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To have judged this mum giving her kids their breakfast in the CAR!!???

158 replies

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:19

One child had a bowl of cereal, spoon and all and the other was eating toast.
I thought really, how disorganised do you have to be not to give your children breakfast before they leave the house...

Fast forward three years and I practically serve up three course meals in the car as we are always in a rush, whilst they watch a DVD on the DVD player I was never ever going to have in my car....

What things did you get all judgemental about before you had kids and realised that you do whatever you can just to get through the day?!

OP posts:
mrsjay · 13/05/2013 22:55

I will explain what I mean to my children so they know why it is important to behave blah blah I am a cos I said so mother Grin

Nicknamegrief · 13/05/2013 23:06

My sister judges me (or so my mum tells me) because my daughter wears a lot of pink. To be fair, she does but 75% of her clothes are handy downs and we were given a lot of pink. For goodness sake its a colour!!

As a former SLT I used to pull up my judgy pants at parents who never did any of the worksheets etc i sent home but now I have my own children I feel very bad for doing so, its not as easy as just doing it is it (looks guiltily at the homework sheet still not tackled).

mrsjay · 13/05/2013 23:09

I used to work in preschool before children and I would always think is it so difficult to hand a signed slip back to the headteacher if they were going to trips or out for a walk, Now with about 15 years of kids being at school I am still looking for a pen before they go out the door as i launch the screwed up permission slip at them Grin

Nicknamegrief · 13/05/2013 23:12

Oh me too mrsjay.

I bought the wrong permission slip with me to Beavers tonight and the raised eyebrows that caused made me very aware that I'd been judged and found lacking.

DangerousBeanz · 13/05/2013 23:16

I'm a teacher and I forget to hand in letters and forms at my daughters pre school. She eats toast in the car ashed down with fruit juice. She has a dummy at night because I want to sleep. and the only reason her nose isn't snotty is because she's just wiped in on MY sleeve before i had chance to get a tissue to her. In addition to this.... real sign of a bad mum here... I haven't ironed her stuff either!!!

And on one occasion when my eldest had scoffed al the bread she went with a tesco pre-packed butty in her lunch box.

I do not judge.

mrsjay · 13/05/2013 23:17

I am always looking for a permssion slip, I excelled the other day I was looking for a slip for a drama thing dd is doing , I hunted high and low she went to her group on instruction to ask for a new 1, she came home said X said he didnt give out slips it is just the money he needs Blush

MummyBurrows · 13/05/2013 23:24

I love this thread!

I used to judge parents before I had my own child.....still judge a bit now too!

I thought,I'm never going to give my child a dummy just to shut it up....yea she's now 3 and its still my last resort go-to if she's having a complete meltdown and chocolate won't work...

Also thought I was never going to be one of those mums who would feed their child crisps or chocolate at all until they were at least 5....yea.....that didn't pan out.....

Thought I'd never let my child out in public if wearing mucky clothes or was dirty....I've now lost count of the number of times I've popped into tesco on the way home from nursery with her top,hands,hair and face covered in Paint,felt tip,sand,glitter.....oh and snot!

Thought I'd never let my child eat in the car or round the never leave the house without a snack or 2 for in the car and round the supermarket,failing that I rip off the end of a French stick and give her that to eat on the way round (pay for the whole stick at the end obviously!)

My judgey pants still come out when I see pregnant women smoking,women walking along pushing buggies smoking or children's faces that are caked in dried-on snot! Runny noses I can handle but dried on snot gets to me! Also children screaming round the aisles in the supermarket throwing a major tantrum bugs me,just give the kid something to eat from out your trolley and shut him/her up or leave them at home with someone instead if possible if you know they hate shopping. screaming babies are excluded...

SlingsAndArrows · 13/05/2013 23:28

Definitely dummies. I was so snobby about them before DS, and now I thank God on a daily basis that they exist. They are like some kind of incredible, magic baby silencer.

We still feel a little bit ashamed of using them though - and we feel ashamed that we are ashamed. (Can you tell we're Catholic? :) )We call dummies "Voldemorts" (they that shall not be named) in public.

mrsjay · 13/05/2013 23:29

do you give your child a hit of the dummy in secret slings Grin

Manchesterhistorygirl · 13/05/2013 23:31

I once was the judged mum. Ds1 aged about 2 was having a monumental tantrum and being carried unceremoniously dragged out of a supermarket by dh and I and we walked past a couple with their brand new pfb. Oh they looked us up and down and smug smiled at each other whilst throwing us dirty looks. I did say shouted one day, one day this will be you!

