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To not like the sudden increase in hun-ing on here?

185 replies

ForgetfulNameChanger · 31/07/2013 22:44

I love mumsnet for the fact it isn't all huggy huggy kiss kiss hun babez x x x rant over end of!

But I'm seeing it slowly creeping in and I'm not liking it.


OP posts:
usualsuspect · 01/08/2013 14:40

The pregnancy threads are full of hunning.

But I think you can post how you like on a chat forum.

hellsbells76 · 01/08/2013 14:43

Grin rabbit

usualsuspect · 01/08/2013 14:43

You don't have to be all sweary to post on here.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a (hug) on here either.

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 14:48

hugs and kisses are lovely - especially on conception, pg or bereavement threads

snogs - meh, could work either way

fuck off or shut up - I can take that too

but under no circumstances try to:
a, touch my boobs
b, try to offer your boobs for my baby to suckle on
I will not be amused

madoldbird · 01/08/2013 14:54

For ZingWidge's baby --> (.)(.)

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 14:57

nope madold not amused

DioneTheDiabolist · 01/08/2013 14:59

Soft Hugs! What fresh hell is this?

youmeatsix · 01/08/2013 15:00

i sat chuckling to myself the other day, someone posted "have an un mumsnetty hug" and i thought "what??????" its posted ALL over the place, saying is "un mumsnetty" doesnt make it so

ForgetfulNameChanger · 01/08/2013 15:03

I don't go into the pregnancy or conception sections so escaping the hun-ing there at least.

And I knooooow that we can all post how we want. I'm just crying soft tears that the soft hell I escaped on other forums is softly coming over here with its soft hugs. And you don't need "hun" to be friendly. It isn't like the options are bitchy without hun or friendly with hun. Plenty of people on here and friendly and don't use hun. Why oh why can't it just stay that way?

(soft gentle sweet hugs)

OP posts:
flowery · 01/08/2013 15:11

It's not something I do, but people say hun and other variants to be friendly and supportive. Why not just take the sentiment as intended? Much less stressful that way!

SamuelWestsMistress · 01/08/2013 16:16

People who call others "Hun" like the smell of their own farts. FACT!

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 16:42

forgetful is the new hugging trend "killing you softly"?Grin

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 16:42

samuel everyone like the smell of their own farts....fact

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 16:43


not like, that'd be weird

PseudoBadger · 01/08/2013 16:47

U no ur bubz best hun xx

Pagwatch · 01/08/2013 16:53

It's not my choice but I wuldn't comment on it.

I did get taken aback by a swathe of twattery on a thread the other day with all sorts of 'I always believe that swearing shows a lack of imagination' stuff being posted instead of, you know, an actual point.
It was like a convention of the tightass prigs assoc.

JRmumma · 01/08/2013 17:15

Im dreading the day someone refers to my son as 'lil man', makes me want to vomit in my mouth as much as Hun, babes, chick etc etc.

What is a ticker????

usualsuspect · 01/08/2013 17:22

I do think there has been an invasion of tightass prigs though.

ForgetfulNameChanger · 01/08/2013 17:27

Yes zing it is

OP posts:
MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 17:39

Aww hun, I haven't noticed. I've been too busy doing the babydance with my little prince's daddy.

Have a hug, sweetie (((((((((((((( Forgetful )))))))))))))

MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 17:40

FFS why did I do that? Hmm

WilsonFrickett · 01/08/2013 17:43

JRmumma that is a ticker. Except in some other sites, it dances, moves and has colour.

Excellent work MamaChubbyLegs


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ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 17:50

sorry forgetful that's just crap.

loaded gun or hug? your choice you I want to add twat bitch but only as a joke...but I don't want to get deleted Hysterical Unhinged Nutter!

MamaChubbyLegs · 01/08/2013 17:51

I havent actually been doing ANY "babydancing". Sad
That was a LIE.

Damn PND....

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 17:52


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