeatsiePie · 13/12/2013 01:42

Beast Grin

"What was so hard about teaching people how to use I and me" -- I don't know! It is not that difficult! [muttermutter GIANT SIGH]

And yy to the irony of it. I feel like the me-avoidant misusers have created a little secret society around them though which is sometimes enjoyable -- I always look around the room to see who else is flinching so we can have a silent bond.

Why would anyone say either stroke or slash? Why not just say "or"? You know, the word that exists solely for the purpose of separating two choices?

Littlegreyauditor · 12/12/2013 20:13

Gah. The finger quotations.

A friend of mine once used these to describe her niece as being "quite bright" and "should go far" as if quite bright and should go far were peculiar phrases she had coined herself.

I let it go; this pains me still and it's been five years. We don't speak much any more which may well be for the best.

valiumredhead · 12/12/2013 20:02

If he signed inverted commas I'd have to file for divorceWink

Good job I love him so muchGrin

lottiegarbanzo · 12/12/2013 20:01

Well I can, valium's DH. Whether I want to or not... (unless he's a cat?!)

Though saying 'slash' is worse.

ThreeBeeOneGee · 12/12/2013 19:33

Most people don't name each punctuation mark as they are speaking, although I do know people who feel the need to sign inverted commas with their fingers.

Lazysuzanne · 12/12/2013 19:28

I'm wondering if ' / ' should be counted as punctuation?
We dont say 'yes comma I will be free on Wednesday full stop' now do we Confused

Lazysuzanne · 12/12/2013 19:24

I would say slash rather than stroke, or should one say oblique?

Then again I dont think I've ever felt the need to include that particular keyboard character in conversation.

ThreeBeeOneGee · 12/12/2013 19:21

'Stroke' is better than 'slash'.

"I think we should diarise that for Tuesday slash Wednesday."

NotMeNotYouNotAnyone · 12/12/2013 18:30

As someone who works in a call centre I'm offended. I have better grammar than many of my customers

valiumredhead · 12/12/2013 18:24

My Dh would say 'can you stroke would you stroke could you?' Lottie

LCHammer · 12/12/2013 18:01

That's a good article by JC.

lottiegarbanzo · 12/12/2013 18:01

Oh, I know someone who writes 'please may you do this?' instead of 'please can you / could you / would you?'. It's odd. (Of course I may do it but whether I will or not is another question).

Beastofburden · 12/12/2013 17:57

"As if he were" a estate agent, surely Grin

Someone has probably said this already but it's a long thread...

valiumredhead · 12/12/2013 17:53

My Dh keeps using 'stroke,' it makes me want to do bodily harm. Seriously.

phantomnamechanger · 12/12/2013 17:51

I also hate may I/can I - we had a teacher (about y4 in 1980) who when one boy asked "can I go to the toilet?" once said - "if you mean CAN you, I don't know, you'd need to ask a doctor, but if you mean MAY you, the answer is NO" the boy didn't get it and was, like (sorry!), "huh?" and some of us were POSL!

Lovelybitofsquirrel · 12/12/2013 17:37

Talking of people taking things too far, my current bugbear, as a teacher, is pupils who are taught to say "may I" instead of "can I" and who then think that when asking me (myself?!) to do something for them that they shoud say "may you"! As in, "miss, may you pass me some paper?"!
Makes me twitch!

LineRunner · 12/12/2013 16:21

“my team and me look forward to meeting with yourself next Wednesday”

Fuck off, Clarkson.

Hissy · 12/12/2013 13:56

Proper Grin at this:

people will say "fuck" in front of their bosses before they'll say "me."


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Manchesterhistorygirl · 12/12/2013 13:44

I know how much mn despises clarkson, but this particular article of his is perfect for this thread.

Ladies I give you:

The Sunday Times January 22, 2006

The worst word in the language
Jeremy Clarkson
Wog. Spastic. Queer. N1gger. Dwarf. Cripple. Fatty. Gimp. Paki. Mick. Mong. Poof. Coon. Gyppo. You can’t really use these words any more and yet, strangely, it is perfectly acceptable for those in the travel and hotel industries to pepper their conversation with the word “beverage”.

