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To be shocked that my new GP is extremely fat

141 replies

ItsRainingOutside · 11/04/2013 23:57

I took my dd to our new lady GP this week as she had become very prone to bad acne breakouts prior to her period.

The doctor suggested she cut out sugar and carbohydrates from her diet as she was probably diabetic (didn't do any blood tests), and also suggested she try to lose weight as she would be prone to a weight problem later in life. DD is 12, 5'8" and weighs 11 stone and to be honest is as thin as a reed.

The doctor, however, was like a little rotund teletubbie. She was only young, around mid-30's, and my temptation was to tell her to take some of her own advice.

I don't think health professionals should be overweight, particularly in this day and age when obesity is frowned upon and there are lots of resources available to help you lose weight. I'm no twiggy myself but do try to stay a reasonable weight for my health and self-esteem.

OP posts:
ShowOfHands · 12/04/2013 15:16

Our gp is disgustingly overweight. She even has her picture online. I'd be embarrassed to have my picture taken let alone publish it on the web.

supergreenuk · 12/04/2013 15:18

Is it just me or is 11 stone over weight for a 5ft 8 frame? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Fenton · 12/04/2013 15:19

Showy Grin

DreamsTurnToGoldDust · 12/04/2013 15:20

I Love it, this is the new flounce, if you dont like the answers you get on here you can flounce shouting the dm was right about you witches ha ha ha Grin

5madthings · 12/04/2013 15:21

show of hands Grin

And whether or not the girl is overweight depends, if she has gone through puberty then she is prob fine.

Bmi for that height/weight gives you a bmi of 23.4

cumfy · 12/04/2013 15:33

Is diabetic or may be prone to diabetes ?

Reed. :o :o

OttilieKnackered · 12/04/2013 15:33

A 5' 8" 12 year old girl is virtually certain to have gone through puberty, so should be judged as an adult. I have been my adult height (5'1") since I was 11.

MrsBethel · 12/04/2013 17:08

Three points:

  1. GPs are paid for their ability to give good advice. They are not paid for their discipline in being able to follow it themselves.

  2. 5' 8'' and 11 stone is the upper end of normal. Not thin, but a perfectly healthy weight.

  3. Exercise is really good for borderline diabetics, and could prevent a lifetime of jabs.

    That is all.
yaimee · 12/04/2013 17:41

I've just realised what this is. It's a dm journo trying to prokoke a reaction.
It a dm 3 in 1, fat people, the NHS and nasty mumsnet!

RiffyWammal · 12/04/2013 19:06

5'8", 11 stone and 'thin as a reed'? Maybe OP means Oliver Reed.

I wish I was only 11 stone though Sad

Bunbaker · 12/04/2013 19:12

"A 5' 8" 12 year old girl is virtually certain to have gone through puberty, so should be judged as an adult. I have been my adult height (5'1") since I was 11."

I think you are the exception. At most girls have not gone through puberty.

ILikeBirds · 12/04/2013 20:23

11 stone 1lb @ 5 foot 6

11 stone @ 5 foot 8 can certainly be slim

bigkidsdidit · 12/04/2013 20:29

I'm 5 foot 7 and when I was 10 and a half stone I looked so scrawny people at work were worried about me and tried to feed me up. You could count all my chest bones. So she might be thin at 11 stone.

Bunbaker · 12/04/2013 21:09

Just reread my post. At 12 most girls have not gone through puberty.

ILikeBirds · 12/04/2013 21:14

Nobody was saying all 12 year olds were likely to have gone through puberty. They were saying that a 12 year old girl who is 5 foot 8 is highly likely to have gone through puberty.

crashdoll · 12/04/2013 21:19

I knew someone would come along and claim BMI is wrong. I highly doubt OP's 12 year old CHILD is a triathlete but I'll eat my words if she is. She is clincally overweight for her height and age.

cumfy · 12/04/2013 21:23

5'4" 12 stone 2 Hmm from the same flickr photostream.

5madthings · 12/04/2013 21:30

crash doll if she hasn't gone through puberty but given her height I would assume she has and then you would calculate her bmi as an adult and no she isn't overweight.

cardibach · 12/04/2013 21:30

I am 5' 10" and if I were to ever get down to 11 and a half stone I would be slim. I can believe those given by the OP, though I disbelieve the rest of it.
my DD started her periods at 10 and has not grown since she was 11. This is not uncommon, and if the OP's DD is 5' 8" (an inch taller than my DD, then she as probably gone through puberty and should be judged as an adult. I also don't take the phrase 'thin as a reed' to mean skinny, just slender.

ILikeBirds · 12/04/2013 21:32

5 foot 8 and 11 stone gives a BMI of 23, what's 'wrong' about that?

A 12 year old that is that height and post puberty can be assessed as an adult would be and it's absurd to claim that those stats = clinically overweight.

crashdoll · 12/04/2013 21:40

In an NHS clinic, they would use an under 18s BMI calculator. Argue with me all you like but I am certain of this.

ILikeBirds · 12/04/2013 21:57

Just because it's the NHS doesn't mean it cannot be absurd.


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Blindingobvs · 12/04/2013 22:02


Sorry, wrong thread.

crashdoll · 12/04/2013 22:09

It's absurd that anyone could think a 12 year old is considered a fully grown adult even if she has been through puberty.

5madthings · 12/04/2013 22:14

If she has gone through puberty and stopped growing ie height wise then she is her adult height, and her weight is fine for that adult height. That's the point.

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