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I don't believe a word of it lately.

195 replies

Reality · 20/08/2013 18:51

Yup, this again.

I KNOW It's because it's the holidays, mostly, but fuckeroo it's a pile of toss here lately.

Between the wank trolls and the drama llamas, the wannabe novelists and the nasty goading returned bannees, it's Not As Much Fun as usual.

I'm reprting threads (which then get deleted, ah the validation) left right and centre and it's getting a bit boring now.

If you're being a troll, just up your game, eh? You're not clever, you're not even funny, you;re not even really annoying. Just dull and repetitive and obvious.

Either do it better or bore the fuck off.

Ta very much.

OP posts:
MrsKoala · 20/08/2013 20:24

okay - i defo seem to be missing all the excitement. The most thrilling i've read is about a neighbour using someone elses drainpipe Confused

roundtable · 20/08/2013 20:26

Reality - don't know if this classes as giving a clue, mnhq is welcome to delete if they think so but I felt a series of threads was leading up to a rape. I may have been very wrong, I really hope I am. Not sure of who you mean but I wonder if anyone felt the same. I just felt that I needed to report it before vulnerable people were really affected.

Funny trolls are fun, those emotional vampires are damaging. I think they do it as they don't have to face the damage they do but can get the thrill they don't get in rl. Sad, very sad.

HepsibarCrinkletoes · 20/08/2013 20:28

Oh and yes to a favourite MNer thread please. My favourite one this week will be Reality just for the record, as I'll be eating her food, drinking her booze and dingdinging her DH for drinks while her DD takes charge of mine. What is not to favour with that set up?

Mintyy · 20/08/2013 20:28

"I must start eating properly next week"

Oh God, more raw egg yolks on toast.

HepsibarCrinkletoes · 20/08/2013 20:29

Roundtable - spot on.

MrsKoala · 20/08/2013 20:30

oh no Roundtable - that sounds horrible. I didn't read anything like that i don't think.

I'm in a different time zone so you are all probably drunk by my mid morning Grin so i miss a lot.

Mintyy · 20/08/2013 20:30

I've been a bit part-time online lately. Its the usual holiday bollocks I take it?

Reality · 20/08/2013 20:31

D'oh, I just tried to pm you, Roundtable, and reported you instead.

Have pmed younow, I think.

Anyway, speculation and trollhunting is NOT what this trhead is about.

OP posts:
HepsibarCrinkletoes · 20/08/2013 20:31

Zackly right Mintyy?

Reality · 20/08/2013 20:32

at favourite MNer.

I must get my head in the game about having guests at the weekend. At the moment I can offer some out of date beer and leftover curry. Must go to the shops.

OP posts:
JulieMumsnet · 20/08/2013 20:35

We really love it when we get reports about things that you're worried about, it's the little button next to 'Message poster'.


ArtexMonkey · 20/08/2013 20:36

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Reality · 20/08/2013 20:36

I've been reporting like a demon, Julie.

Even by accident when I'm trying to gossip and watch tv at the same time Blush

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ArtexMonkey · 20/08/2013 20:37

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ArtexMonkey · 20/08/2013 20:39

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Reality · 20/08/2013 20:40

Hehe, Julie's just thanked me for tipping her off. I've basically narced on my own gossipy thread.


OP posts:
Reality · 20/08/2013 20:40
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TeaAndABiscuit · 20/08/2013 20:48

I've read MN for years and I'm a very occasional poster in other sections usually for specific issues and will occasionally chip in on other people's threads. I read AIBU every so often and have a chuckle and don't take it seriously but very rarely post. I started my own (genuine) thread the other day and was expecting some disagreement as that's what you sign up to with AIBU but was on the of receiving end of someone being an absolute arse. If there is an assumption that if you don't know someone's username then they're a full 'o shite troll you do kind of think 'why bother' and toddle off.

Libertine73 · 20/08/2013 20:51

Hold on, hold on ...out of date beer??

ArtexMonkey · 20/08/2013 20:51

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Reality · 20/08/2013 20:53

LIbertine, DH found it in the shed. A whole crate, I think it was left over from my birthday party. In December.

I didn't even know leftover alcohol was a thing, let alone forgotten alcohol.


OP posts:
HepsibarCrinkletoes · 20/08/2013 21:10

Out of date beer? FFS sort it out woman.


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BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 20/08/2013 21:12

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Reality · 20/08/2013 21:13

In date beer! There's posh Envy.

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BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 20/08/2013 21:14

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