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To be getting really fed up of my MIL's interference

108 replies

arabesque · 18/08/2013 17:20

She seems to think that because she only lives ten minutes away she can just pop in to see them every week, only giving us a couple of day's notice that she'd 'like to come over and see the children for a few minutes if that's ok?'.
She's also suggested several times that me and DH should go out for a meal and she will babysit - as if I'd agree to a mad idea like that.
Last year, when I had DC3, I arrived home from hospital to discover that she'd hoovered the house and left a casserole and a shepherd's pie in the fridge. I felt totally invaded and just burst into tears.

AIBU to consider sending her an email explaining that they're our children and really have nothing whatsoever to do with her; and that if I need a babysitter I will, of course, be asking my own mother and not some random paternal grandmother?

OP posts:
Serialdrinker · 19/08/2013 22:50

Chunder see my previous post- these Mil's need to get to grips with their place. Seriously you'd think some of them were trying to fit in with their Dil's. it's like they were the DH'a mums or something. Weirdos.

MintyChops · 19/08/2013 22:59

Thanks yoni, I really need to po

MintyChops · 19/08/2013 23:02

Thanks yoni, I really need to point out that the bathing/bedtime stories/staying in every Saturday night are MY special things and that I want to do every single one of them. FFS DS1 is only 4, I need to bond with him....

Wiffy you are soooooooo lucky with your MIL. Such clear boundaries.

MintyChops · 19/08/2013 23:03

Oh! Strange premature post cut off at unfortunate point!!!

chickieno1 · 20/08/2013 04:30


MidniteScribbler · 20/08/2013 04:41

My bitch of an aunt brought my son books the other day. Books!! I can't believe she thought that she had any right to do that. And she then has the cheek to sit and read them to him.

And to make matters worse, this morning she actually told me to stay in my nice warm bed and she would go out in the freezing cold frosty morning to take him to daycare and that I should relax and enjoy my holiday sleep in while I got the chance.

Then, when I finally dragged myself out of bed at an unreasonable time of the day, I discover that she's done all the washing up. All of it!

How bloody dare she!!!! I think I need to call a nursing home and get her admitted as soon as possible. I just can't live like this!

Allalonenow · 20/08/2013 05:17

It isn't only we MILs who are hard work, sometimes a DIL can overstep the boundaries too.
My DIL makes me delicious cakes, or gives me little treats to cheer me up. How controlling is that?!

Stinkyminkymoo · 20/08/2013 08:04

Argh! Tell me about it! My mil is just the end! She comes over with the gardener and completely rips out shrubs and trees and then lays down turf - just to make our lawn bigger! She'll send a chap round to trim the hedges or cut back all the weeds.

If we want to go out she'll come over and baby sit dd, yet when we get home the dishwasher is empty and the baby is completely asleep! Inconsiderate!

She totally ruined dd's 1st birthday by bringing a roasted piece of beef as she knew I couldn't afford it on top of everything else and people raved about it, to rub it all in she bought another piece over for me & dh to have as 'she didn't think we got any'.

She's ruined my life!

Sister77 · 20/08/2013 09:12

Yeah my mil is a right number! She's only gone and died! How rude! She knew I was relying on her for childcare, she knew that I let her spend time with me, I let her cook and clean for me! I even lived with her! How very DARE she leave me!

Elesbe · 20/08/2013 09:21

love this.Grin

RiffyWammal · 20/08/2013 10:02

Sister, I think it's time you went no contact. Don't visit the grave, destroy all photographs of her, ban your DH and DCs from mentioning her name. It's the only way you'll escape her manipulative emotional abuse.

Calabria · 20/08/2013 11:29

All my in-laws are interfering. While we were on holiday with them recently they had the cheek to take DD to the beach several times and buy her ice creams. Her aunt even took her out in the early evening for pancakes and refused to let me pay!

One of her little cousins just wouldn't leave her alone. Kept holding her hand while walking in the street. FFS he's nearly two, he doesn't need to hold the hand of a nine year old.

MIL even had the nerve to buy me a new top that I admired. And FIL paid for the whole holiday.

And MIL totally took over when the other DIL had to leave early to go back to work so that BIL couldn't look after their twin toddlers all by himself.


madamginger · 20/08/2013 11:45

My MIL is the worst of all, she steals my kids of me when I'm at work feeds them does bath time.
She even has the cheek to take the day off work to look after them when I had the most horrendous headache so I could go back to bed.
Fucking bitch

Hopasholic · 20/08/2013 11:54

If my mum empties MY dishwasher ONE more time while she's looking after MY kids when I'm at work or brings me ANOTHER home made pie, I'm gonna knock her over the head with a frying pan Angry

Don't get me started on the ironing.....