There are several twee and unnecessary words in the English language. Tasty. Meal. Cuisine. Nourishing. And the biblically awful “gift”. I also have a biological aversion to the use of “home” instead of “house”. So if you were to ask me round to “your home for a nourishing bowl of pasta” I would almost certainly be sick on you.

But the worst word. The worst noise. The screech of Flo-Jo’s fingernails down the biggest blackboard in the world, the squeak of polystyrene on polystyrene, the cry of a baby when you’re hungover, is “beverage”.

Apparently they used to have “bever” days at Eton when extra beer was brought in for the boys. And this almost certainly comes from some obscure Latin expression that only Boris Johnson would understand.

Therein lies the problem. People who work on planes and in hotels have got it into their heads that the word beverage, with its Eton and Latin overtones, is somehow posh and therefore the right word to use when addressing a customer.

Now look. The customer in question is almost certainly a businessman, and the sort of businessmen who take scheduled planes around Europe and stay in business hotels are fairly low down the pecking order. You think they turn their phones on the instant the plane has landed because the Tokyo stock exchange is struggling to manage without them. No. The reason they turn them on so damn fast is to find out if they’ve been sacked.

Honestly, you don’t need to treat them like you’re on the set of Upstairs Downstairs. They do not spend their afternoons cutting the crusts off cucumber sandwiches. And they do not say grace before dinner. They’re called Steve and Dave and you know what they’re doing on their laptops in the departure lounge? Organising a backward hedge merger with GEC? Fraid not. They’re looking at some Hooters Swimsuit pictures from the internet.

For crying out loud, I’m middle class. I went to a school most people would call posh. But if I came home and said to my wife that I wanted a beverage, or asked her to pass the condiments, she’d punch me.

When I travel, I don’t need to be treated like Hyacinth Bucket. I want you to understand I speak like you do and that I’ll understand perfectly if you say there’s a kettle in my room. You don’t have to say there are “tea and coffee making facilities”.

And please, can you stop saying “at all” after every question. Can I take your coat at all? Would you care for lunch at all? Or, this week, on a flight back from Scandinavia, “Another beverage for yourself at all, sir?” What’s the matter with saying “Another drink?” And what’s with all the reflexive pronoun abuse? I’ve written about this before but it’s getting worse. Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same person or thing. Like “I dress myself”. You cannot therefore say “please contact myself”. Because it makes you look like an imbecile.

If you send a letter to a client saying “my team and me look forward to meeting with yourself next Wednesday”, be prepared for some disappointment. Because if I were the client I’d come to your office all right. Then I’d stand on your desk and relieve myself.

I’m not a grammar freak — I can eat, shoot and then take it or leave it — but when someone says “myself” instead of “me” I find it more offensive than if they’d said “spastic wog”.

Before embarking on a sentence, work out first of all what’s the shortest way of saying it, not the longest. There seems to be a general sense that using more words than is strictly necessary is somehow polite. That’s almost certainly why, on another flight the other day, I was offered some “bread items”.

We see this most conspicuously in the catering industry, where I am regularly offered a “choice of both cheddar and brie”. No, wait. I’ve forgotten the pointless adjectives. I should have said a “choice of both flavoursome cheddar and creamy brie”.

“Are you ready to order at all, yourself, sir.” “Yes, I’ll have the hearty winter-warming soup and the nourishing bowl of pasta, topped with the delicious dew-picked tomatoes, thanks. And to follow, if yourself can manage it, a plate of gag-inducing, nostril-assaulting, bacteria-laced Stilton.”

It’s all rubbish. Why is a bowl of pasta more appealing than a plate of pasta? And why not simply say pasta? Because don’t worry, I’ll presume it’ll come on some form of crockery, in the same way that I’ll presume, if you put a kettle in my room, that you might have put some coffee granules in there as well.

I’ll leave you with the best example I know of this nonsense. It was a rack of papers in a hotel foyer over which there was a sign: “Newspapers for your reading pleasure”.

All they had left was The Guardian. So it wasn’t even technically correct.

YoDiggity · 12/12/2013 13:16

It's up there with 'AIBU to think I'm not middle class enough to eat Dorset Cereal?'

YoDiggity · 12/12/2013 13:15

This is one of my best thread titles ever. I like to see thread titles that sum up the madness ethos of MN, and this is one of them.

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