Szeli · 13/05/2013 23:34

Totally with you on this one slings

If we're going anywhere but home I won't take one either - can't risk people actually seeing him with a dummy!

It's ridiculous!

Snazzynewyear · 13/05/2013 23:35

I happily still judge but I like to think it's about the important stuff. Wink I was once in the camp of 'why do people let their kids interrupt adult conversations all the time - I will make mine wait and say "excuse me" politely', but now I wilt under the sheer machine-gun fire like stream of chatter I get from DS. It's easier just to answer.

Plus the in-car DVD player has been the best money I have ever spent in my life, ever. Value per use has been unbelievable.

mrselizabethdarcy · 13/05/2013 23:45

i used to judge when babies were out at night - they should be asleep and in bed at 6 surely?? ..... until i had a child who would not sleep AT ALL. and the only thing that kept me awake and sane was to put him in his pram and go to the shop on the corner that was thankfully open til 11pm.

melodyangel · 13/05/2013 23:52

Manchesterhistorygirl Grin

stopgap · 13/05/2013 23:56

I am a little bit cat's bum about certain things. Sorry Grin

Toddlers having doughnuts or cupcakes for breakfast.
Dummies past the age of two.
Kids permanently strapped into their strollers (common around here).
Small toddlers glued to ipads while in strollers/out to brunch.

TheSecondComing · 14/05/2013 00:02

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Dunkintea · 14/05/2013 00:12

Dummies ! First time around was no way Pfb was having one , soon changed my mind about a week in . With DS2 dummies were packed in the labour/ hospital bag.
Pre DC I would be judgy when saw dribbling teething babies with bibs on in pushchairs etc, remember thinking why on earth have a bib on in public if not eating ?!
Am a fan of portable breakfast dry Cheerios definitely the best Smile

lorisparkle · 14/05/2013 00:19

I could never understand those parents who let their children sleep in their bed or did a bit of bed swapping in the night. Why did they not just put the child back in its own bed. Fast forward a couple of years and DS3 is always creeping into our bed in the night and on more than one occasion I have had all three DS in our bed and DH in DS3's bed! Life is so much simpler when you are not chronically sleep deprived!

chipmonkey · 14/05/2013 00:22

Ds3 has sometimes had a jam sandwich in the car when I realise that he hasn't had breakfast and has missed the nursery breakfast deadline. Mainly because the memory of driving away from the nursery in tears because the manager said ds2 would get no breakfast as he was too late, still haunts me...
Ds1 had a nose like a fountain. We found that it was much better when we changed him from cows to goats milk but it was almost 2 years in when we made that discovery!

MarianaTrench · 14/05/2013 00:23

Ooh: smoking, dummies past two, four year olds in buggies, snotty faces. I still judge all these harshly.

Delayingtactic · 14/05/2013 00:35

Ha! My PFB was going to switch to beakers seamlessly and I would never continue bottles past 12 months. He's two and still has milk in bottles overnight. I now just pop two on his side table for him to get as needed - doubly lazy.

I would never feed food to my child in the supermarket. Now I head straight to the packaged fruit as soon as we get there.

I would explain all motherly if he was behaving badly in public. Now I'm one of those moms who kneels besides their child and hisses whispered warnings. I have died a little inside if he's throwing a proper tantrum and I fireman carry him out.

Startail · 14/05/2013 00:36

I was never ever going to swear at my DCs in public.
I never made any promises about shouting, just swearing.

Well I've nearly managed it, apart from once in Halfords car park when I told DD2(9/10) to "fucking stop being awkward and do as she was told"

In my defence DD2 did go through a phase of deciding the world revolved around her.


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MyShoofly · 14/05/2013 00:40

I used to judge people with toys all over the house, children's art work in every nook and cranny......I write this surveying the chaos that my two have unleashed on our living room including and the artwork I've proudly propped up all willy-hilly all over the house.


MyShoofly · 14/05/2013 00:41

That would be willy-nilly....

Softlysoftly · 14/05/2013 00:41

Omg I thought from the title you'd seen me! This morning was the first morning ever dd1 had cereal and milk in tuppeware and a smoothie on her way to preschool, very glad I read the rest!

Yesterday I also faced lots of judginess for carrying dd2 (11m) and pushing a screaming dd1 (3) in the buggy as she had run away in a huge shopping centre for the 2nd time then left a shop with a very embarrassed man she had never met so buggy was the safe option until the car.

I could feel The judgy pants off the many people in the lift who felt her wrathful kicking and screaming Blush whispers that would have been me judging pre toddler!

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