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To have judged this mum giving her kids their breakfast in the CAR!!???

158 replies

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:19

One child had a bowl of cereal, spoon and all and the other was eating toast.
I thought really, how disorganised do you have to be not to give your children breakfast before they leave the house...

Fast forward three years and I practically serve up three course meals in the car as we are always in a rush, whilst they watch a DVD on the DVD player I was never ever going to have in my car....

What things did you get all judgemental about before you had kids and realised that you do whatever you can just to get through the day?!

OP posts:
Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:37

I didn't like the toy gun thing either, ds hasn't got to that age yet where he is interested but seeing as dh has a firearms licence and carries one at work now and then I don't suppose it will be long....sigh.

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Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:38

Oh yes shouting at your children in public, or letting them have a tantrum and walking off was also met with an inward groan...

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blondefriend · 13/05/2013 21:39

I wish I could get the snot controlled. DD had a constantly snotty nose at 2 years and now her younger brother is the same. I will wipe it, put the wipe in the bin, turn round and it's snotty again. Aaaahhhh!! And then he wipes it on my work trousers. Just before work. The second pair!

I used to judge people for giving the children food around the supermarket. Fast forward and a babybel or bread roll is often passed to dd.

We also use the pushchair to carry beer, especially at festivals. ;)

IvorHughJarse · 13/05/2013 21:39

Hahahaha at 'Just to stop it crying'. This is what life becomes about with a newborn < whimpers at memory>

melodyangel · 13/05/2013 21:40

Another one that was determined my DC's would not have toy guns.

None are replica ones though just nerf...that makes it better...surely.

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:40

So basically we are all being judged by childless people. All The Time!

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pointythings · 13/05/2013 21:42

I have frequently served up breakfast in the car - on those occasions where I had to drop off the DDs early due to work commitments. I called it 'portable breakfast' and they loved it.

Snot - I have chased it wherever I could but have not always succeeded.

Dummies - DDs didn't want them, but I would have if they had.

Judging - no, don't really do very much of that.

nilbyname · 13/05/2013 21:43

Nature wee- check
Car picnic- check
Tantrums in the supermarket- check
Chocolatey bribes- check
Use of a dummy past 12m-check

Oh dear, patenting fail my life.

raisah · 13/05/2013 21:43

The stupid idiot who lives on the other side of the fence at the bottom of my garden used to complain loudly if my 3 month dd cried. Fast forward 2 years her dd cries none stop, she walks about fag in hand, bright pink onesies and wonders why she is single. She is awful & I am being judgy.
yes she has an orange face and a white neck.

LaVitaBellissima · 13/05/2013 21:44

Yes I was definitely not going to have snotty children - how can two small people provide so much mucus - it is beyond disgusting!

maddening · 13/05/2013 21:45

I did and still do judge

Babies with ribena in baby bottle
Parents swearing at their dc - eg in alton towers a woman shouting at her no more than 2yo "shut the fuck up you little shit" I judged her then as childless me and I would very much judge her today.

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:45

Oh yes I'd forgotten the "be a good boy and you can have a"
What dreadful parenting Grin

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stealthsquiggle · 13/05/2013 21:46

I dare say DD's poor teacher who has to put up with cheese-breath (and occasionally cheese-and-salami breath) in the mornings is judging for all she is worth, and I probably would have done pre DC (or even pre DD) too, but TBH when you have 2 constantly bickering DC who are seriously, deeply, not morning people, you will let them eat whatever they damned well like wherever they damned well like as long as they eat something before school (and yes, that includes breakfast in the car, but not cereal and milk FGS - my car would permanently stink of sour milk. Yuk).

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:46

Ah but there is no excuse for swearing at little ones

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PoppyWearer · 13/05/2013 21:49

My DCs frequently eat their breakfast on the way to school/nursery these days. I give them aaaaaages to eat it before we have to leave the house, but inevitably they faff around and we end up taking some with us, whether walking or in the car.

I stick to toast, or those packs of dry Cheerios. Much more portable than milky cereal!

IvorHughJarse · 13/05/2013 21:51

I was judged by my FIL yesterday when I refused to wrestle a pointy thing he'd left laying around in his garden away from DS; after asking him to give it to me eleventy million times I told him that if he injured himself on it it was his own bloody fault. FIL muttered 'Well that's hardly good enough' and he got the DEATH STARE. You fucking take it off him, I have osteitis pubis and it fucking hurts to move

nevergoogle · 13/05/2013 21:51

mine eat the leftover breakfast cereal in the car on the way home from after school club too! thankfully they like it dry without milk.

i am a terrible mother.

LeaveTheBarSteward · 13/05/2013 21:51

Iwish yes I'll give it a go. I've made ds's nose sore from wiping it so much. I'm sure you're just not wiping it enough but as a few others have said the same I may concede!
Talking of noses, I swore I would never picks ds's nose after seeing someone do it when I was pregnant. One of my fave things to do now!

fritteringtwit · 13/05/2013 21:51

I get a bit judgey when I see someone in pyjamas/velcro rollers combo, fag in hand, pushing a pram dragging along a reception class age child who is eating a chocolate bar and drinking a carton of juice for breakfast. Poor little thing is pale and looks knackered. His nose is always snot free though and I've not seen either of them weeing on the grass verge yet

pictish · 13/05/2013 21:53

I took practically no notice of children whatsoever before I had them myself, so I was never judgey like that. If a kid was screaming it would barely register because it wasn't my responsibility.
I seldom hung out in places where you would find children, and if I did, I would make sure I was as far away as possible, as they did not interest me.
I didn't mind them either...they were fine...but I saw and judged very little because it was nothing to do with me or my life.
I thought being a parent looked horrendous, but vaguely guessed there must be something rewarding in it, otherwise we wouldn't keep on doing it.

As you can guess, our first child was unplanned. My expecations were blank, as I had never considered having a baby up until that point.

As it is...I have never got into the habit of judging other parents on small incidents alone. Peeing on the grass? Don't care. Fag mum? Nothing to do with me. Screaming in the supermarket? Not my kid, so no worries.

I seem to be missing the bosom hoiking not-the-way-I-would-do-it chip. I didn't care before I had kids, and I don't much care now.

SanityClause · 13/05/2013 21:54

Parents with snot-nosed children, perhaps they have a food intollerance?

Reading this thread, I realised that DS no longer has snot trailing into his mouth, since we cut out gluten, eggs and dairy (he was tested, we didn't just randomly cut out those three).

We did the intollerance test because of constant tummy aches, and wind, and that has improved beyond all recognition, as well, but I didn't even make the connection with the snotty nose until just now!

Hemlet · 13/05/2013 21:54

Oh who gives a Chinese teste??


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ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 13/05/2013 21:54

oh god, everything! I was the best mum in the world before I had children.

dummies, for example. Many a sermon was given by me on how my children would never have a dummy.

My eldest was addicted to the bloody things. Practically needed a dummy patch to wean him off them.

CrapBag · 13/05/2013 21:57

I admit there isn't much that I have changed my mind on tbh. I am more tolerant of children rolling around on the floor/generally climbing on things because DS is a bugger for it, no matter how many times I say "please stop rolling around the aisle", not actually sure why he does it.

But I judge dummies when they are being used and not actually needed, ie roughly 3 year old in a swimming pool does not need a dummy in their mouth.

I judge parents who are leaning over their children with a fag in their mouth.

I judge parents who swear at their children.

I judge pregnant mums who stand by the school gate having their fags.

I still don't like snotty noses.

I never judges eating out and about though. Would never have occurred to me to care.

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:57

Chinese teste? Am I missing something?

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