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To go and crawl into a pit of shame and never show my face again?

202 replies

Objection · 08/11/2013 22:01

From the OP who bought you "Girl and Skirt vs Wind and Tesco Window..."

I've just sent a picture of my boobs to my FIL.

I'm not really a flasher-type person (aside from in Tescos, clearly) however my OH likes getting the odd boob snap. I've only ever done it once before.
I'm working away this weekend and OH is pining so I send a quick snap, nothing fancy - just my knockers.

But I haven't sent it to him, have I? Oh no, because that wouldn't be horrifically embarrassing. I instead send it to FIL, similar first name, same surname, text message above OHs.

I can't think of a solution but to go and hide away forever. AIBU just to never see PIL again?

Any ideas how I can salvage this?

OP posts:
thebody · 09/11/2013 11:50

ha ha ha , funny as, my fil would have laughed at this to be honest.

your fil should be pleased you and his son are happily in lust.

FobblyWoof · 09/11/2013 11:55

Ok, at this point I've only read the OP (trust me, I'm going to read the responses) and I honestly don't think you should be allowed to do this by yourself! I'm so Blush and Grin

FobblyWoof · 09/11/2013 12:04

The necklace, the grammar... Dear lord! Grin

DrHolmes, I actually have no words! I would die!

KwaziiCat · 09/11/2013 12:31
DrHolmes · 09/11/2013 12:32

I almost did Fobbly!

Objection · 09/11/2013 13:39

For those who haven't already seen/found it

Link to Girl and Skirt vs Wind and Tescos Window

OP posts:
slothlike · 09/11/2013 14:07

I love threads like this Grin I am always embarrassing myself so they make me feel less alone. I remember the Tesco's Window one as well - amazing! Thanks for sharing OP.

If it makes you feel any better, my MIL walked in on me when I was stark naked once, saw everything. (Was her fault though!)

rockybalboa · 09/11/2013 14:12

Ha! Oh dear. I think this falls into the Never Mention It Ever category.

INeedThatForkOff · 09/11/2013 14:14

Grin Sincerely wish I hadn't opened this thread while sitting in a pokey waiting area while DD is at ballet.

Dubjackeen · 09/11/2013 14:22

This thread made me laugh so much, sorry OP Grin!

nitrox · 09/11/2013 14:36

OMG the Tesco window thread, OP you have made me laugh so much.

Hahahahahahahahaha Grin

sussexmum38 · 09/11/2013 14:46

Thanks for cheering me up. Sorry it doesn't help you other than knowing all the joy you bring to others. Its only your boobs, it could have been something more personal.

salsmum · 09/11/2013 15:01

THANK YOU SO MUCH....I lost my DM on Monday and I'm afraid your lil mishap has had me ROFL other than that I don't really know what to say Sad but thank you for the laughs xxx

ZillionChocolate · 09/11/2013 16:47

Thanks Objection! Carry on being careless!

teaselweasel · 09/11/2013 16:48

Thanks for the Tesco window link,I couldn't find it earlier. Just off to read it. Drholmes, I haven't laughed so much in years. Fortunately or unfortunately, my dear dad died in March this year. One less person to accidentally send dodgy fanjo pics to....

Tuhlulah · 09/11/2013 16:51

I am a miserable cow lately, DH calls me Albert (Camus) because the thinks I am existentially challenged. Oh, Objection, when I worked out who 'FIL' was, I laughed out loud. Sorry for your embarrassment but it did make me laugh!!!!!!

MeAndMySpoon · 10/11/2013 09:27

Shit, this is giving me flashbacks to my own cringemaking PIL / dodgy pics interface. (What, doesn't everyone have one of those?)

I once took (well, ok, got my very game mum to help me take) some sort of burlesque photos of me nekkid from waist up, reclined on the bed, holding a selection of fruits with more draped artistically across my breasts. I then printed them out on a Boots machine (shielding the screen, obviously) and made a little book for my husband entitled 'Fruit'. (Fruit was the 'gift' for that particular wedding anniversary.) The photos remained on my sd card for ages because of some quirk or other (I think they were saved in a folder so kept on forgetting to delete them) and during a visit to PIL, they asked if they could load the photos of the DSs from my card onto their machine. I wandered into the study as my PIL was doing this. He was really twitchy and awkward and said he had changed his mind and could I just put them on a CD for him. I kept on saying 'no no, really, it's no bother, just copy entire card' and he was saying frantically 'NO , just copy a CD for me'. It wasn't until we went home that I realised what must have happened. Blush

MissBetseyTrotwood · 10/11/2013 09:34


You are all much racier than me.

fifi669 · 10/11/2013 09:44
SmilesandSunshine · 11/11/2013 10:29
gamerchick · 11/11/2013 10:36

Christ.. I wish those curtain wipers who take stuff off here to print elsewhere would go stand on a plug or something.

SmilesandSunshine · 11/11/2013 10:39

It's an open forum, once it's on here it's in the public domain I think ?


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gamerchick · 11/11/2013 10:42

Doesn't mean it's not tiresum.

TheHeadlessLadyofCannock · 11/11/2013 10:50


Sorry, not constructive. But I snorted at you correcting his grammar that's exactly the kind of thing I would do

He sounds like a class act, by the way, going by his response.

WilsonFrickett · 11/11/2013 11:02

I loved your work before OP, I love it still. Especially the grammar corrections.

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