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To be shocked that my new GP is extremely fat

141 replies

ItsRainingOutside · 11/04/2013 23:57

I took my dd to our new lady GP this week as she had become very prone to bad acne breakouts prior to her period.

The doctor suggested she cut out sugar and carbohydrates from her diet as she was probably diabetic (didn't do any blood tests), and also suggested she try to lose weight as she would be prone to a weight problem later in life. DD is 12, 5'8" and weighs 11 stone and to be honest is as thin as a reed.

The doctor, however, was like a little rotund teletubbie. She was only young, around mid-30's, and my temptation was to tell her to take some of her own advice.

I don't think health professionals should be overweight, particularly in this day and age when obesity is frowned upon and there are lots of resources available to help you lose weight. I'm no twiggy myself but do try to stay a reasonable weight for my health and self-esteem.

OP posts:
ILikeBirds · 12/04/2013 07:13

I'm 5'4", weigh 10 stone 10 and I'm currently wearing size 8 trousers. I can believe that the op's daughter can be slim with those statistics.

EhricLovesTeamQhuay · 12/04/2013 07:20

I like birds are your legs made of stone? A those stats I'm a 12-14. How can you be a size 8? I don't get it. Do you have a disproportionately big top half? Giant boobs?

LiegeAndLief · 12/04/2013 07:38

I am 34, 5'8 and weigh 10 stone. I am not as thin as a reed. I suppose your daughter might have a lot of muscle but I am struggling to believe she is really skinny.

Gorjuss · 12/04/2013 07:40

I would find it hard to take dietary advice from someone overweight.

YoniRanger · 12/04/2013 07:50

Horrible as it is I do think health professionals who advise about weight management undermine themselves when they are overweight.

I remember being given a lecture about my terrible weight problem (BMI of about 27, so only just over) by a nurse who was probably 20st and just trying not to snort.

It's not pleasant or nice by no one enjoys hypocrisy.

TheNebulousBoojum · 12/04/2013 07:55

I'm a teacher, I'm fat but my brain is a lean, keen thinking machine.
Is that OK, OP?

EugenesAxe · 12/04/2013 08:04

I'm with Liege here. No doctor would lie about something like this; I think you must be blinkered. I would have an inward ironic laugh at getting advice from someone who was overweight themselves but as many people have said, you don't know why she is.

I was 'normal' at 11 stone being 5' 9". I was thin when I weighed about 9 stone and three quarters but even then not fat free.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 12/04/2013 08:10

I dont think she was calling her fat though

sassytheFIRST · 12/04/2013 08:16

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fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 12/04/2013 08:20

I dont think OP is a troll..she has just misunderstood ..the GP was prob hinting at PCOS and insulin resistance.

maddening · 12/04/2013 08:27

The drs weight is sweet fa to do with you - you however come accross as a judgemental bitch.

EeyoreIsh · 12/04/2013 08:34

I was about that height when I was 12. And I weighed 50kg. I was slim but not reed thin.

I'm now 3 inches taller, weigh 11 1/2 kilos and i am a size 14.

so I'm sorry, but your dd probably could do with not putting any extra weight on.

Having acne is awful though. Worth trying a change in diet.

hackmum · 12/04/2013 08:36

You know what, OP? I'd take your DD to a different GP. Either you've misunderstood what the GP said or she is doing something a bit odd - if she actually thinks your daughter may be diabetic, surely she'd give her a blood test? And did she come up with any treatment suggestions for the acne? It all sounds a bit peculiar.

DeskPlanner · 12/04/2013 08:59

Funny. Not. Have a Biscuit . Don't eat it though, you wouldn't want to end up like your made up gp.

Ezza1 · 12/04/2013 09:04

Our local smoking cessation counsellor smokes 20 a day. She openly discusses that and has a 100% success rate. She is great.

innermuddle · 12/04/2013 09:15

I'm confused. Your concern is that your gp has given poor advice. Probably Diabetic? Without a blood test? Seems unlikely, my GP might say this could indicate x, let me run some tests. This should be your concern, the quality if advice. Seek a second opinion!

The comment about your gp's weight is a bit mean, there could be many reasons she is not slim looking, not least of all early pregnancy or young baby at home. Or even a busy life working & keeping up with current medical developments leading to eating a poorer diet?

As for your daughter's height and weight, I'm the same height & weight and would be hard pushed to honestly describe myself ssh slim, certainly not thin- but of course I have had 5 children, my youngest is 3 months so possibly if I was not wobbly & had more muscle mass I might pass for slim. Therefore it is possible 5.8 and 11 stone could be slim. Thin I find harder to believe.

thebody · 12/04/2013 09:19

The doctor said she was 'probably diabetic' and did nothing? A 12 year old! Diabetes is a serious condition that needs careful management. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to complications including death.

Get away with you.

TheNebulousBoojum · 12/04/2013 09:38

'I'm now 3 inches taller, weigh 11 1/2 kilos and i am a size 14.'

Good God, really EeyoreIsh?

echt · 12/04/2013 09:54

I'm now wondering how all of this fits in with the expectation that teachers, who get paid waaaaay less than GPs, are expected to set an example both on and off the job.

LessMissAbs · 12/04/2013 09:55

11 stone at age 12? My friend is 5 feet 8 and 9 stones and slim but not "thin". Must be a wind up!

EeyoreIsh · 12/04/2013 10:04

Why the query nebulous?

EeyoreIsh · 12/04/2013 10:08

Ah, what I really meant to say was 11 1/2 stone! Or 72kg in metric speak.

does that make more sense? !

There might be 11 1/2 kg of cake inside me Grin


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quietlysuggests · 12/04/2013 10:14

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daveydavidson · 12/04/2013 10:22

I was 5'7 and 11stone (not actually very thin) and my overweight GP told me to lose weight! I was horrified as I didn't think I was fat, just not slim. Having DS now, I WISH I was 11 stone again!!!

I was pretty miffed to be fair, when she told me to lose weight, being big herself. More because she was very judgy about it. Practice what you preach scenario maybe.

Having said that I've read alot about the fattist type propeganda over recent years. Now I realise that I'm much healthier being 3st heavier. I never used to exercise but used to smoke loads. Quitting smoking and pregnancy caused me to gain weight but I now exercise and run 3/4 a week and eat well because I want to encourage my DS too aswell and dp is a health freak and makes me against my will

I do understand what your saying, but I'd take it with a pinch of salt :)

TSSDNCOP · 12/04/2013 10:23

If I were concerned my GP was providing bad advice for my child I would ask for an appt with another GP.

I wouldn't waste my time caning the GP on an Internet forum even if they are dead right about your attitude

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