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To not like the sudden increase in hun-ing on here?

185 replies

ForgetfulNameChanger · 31/07/2013 22:44

I love mumsnet for the fact it isn't all huggy huggy kiss kiss hun babez x x x rant over end of!

But I'm seeing it slowly creeping in and I'm not liking it.


OP posts:
UnitedZingDom · 15/08/2013 18:48


here's some Cake for you! Grin

scottishmummy · 02/08/2013 21:54

Back from work,checking in see what Hun action being going on

pianodoodle · 02/08/2013 20:38

I haven't been on Mnet long and haven't been outstandingly offensive yet (even though it looks like fun) so thought I'd better read this in case I was one of the "huns"

Pleased to report I'm not! Will carry on being reasonably pleasant but not twee. Thank fuck for that :)

WilsonFrickett · 02/08/2013 19:00

All the galleries are dead central, the Modern is a wee walk away but worth it. The National Museum of Scotland is utterly brilliant, it's just been re-furbed and re-curated (if that is an actual word) and the way they put the collection together is great.

The Edinburgh College of Art has an installation on in the sculpture hall, which looks interesting too.

Mound and High Street are the best places for street theatre / stuff occurring.

Leith is good for drinks/food if you want to get out of the madness - jump a 22 to the shore.

DioneTheDiabolist · 02/08/2013 17:18

BF is putting a show together for the Fringe. So I suppose I'll catch some of his friend's shows too. What do you recommend in the way of museums and galleries?

WilsonFrickett · 02/08/2013 15:12

Tis actually fab. Lots of street theatre to watch, lots of people to watch as well. There's a half-price ticket booth on the Mound as well. And part of the whole thing is seeing the cheaper shows on a whim.

DioneTheDiabolist · 02/08/2013 13:39

Thank you Wilson, you make it sound soo disappointing.Grin. At least I know the riding will be good.

WilsonFrickett · 02/08/2013 10:51

As SM seems to be off scouring the interweb for fake buffets, may I humbly present the only free thing to do in August in Edinburgh: the festival shag.

  1. attend any popular watering hole
  2. find member of opposite or indeed same sex who is 'doing the Festi'
  3. Ride

    Everything else costs at least £10 for 25 minutes of tedium. Except in preview week when tedium comes 2 for 1.

DioneTheDiabolist · 02/08/2013 00:17

Scottishmummy, I find myself increasingly having rides. BF is working loads of hours, as am I, so it's a case of getting a few hours together when we can. Last night I had him round, rid him for a bit and sent him home in a taxi after he gave me the money I got for selling some stuff on his e-bay account.

I don't know what I'm getting at here but here's my agony aunt post:

Dear Scottishmummy,
BF is taking me to Edinburgh next week. As I am permanently skint he is paying for the lot. Last night I got him round. Rid him. Took my money and called him a cab. I have already expressed my gratitude for him paying for the trip and explained to him that although we're going together I will need a lot of time on my own to explore.

What can you recommend (that is free) that I can do without him when I'm in Edinburgh?

Yours whatever,

FrussoHathor · 02/08/2013 00:16

I inagine Tickers here would read

????7weeks, 2 days and 4 hours, since glittery cat shit????
????5 months since Pom bear incident???
???3 years since I LTB???

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 23:26

You need to ask?yes sparkly cupcakes,in fact cupcakes are twee
Overdone,cliched and beloved of a certain kind of hun

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 23:23

I'm guessing glittery cupcakes are twee as well.

did I get that right?

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 23:14

Ems my 3 year old also had glitter poo once after eating glittery cupcakes at a party

HaroldLloyd · 01/08/2013 22:54

I wish we could have tickers, just to see Scottish mummys. I'm sure that would be a thing to behold!

Emilythornesbff · 01/08/2013 22:53

Grin true malcolm

MalcolmTuckersMum · 01/08/2013 22:51

I'm choking laughing at the glitter-shitting cat! Grin

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 22:45

frusso that doesn't surprise me, he's such an exhibitionist!Grin

RabbitFromAHat · 01/08/2013 22:42

This too will pass? I would assume they were referring to me ingesting some kind of massive foreign body and therefore having to inspect the old poo-pan regularly.

FrussoHathor · 01/08/2013 22:41

It's all over google zingwidge Grin

FrussoHathor · 01/08/2013 22:40

scottishmummy it has got to be better than the sickly sweet option

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 22:38

frusso how did you get that photo of my grandad?

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 22:38

Grin @ forgetful


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Elsiequadrille · 01/08/2013 22:29

I only recently gave away my copy of Anthea's Perfect Housewife to the charity shop! This is true; but I'm not a housewife, or perfect, nor aspiring to be Blush

scottishmummy · 01/08/2013 22:27

I think night at museum too,funny

ForgetfulNameChanger · 01/08/2013 22:24

Course we do SM

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