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To think that is someone is on holiday and updating facebook every 10 mins saying what a great time they are having, that they are really not having a great time at all!

199 replies

PartyFops · 07/09/2013 21:06

A friend of mine is on holiday and yes maybe i'm a bit jealous but she has put 15 facebook updates on today alone, and she is only one day 2.

My best holidays have been when I have not felt the need to even look at my phone or ipad!

OP posts:
daisychain01 · 08/09/2013 05:07

"Feeling blessed in the bread aisle"

LtEveDallas · 08/09/2013 06:27

The wifi at this years holiday destination was v bloody expensive, so I didn't use it, but if it hadn't have been I would have been on FB and MN loads. I had so much free time that I don't know what to do with it. I read 7 books in 14 days, that's more than the previous year

Bloody fantastic holiday Grin

KatyPutTheCuttleOn · 08/09/2013 07:20

Personally I can't see the point, it's too easy to put holiday stuff all over FB and publicize the fact that your house is empty.

SubliminalMassaging · 08/09/2013 07:26

God how tedious. The occasional update is fine, like maybe three or four times in the course of the holiday but even a daily update is a bit much, unless you are genuinely doing something fascinating and new every day. Updates on anything several times a day is the sign of a total sad act, whether you are on holiday or not.

Some people really do have an addiction to social media and an addiction the informing the world of their every movement which borders on the unhinged.

And yes, it does matter.

SubliminalMassaging · 08/09/2013 07:27

to informing, not the

SubliminalMassaging · 08/09/2013 07:28

I love seeing friends photos and updates as well, but by God there are limits, aren't there? Hmm

SubliminalMassaging · 08/09/2013 07:32

I don't mind people posting on MN on holiday - I do that too. That's different. It's not all about you, you, you and you are interacting with people rather than just bombarding everyone you know with endless banal info. Like what your breakfast in the hotel looks like, or whatever.

A few updates is fine, all good. It's these obsessive nutters that post drivel that get to me. Luckily I don't know many.

Redpipe · 08/09/2013 07:57

I love seeing holiday photos and updates. Makes me sigh and smile.

acer12 · 08/09/2013 09:21

I love seeing what hotels are like and if my friends are loving it!

If it pisses you of so much block their newsfeed.
Intact delete every one on your friends list so you will only see your posts Grin

BitOfAFatCowReally · 08/09/2013 09:27

I like to see that my friends are having a good time. Everyone uses FB in different ways and it's extremely easy to hide someone's updates from your news feed.

FreudiansSlipper · 08/09/2013 09:38

Not sure why people think othes are so interested seems so self absorbed thankfully my friends are not like this you may get one or two updates

I can not understand the whole sharing your life on fb what happened to meeting up and having a conversation with friends isn't that enough

Pagwatch · 08/09/2013 09:40

What if you can't do that very often?
What if your updates are primarily for family spread far and wide?

Isn't thinking that everyone must behave as you do a tad self absorbed?

teacherandguideleader · 08/09/2013 09:42

I don't understand the whole 'if you don't like the person's updates, you can't like the person' thing. I have a couple of very good friends whose facebook irritates the crap out of me.

One such friend (who I am quite close to) is always posting photos of her and her family on happy days out. I'm not sure who she was trying to convince - I'd spend all week listening to her talk about her unhappy marriage (I didn't mind) and about the other man she was thinking of leaving her husband for and then all weekend watching photos appear of all the fun her and her husband were having. I knew she was desperately unhappy.

When I go on holiday, my phone stays in the safe all day. DP and I barely see each other, while we are away we like to spend time away from phones etc. I take lots of photos but I select a few to upload when I'm home. I usually check facebook once a day while I'm away when DP is in the shower.

Pagwatch · 08/09/2013 09:46

I don't think 'if you don't like the updates then you don't like the person'

I do think if you are complaining about the updates, suggesting that the person is dull, showing off, self absorbed and mock them, then you probably don't really like them

Birdsgottafly · 08/09/2013 09:52

My DD has just come back from the Dominican, we (people who are happy for her) all wanted pics, as said, whilst she was having some down time, she updated us, via FB, she doesn't read, so social media is how she fills time gaps in.

When she got there she Face-timed a few people to show us the hotel. I couldn't afford to stay were they are, it was nice to see everything.

For every person who is jealous and resentful of them using FB in this manner, there is someone else who is wants status updates and pics.

One of my DD's friends are leaving for the airport on their first abroad family holiday, we all want to share her 5 year old's excitement.

Some of you are joyless fuckers.

mrsjay · 08/09/2013 09:53

Some of you are joyless fuckers.

This made me laugh you are right though I hope your dd enjoyed her holiday,

Pagwatch · 08/09/2013 09:54
Birdsgottafly · 08/09/2013 09:54

Also if FB manages to irritate and annoy you to that extent, you need to work on yourself, there is something not right.

FreudiansSlipper · 08/09/2013 09:55

The only people I know on my fb who do update constantly are my young cousins, they are at that age I would have done the same at 18

My older friends don't apart from one and she is self absorbed she knows it I know it I love her very much I just prefer to hear about what she is up to when I meet up with her she will often ask did ou see my fb blah blah and I usually reply yep I sat around waiting for every update we laugh about it you can still like someone and find them annoying at times

saythatagain · 08/09/2013 09:56

I like seeing friends' pictures but then I'm not a jealous person.
However, I know I live a boring and mundane life and feel no need to share that.
Plus the fact that I don't use FB may also be a reason.

soverylucky · 08/09/2013 10:01

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TigerseyeMum · 08/09/2013 10:02

I get fed up of some people complaining that I update too frequently. They like to imply that I am not busy, or need to do more 'real life' things.

In fact, I often post more frequently when I am busy. Mainly because, I take short but more frequent breaks with very little time to do anything much so bob on and chat a bit, post something, read stuff, then get back to what I was doing.

It's my Facebook, I can use it how I like. Mh usual response is, if you don't want to read it, feel free to hide or unfriendly me. I won't be offended.

What I realised is that a few bump ties had accidentally put the automatic alert function on and couldn't work out how to turn it off. So anytime anyone posted anything on their timeline they got an alert!

It's social media. It's not compulsory. You can't force people to use it the same way you do. I post random bits because I know people scattered far and wide and we use it to keep up. If people don't like it, unfriendly, hide or log off!


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Pagwatch · 08/09/2013 10:02

I post on Facebook about once a fortnight. I have a small number of FB friends.
I have friends who almost never post and some who update when they ave washed their car. It's part of their personality. If they post stuff I don't want to see I just hide it.

If people were only Facebook friends with friends/family they really like then half the moaning about FB would disappear.

FreudiansSlipper · 08/09/2013 10:03

and keep in touch using Skype

I do not put photos up of ds on fb but email them. Have lot of family abroad and 2 of my best friends Skype is great and far more personal

I just do not get the constant updates, I like to see others having a good time am interested is where they go but not what they have had for breakfast, lunch and dinner

TigerseyeMum · 08/09/2013 10:03

Bump ties means numpties, in case you weren't sure of that particular autocorrect!

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