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To not like the sudden increase in hun-ing on here?

185 replies

ForgetfulNameChanger · 31/07/2013 22:44

I love mumsnet for the fact it isn't all huggy huggy kiss kiss hun babez x x x rant over end of!

But I'm seeing it slowly creeping in and I'm not liking it.


OP posts:
MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 20:50

Oh! Downstairs! I can actually cope with hun, and fake royalty DCs, but the...

"Hope I helped!! xxxxxx" [fake smile]

Ugh. Okay, maybe the smile isn't fake, but it sounds it. Stop being so needy, huns. If you want to help, pass out the Brew and Biscuits or something.

Hope I helped!

MamaChubbyLegs xxxxxxxxx

Bear My little prince is 18 weeks and 3 days!! Bear

FridaKarlov · 01/08/2013 20:50

Babydance :( I mean.... WHY? Are they infants?! Why can't they just say "we had sex."?

MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 20:51

Pom bears because the bleeding crowns didnt work Sad

MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 20:53

I hate babydance. What kind of grown woman can't describe a good shag in the words invented for it?

Women who only shag to make babies, that's who Angry

Ethlinn · 01/08/2013 20:59

Babydance Grin
That has made my evening, thank you!

burberryqueen · 01/08/2013 21:11

makes me want to vomit in my mouth as much as Hun, babes, chick etc etc
umm could i just ask - about this saying "vomit in my mouth" - is there any other body orifice in which you could vomit?

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 21:22

Look up twee if you don't understand it Hun.if it isn't to high floutin for you
Twee is the affectation of pretending one is hostess at a buffet,the gushing hostie
never see them on offer

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 21:26

I'm sorry, I still don't know what you are on about, but thanks for trying to explain, although I don't get the hostility.

maybe you do need some hugs after all

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 21:29

Lets take it real slow just for you.look up word twee.have wee think bout it
Think why someone pretending to be hostess at a buffet is twee
Did you really think pc was police?surely not

Emilythornesbff · 01/08/2013 21:32

No scottishmummy
Sorry, but "twee" is not the "affectation of pretending one is hostess at a buffet"
It is as I said before. "affectedly dainty" or even "sweet to the point of being sickeningly so"
Although I suppose the act of pretending one is a buffet hostess might sometimes considered to be twee.


TiggyD · 01/08/2013 21:32

They won't last long. They're natural Netmummers. They shit glitter and flowers and scented rainbows fly out their arses when they "poot". They won't last with the Mumsnetters. The dregs of the internet with their oily bloodstained plain white Ts, lingering smell of Swarfega, and the ability to bite a badly parked car to death.

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 21:35

Twee is sugary sickly,it can be a demeanour or an observable trait
People can be twee,cath kidston products are twee
Pretending your hostess to the online masses is twee

Elsiequadrille · 01/08/2013 21:36

I thought pushchair section was going to be mentioned as one of the hun-spots.

Emilythornesbff · 01/08/2013 21:37

I had a cat who literally shat glitter after eating some Christmas tinsel.

RabbitFromAHat · 01/08/2013 21:37

I generally tend to assume that anyone using the word 'hun' is either a) borderline illiterate (it should at least be 'hon') or b) has quickly developed a clear mental picture of me rampaging across the steppes in a fur hat that has hardly even had the flesh scraped off it. Which is fair enough, that's not a million miles from who I am.

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 21:50

well you think it's twee I think it's either silly or funny, but not a big deal either way

no need to get het up about it.

usualsuspect · 01/08/2013 21:51

You don't even get a decent insult on here anymore do you ,SM.

It's far too prissy on here at the minute.

RabbitFromAHat · 01/08/2013 21:58

usualsuspect You are history's greatest monster, and a rabid fuckweasel to boot.

total try-hard

RabbitFromAHat · 01/08/2013 21:58


((((((soft hugs)))))

Ilovemyself · 01/08/2013 21:58

akissisnotacontract "don't want to see it dumbed down"
thenightsky "tell them to shut the cunty fuck up".


scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 21:58

Zing you've said a few times now you don't understand,that's evident

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 22:03

I do like when someone has a complete radge oot,the free flow tirade
Disgrace to Scotland,that was a o the best
But I'm mindful not to get all mn gorn to the dogs,not like the ole days crew


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WorraLiberty · 01/08/2013 22:05

I can't stop laughing at Scottishmummy's boil in the bag 'slag' bol Grin

Elsiequadrille · 01/08/2013 22:06

I prefer real buffets, in answer to the question, but not brown buffets

Nobody has ever offered me a faux canapé Angry And though I've witnessed offers of mugs of tea Brew never fake buffets.

Twit · 01/08/2013 22:10

There is also the overuse of associated with the pretend buffet thing. I like using but only when being amusing, which I am. A lot.
TiggyD has summed up how I feel better than I could,

What I would like to ask is what do these people call sex when they aren't trying for a baby?

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