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To think that is someone is on holiday and updating facebook every 10 mins saying what a great time they are having, that they are really not having a great time at all!

199 replies

PartyFops · 07/09/2013 21:06

A friend of mine is on holiday and yes maybe i'm a bit jealous but she has put 15 facebook updates on today alone, and she is only one day 2.

My best holidays have been when I have not felt the need to even look at my phone or ipad!

OP posts:
Fabulousleonora · 07/09/2013 23:16

I think pretty much everyone is right! Some people are definitely boasting; but some people are sharing - beautiful places, lovely smiles, gorgeous views. I've realised it very much depends on my feelings/relationship with that person, i.e if I really like/love them, and care about them, I love seeing their pics and reading their posts. If I already find them a bit irritating in some way (doesn't mean they are not friends), I might be slightly less delighted to see yet more pictures of another fabulous holiday (how many this year??). 'Boast book' - lol.

sweetiepie1979 · 07/09/2013 23:16

Oh God I hate it when people take a picture of their food or wine! I just think you total loser. Savour it enjoy it take a picture for yourself but get over it. It's so vulgar to share every little thing

kansasmum · 07/09/2013 23:17

We went on holiday with friends this summer- she spent the whole time glued to her phone doing constant Facebook updates!! She uploaded so any pics via her phone, no-one else could ever get online(wifi in villa)!
Luckily the rest of us were busy having too much fun to post constant updates!

Lazyjaney · 07/09/2013 23:18

If she was having some a great time Facebook wouldn't cross her mind

True dat.

Facebook is for the Official Holiday Communique :)

WhereHasSheGone · 07/09/2013 23:19

Hello KaoSak

When I am enjoying something or on holiday Facebook never crosses my mind. I am not a person who reports everything to Facebook 'I've just come home from shopping' - 'I'm going to bed now' - 'My husband just said it loves me' Hmm

I'd rather tell people something in person other than write it all over Facebook, but hey we are all different Grin

sweetiepie1979 · 07/09/2013 23:23

No I don't think your in the moment if your updating because you have to get your phone out etc etc your out of it if you start taking pictures and updating

BIWI · 07/09/2013 23:25

My phone is always out though! Grin

We're all different, obviously. What some people like/want to do/feel it is natural to do, others don't like.

If you have friends on FB who post stuff you don't like or are jealous of, then just unfriend them.

usualsuspect · 07/09/2013 23:25

I think.You should delete her for her sake,I wouldn't want someone like you on my FB.

VaultFullOfTwizzlers · 07/09/2013 23:31

Me neither, usual.

sweetiepie1979 · 07/09/2013 23:31

I agree delete her but tell her why I told my friend that I didn't need to know she was having another cup of tea and deleted her she knew we used Facebook in different ways so we just laugh it off different strokes for different folks. She's been my best friend since we were

sweetiepie1979 · 07/09/2013 23:32

Sorry...... 16 now we are in our 30s

BIWI · 07/09/2013 23:36

You see, that's the thing. I love to see what my friends are up to. Especially as many of my FB friends are people who live all over the world, who I very rarely see.

I can't see why I wouldn't be interested in what they are up to, or why I wouldn't like to share their enjoyment of their holidays. Why is that so awful that you would actually want to block them? Unless you're jealous of them, of course

usualsuspect · 07/09/2013 23:41

I love seeing holiday photos and updates.

I only have people I like on my FB though.

Unlike the OP.

mimitwo · 07/09/2013 23:44

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

sweetiepie1979 · 07/09/2013 23:55

But the OP does like this person they are friends! I enjoy seeing people's photos and happy Times but the mundane things and constant updates I find boring. It depends on the kind of person you are I'm quite private and I don't really want people to know what I'm doing everyday or despite the lovely food we might have on Saturday evening I would just never think to take a picture and show everyone! I think that would be boastful and showy. But I also realise that some of
my friends that do do it are not been either if those thin:gs they just do it for some reason. But actually it's. my problem that their posts sort of embarass me.... . delete your friend but tell her why it's not a big deal

usualsuspect · 08/09/2013 00:03

So you would delete someone and tell them you deleted them because their FB updates were boring?


Buzzardbird · 08/09/2013 00:29

Well it wasn't really every 10 mins was it? That would be several hundred posts a day.
Some people use Fb as a kind of modern day diary, it is no different to the Victorians who would get pen and paper (and sometimes paints) out to record their experiences. I like to 'check in' to restaurants so that I can remember the name in order to write a review after I have sampled the local wine and might forget.
If you don't like it you can delete, its nowhere near as annoying as some updates and 'like farming' you see on fb.

sweetiepie1979 · 08/09/2013 00:30

What's farming?

giraffescantdanceallnight · 08/09/2013 00:35

Same about a night out. Pics of every drink. Pics of people with drink. Cheesy line about friends. Pics of friends doing duck face.

Seriously! Live in the moment a wee bit

WafflyVersatile · 08/09/2013 00:42

Everyone has a bit of down time on holiday. Resting up in the hotel room between sightseeing and dinner, writing postcards, flicking through a phrasebook on the bog, and posting on facebook.

Buzzardbird · 08/09/2013 01:41

'like farming' is those tedious posts that you get saying "like/share this if you hate cancer/love your dcs" etc. Or "how many 'likes' for this poor unsuspecting child with disability who had no idea they were going to be plastered all over the internet"
Its a marketing scam that people (even after being told) don't seem to be able to comprehend.

MariaLuna · 08/09/2013 02:05

I notice a lot of (young) people while travelling (Bali!) have their eyes stuck on their smart phone while totally missing what's going on around them... people watching, stunning scenery, chatting to other travellers/locals....

Is it a substitute for engaging in real life? Shyness?

It would be cheaper to stay and do it in the local park!


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Moistenedbint1 · 08/09/2013 02:05

Pictures of her daily routine, going to Tesco, wouldn't be half so interesting though, would they?

Oh I dunno, given the ubiquitous, somewhat incessant nature of beach shots, palm trees, sunrises, it would be a refreshing change to see an artistically taken shot of a Tesco's trolly. Somewhat more unique.

And a more honest reflection of that individuals life too..

But then again, its human nature - to want to give others a sanitized yet glamorized impression of their mundane lives.

MusicalEndorphins · 08/09/2013 02:22

I love seeing friends and familes photo's. I was disappointed when my ds and his gf recently were on vacation and saved most pictures for when they got home.
What I don't care for are a million selfies, that, to me anyways, seems awfully vain. You know when there are dozens of them. Someone I know is bad for that, even pics with her dc she is staring into the camera and just using the dc as an accessory.

glastocat · 08/09/2013 02:24

You sound a bit jealous. I love seeing friends holiday photos on Facebook, I have friends all over the world that I don't see often so it's interesting to see them having fun in exotic places. I love getting postcards too, but it seems no one sends them any more. It's not like it takes an age to upload something to fb after all, it only takes a few seconds.

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