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To have judged this mum giving her kids their breakfast in the CAR!!???

158 replies

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:19

One child had a bowl of cereal, spoon and all and the other was eating toast.
I thought really, how disorganised do you have to be not to give your children breakfast before they leave the house...

Fast forward three years and I practically serve up three course meals in the car as we are always in a rush, whilst they watch a DVD on the DVD player I was never ever going to have in my car....

What things did you get all judgemental about before you had kids and realised that you do whatever you can just to get through the day?!

OP posts:
everlong · 13/05/2013 21:57

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pictish · 13/05/2013 21:57

I will concede to finding snot and drool covered children a total turn off. No matter how attractive they are, if they are sticky or slimey I'm not enchanted in any way. Please give them a wipe.

idiot55 · 13/05/2013 21:57

kids with dummies, gurning in supermarkets, parents letting their toddlers wee at the side of the road etc!

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 13/05/2013 21:57

oooh, I've just thought of one after I became a parent!


When my sister's daughter hit the demon years and was talking to her parents like they were shit on her shoe, I judged. My children would NEVER talk to ME like that! etc etc. One word from me and they would never ever give me lip. I wouldn't stand for it.

Now I have 2 full blown Kevins and my sister has a grin on her face so large you can see it from the international Space Station

sweetsoulsister · 13/05/2013 21:58

Ahhh yes, the sweet memories of pregnant belly number one. I had no morning sickness, I rubbed oil night and day to prevent stretch marks, I did yoga so my baby would be as calm as I was, ahhh yes, I would just stroke her sweet head and she would drift off to sleep.

7 months in to my pregnancy, let's visit DP's friend whose wife has just had a C-section. Cue gasps of horror as she mentions that she lets her baby co-sleep so they can function semi-normally throughout the rest of the day.

2 months later, fuck the yoga, co sleeping involves my colic ridden little one sleeping chest to chest with me and continues sleeping with me for four fucking years...karma came around and kicked me in the ass!!

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 21:59

Teenagers....? Mine aren't going to be teenagers, they will bypass that stage totally.
Please god

OP posts:
Primadonnagirl · 13/05/2013 22:00

purple is your DH a teacher ?!! I have obviously never taken my SDCs to McDonald's or KFC..I never gave them gallons of Sunny D either..cos of course it's so much worse when you are a wicked stepmother...never started a sentence with " don't tell Daddy .." either!!

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 22:01

How did I forget co-sleeping? What a stupid thing to do, rod for your own back etc etc....hey move over dd stop hogging the bed!

OP posts:
hwjm1945 · 13/05/2013 22:02

Like picture,did not have strong feelings about other people's kids,but was v judgmental about lazy women who had kids so they could get six months off work on MAT leave..and then stayed at home..what a stupid and ignorant person I was!I thought MAT leave would be like being on holiday with a cute little bundle

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 22:03

A teacher? Ha ha no

OP posts:
ivykaty44 · 13/05/2013 22:03

we constantly do breakfast in the car at weekend so dd can stay in bed a bit longer (think teen getting up at 7.30 on a sunday - thats am)

hwjm1945 · 13/05/2013 22:04

Back to original post..I was slapped by DD outside school recently......I shouted at her,she ran off,I like to think the only saving grace so far as watchers are concerned is that I am well spoken....I never intended to scream at the in the street.....

Purplehonesty · 13/05/2013 22:04

I actually don't do the fast food thing, but they are only 3 and 10 months so I've time for that yet Wink

OP posts:
IvorHughJarse · 13/05/2013 22:05

I still find co-sleeping a difficult concept. I don't judge it - in any way shape or form, you do what you do because it works for you and I know that there are all sorts of wonderful benefits to it - I just cannot imagine ever doing it. When DS was tiny I was terrified of him and the only time I could get away from him was when I was in bed. If he'd been in there with me I probably would have broken down completely Confused But that probably says more about me than co-sleepers....

IwishIwasmoreorganised · 13/05/2013 22:05

Sanity would there be any other symptoms of a food intolerance?

BarSteward I'll wait to hear back from Sanity before looking for the cheapest courier for ds2. Whereabouts are you?!

shockedballoon · 13/05/2013 22:10

DS (3) often has his lunch at the supermarket sat in the trolley whilst I do the shop, very quickly, in relative peace & quite.

I got the idea from seeing someone do this in my prechild days. I judged them heavily. I often wonder if there is someone judging me who will go on to see the light Grin

BlackeyedSusan · 13/05/2013 22:14

dummies? Envy mine never took a dummy, just chewed on boobies instead, ouch.

ds has run around the library tonight, sworn, hit, shouted, kicked. bloody school winding him up into an asd meltdown again oh yes, I would have judged, being a teaacher and being able to control whoile class... for them to go home and have a meltdown at home

oh and some kids are snotty. there were children in my clss who could produce a continual stream for days at a time, no matter how often you told them to wipe their nose.

LaVitaBellissima · 13/05/2013 22:24

DTD's are in the thick of aSummer cold, they are not normally snotty children, but it is like a thick yellow snotty tap, yuck, yuck, nine million baby wipes but it's still coming. Please don't judge me :)

PrincessScrumpy · 13/05/2013 22:25

Dummies - i'm now grateful dtd2 will take one, just wish dtd1 would... Believe me we tried!

Bumpotato · 13/05/2013 22:46

I'm another one who has transported booze in the pram while carrying the baby.

thebody · 13/05/2013 22:47

Oh god yes op, pre kids judgy as hell.

But now my youngest is 14 I is getting judgy again.

Eeek. Got to watch myself.

LemonsLimes · 13/05/2013 22:50

I judged someone for shouting in her child's face in a shopping centre. I've shouted yes, but not right in a child's face.


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McNewPants2013 · 13/05/2013 22:52

kids on reins, that was until i had a bolter and reins was very much needed.

never was going to shout at my children, but dear god they only listen when i do.

sweets was another thing.

op I thank you for starting this thread, after a shitty day it cheered me up.

mrsjay · 13/05/2013 22:54

My child WILL NOT HAVE A DUMMY she had it till she was 3

whois · 13/05/2013 22:55

Eating breakfast in the car is purely efficient. Why have dead time sitting in the car when it can be breakfast AND commute time.

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