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To think that is someone is on holiday and updating facebook every 10 mins saying what a great time they are having, that they are really not having a great time at all!

199 replies

PartyFops · 07/09/2013 21:06

A friend of mine is on holiday and yes maybe i'm a bit jealous but she has put 15 facebook updates on today alone, and she is only one day 2.

My best holidays have been when I have not felt the need to even look at my phone or ipad!

OP posts:
cardibach · 08/09/2013 16:16

I put loads of pics on instagram and did several fb updates on my holiday this year as I'd taken another person's child with me (as well as my own, obviously) and it was a free way to let her parents know where we were/what she was up to.
I like seeing holiday pics on fb. I'm happy people are enjoying themselves and it saves looking at every one with them when they get back!

kaosak · 08/09/2013 16:47

I love everybody's photos, miserable buggers who moan about it. It's not as though it takes more than a nanosecond to flip over them if you don't want to look.

Like Hulababy, I love taking photos, I take my big SLR with me to most places and will upload later in the day. Most of them obviously don't make it on to FB but if I go to say Sissinghurst or somewhere I will put up a photo album of boring lovely photos of flowers. Hardly going to kill anyone to skip over them is it?

As someone else said upthread, FB wouldn't exist if people didn't put random stuff up and we all have different interests so it will be varied.

PartyFops · 08/09/2013 21:06

It's not the photos so much as the "oh well I shall just have to sit here and drink my piña colada". And then " Such a hard life" together with a selfie by the pool.

I love how some people take these Aibu threads so seriously Grin.

OP posts:
Snoopingforsoup · 08/09/2013 21:38

PartyFops, post your comments on your profile then send me a friend request please.

PartyFops · 08/09/2013 21:51

A perfect example snooping such passive aggression.

Do people really think that when they post a thread like this that they are really angry and not just up for a bit of discussion and some banter.

OP posts:
ShakeAndVac · 08/09/2013 23:30

If you've got a swanky phone that you know, does stuff, (I don't, mine doesn't even connect to the internet but DH does) seriously it takes literally SECONDS to update your status.
So if she's updating her status while supping pina coladas on the beach and wiggling her toes in the sunshine under the shade of a waving palm tree, then so what?
It's not her fault you feel put out/jealous/ whatever when seeing said status.
Facebook is a life sharing tool. Puts you in contact with others, and lets them see what's going on in your life at that moment in time.
If she's in Club el Paradiso then that's what she's doing now and sharing it.
If you don't like her updates, hide her.

PaulSmenis · 08/09/2013 23:38

Don't you know people who say to put your holiday snaps on Facebook so they can have a look though?

I like having a nose at what people are up to.

ShakeAndVac · 09/09/2013 00:35

I like having a nose at what people are up to.

Me too. Grin I don't even care if people post their Sunday lunch or their swanky omelette they had their breakfast up there.
The more pointless updates the better. I'm a nosey cah and proud Grin
Although if you're going to post Jeremy Kyle passive aggressive slanging matches up there, at least give me time to run our for popcorn before you kick off and then delete it. Grin

mrsjay · 09/09/2013 08:43

I love looking at photies of holidays I have a friend who is in Africa atm I could never ever afford Africa I am reallyjealousenjoying seeing her updates and a few photos .

Trills · 09/09/2013 08:46

15 in a day is not exactly "every 10 minutes" is it? By day 3 or 4 she'll have run out of new things to take pictures of (here's DS in the pool, here's DD with a giant icecream, etc)

I'm sure some posters had parents who took lots of pictures on holiday in the 60s and 70s. Were they not enjoying their holiday?

They just didn't have the option of the instant gratification of being able to see how the picture had turned out, show it to someone and have the say "well jel".

everlong · 09/09/2013 08:54

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pictish · 09/09/2013 09:02

Oh good God - I get so weary of the moaning about facebook.

"Don't put baby photos up - you might upset people without babies.
Don't put status updates up when it's not exciting - people will think you're boring
Don't put status updates up when it's exciting - people will think you're bragging
Don't put more than one status up a day - people will think you're obsessed with facebook
Don't share anything you think is funny/insightful/clever - people will think you're like farming
Don't put anything up thats in anyway personal - people will think you're attention seeking"

It is ridiculous the way people whinge on about facebook. It is an instant social network. That is what it is. It is for sharing whatever is going on in your life NOW. If you cannot handle other people's posts on there without being jealous and resentful scornful, then facebook is not for you ok?

Of course, I have the odd person who is a bit tedious on there, but I can scroll past and not give a shiney shit, so that's what I do. I am not forced to partake.
And this idea that some peeps comfort themselves with - that if someone is updating from holiday or a night out, they can't really be having a good time....sorry to disillusion you, but you can have fun AND share it on social media in the blink of an eye these days.

If facebook makes you feel sour, that's your problem. Don't make it anyone else's.

mrsjay · 09/09/2013 09:02

yes you did ever were you bored dearie were you not enjoying your lovely sunny holiday you poor love Grin

PaulSmenis · 09/09/2013 09:07

As I'm only friends with people on F/book who I actually like, it's nice to see holiday snaps, see pictures of their dinner and know what they're up to. Sometimes I feel a bit Envy, but never in a bitter or unhealthy way.

pictish · 09/09/2013 09:12

I'm saying all that mind you, and I have never posted from holiday or on a night out. This is because I can't be bothered fiddling with my phone.

mrsjay · 09/09/2013 09:14

oh yes I get envious but not in that way of who do they think they are way, My friend went away spain I think and her room wasn't right so they got an upgrade to a room with an jacuzi and seaviews i am sure I choked on my envy Grin

Bumpotato · 09/09/2013 09:17

We holidayed in Scotland (we live in Scotland too). I posted lots of pictures as we did loads every day and shock, horror, the weather was fabulous the whole fortnight. I've trailed my kids away most years on foreign holidays and off to Disneyland Paris then Orlando when they were a bit older....and they say their last holiday was their best yet. I wanted to share on my FB. A couple of pals asked me on FB to keep the pics coming, so I hope I wasn't getting on anyone's tits. If I was there's always the hide button.

kaosak · 09/09/2013 10:06

Bumpotato I would have loved your photos! I just love seeing my friend's on holiday, I go off into a little daydream then which is delicious!

everlong · 09/09/2013 10:11

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mrsjay · 09/09/2013 10:14

I remember your free wifi you were very excited about it Grin

Snoopingforsoup · 09/09/2013 18:06

PartyFops As you're venting your contempt here, I'd say you are actually the one being passive aggressive.

My comment was a direct point. You're complaining in the wrong place, do it on FB where people will know just how you feel about their posts.

Or hide the offenders.

shockers · 09/09/2013 18:16

In the past, people would have shared with postcards!


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everlong · 09/09/2013 18:29

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AmpullaOfVater · 09/09/2013 19:56

I don't get it either, OP. I have never felt the need to involve my FB friends in my holidays. If anyone cares I will send them pictures via email. But no one has ever asked!

One of the best things about holiday is taking a break from technology. I don't login to FB or send a single email. Bliss. I do on the other hand send LOTS of boasty postcards!

makemineamalibuandpineapple · 09/09/2013 20:44

Also, the ones that say "x is having a fab time at the pub with y". Well if it's that great then how have you got time post boast about it.

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