ladymalfoy · 20/08/2013 12:25

My PIL have offered to buy our long awaited DC the pram/pushchair. And this after she quietly took me aside and asked how I was. Of course that was a veiled allusion to knowing how long we've been trying and remembering my mc. And being all empathetic because she had 13 mcs before my DH arrived. I mean.... Does she think I want her lovely quiet support and marmalade ? Marmalade ? It's not like its the best in the world and bump loves it. Christ on a bike she's just too fucking thoughtful and nice.
I'm just girding my loins for a visit to theirs this weekend where I know my FIL will insist on ensuring I have the best and comfiest sun lounger and make sure my favourite hot sauce is on the table for lunch AND breakfast.
AND to add insult to all these bloody injuries my MIL will make her delicious home made sausage rolls and chocolate cake just for me.
Fuck me I need a lie down now I've had to think about the indignities I'll have to suffer this weekend.
I'll need you all to be here for me. ThanksThanks TIA

vintageclock · 20/08/2013 12:58

My MIL is such an attention seeker.

Last Christmas DH insisted we invited her to our house because FIL had just died and she has no other family. It was very selfish of him because we always have loads of my family over on Christmas day and could do without an extra person. But I'm a bit of a softie so I said okay, but there wouldn't be room for another person at the dining table so she'd have to eat her Christmas dinner by herself in the kitchen. But DH said she wouldn't like that and would feel 'excluded'. So we all ended up totally squashed around the table so that this selfish woman could be happy.

WIBU to suggest we skype her this Christmas and all toast her a Happy Christmas as she sits in front of the telly with her cat eating a turkey sandwich?

chickensandbees · 20/08/2013 13:05

My MIL had the audacity to buy all of DDs first school uniform after checking with me that she wasn't "treading on my toes". Shes's always buying clothes for the kids as well as looking after them 1 day a week since DD1 was 6 months old (even went reduced her hours and went PT so she could have DD whilst I went to work!!). She insisted on having DD during my maternity leave so I could have some time alone with DD2.

The cow!!

twistedtoffee · 20/08/2013 13:08

I definitely win the prize for most annoying MIL.

Last Summer she asked her if we would like to use her car while she was on holidays. I mean, why should we take care of her bloody porsche while she's off sunning herself in Marbella. Then she sent us a postcard saying the weather was gorgeous and she was having a great time. Talk about rubbing our noses in it.

Then a few months ago she died and left us her mansion, her fortune and a load of shares. You would not believe the hassle it has been getting her will probated so we could get our hands on everything. We have 3 dc so are very very busy. You would think she would have probated her will herself, before she died. But that would have been thoughtful and considerate. Two words that were not part of my late MIL's vocabulary.

WallaceWindsock · 20/08/2013 13:11

I love the posters missing the humour on this thread! Grin

twistedtoffee · 20/08/2013 13:15

I know Wallace. Just illustrates how OTT some of the genuine MIL threads are.

TheProsAndConsOfHitchhiking · 20/08/2013 13:18

Brilliant! Grin

FitzgeraldProtagonist · 20/08/2013 13:19

GOD I am so pleased you get it. Mine lives in the next street. But darn her, she never offers unsolicited advice, never pops round, is always cheerful (trying to PA me I'm sure), takes my son (her DSGS) to water the plants and gives him bloody biscuits, is humourous (showing me up as joyless no doubt) buys her DSGSs birthday presents that are not only age appropriate and fun but not annoying, NEVER EVER INTERFERES, only hangs around when invited to. AND gives us lifts to nearby restaurants so we don't have to waste money on taxis (CONTROLLING). OH and the one time she did call this house on the phone she had the cheek to apologise for disturbing us as she had found some pririton her son MY DP had just asked her for. Passive aggressively commenting on my inability to look after MY family. I mean, she really needs to learn how to let go. I'm the matriarch now!

DO not even get me started on SIL> as well as having bloody fixed me up with DP, working downstairs from me, being one of my closest friends who always calls to check how I am-CHUH, I actually bloody like her. Cowbag.


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NayFindus · 20/08/2013 14:07

Oh you can have mine op. She is sooo thoughtful. She tells everyone at birthdays/Christmas not to get anyone elses kids anything because they have so much already and they won't appreciate it anyway, and that we're embarrassing ourselves because they don't do things like that in her family. And you don't get anything for the grow ups, no not even if they have cancer, because she sent flowers to them from all of us. And it's disgusting them asking for money for charity - you don't ask for money.

She's so good with dd too. When dd had that phase where she bawled her eyes out about visiting Nana, and I (shit stirring of course Hmm) said well you don't have to go, she shot right back 'Yes I do. Mummy doesn't want me', and she was only 2.

Bless. Lovely MIL going to such lengths just so I can have some relaxing downtime. Ain't she sweeeeeet?

MintyChops · 20/08/2013 15:31

Twisted, I just can't BELIEVE your MIL didn't probate herself before she died. Utterly, shockingly selfish. You poor thing. Here, have some Flowers.

LadyClariceCannockMonty · 20/08/2013 15:38

Grin at 'Fucking slag'

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