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To think people who wear intrusive perfume are unreasonable?

213 replies

MardyBraWouldDoEddieRedmayne · 07/03/2013 18:27

I'm not talking a discreet dab, but people whose perfume I can smell even when they've left the room.

And if we're eating it spoils my sense of taste.

OP posts:
WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 10:49

I've never thought of myself as being a supertaster, my super-sensitive nose started during my first pregnancy 10 year ago and has stayed. It isn't particularly discerning, I am fairly hopeless at recognising most perfumes for example, but just super sensitive, those I have named that I dislike I know because I used to share a flat with a girl who doused herself in all the strong 80s ones and I would ask what they were (politely!). I don't think White Musk is subtle at all, it is full on, in your face, headache inducing to me.

Chocs - I do like subtle perfumes, but am scared of buying online without smelling first, I don't know what the answer is to that. I couldn't really tell you what notes I like either, apart from citrus.

ChocsAwayInMyGob · 08/03/2013 11:15

WhoKnows- try ordering samples off ebay. You can often buy a selection for a few pounds and try at home. Also, don't be afraid to ask posh looking beauty assistants for free samples. They have loads!

I've bought a few perfumes blind and when I haven't liked them, simply resold them on ebay where they usually fetch a decent price.

Also, if you like citruses (like me) you might like to seek out Annick Goutal Eau D'Hadrien, Chanel Cristalle or O de Lancome.

ChocsAwayInMyGob · 08/03/2013 11:17

Southern Comforts- Angel smells like you have stuffed your face in candy floss and chocolate and used Brut talc for men. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, sugar, vanilla, candy floss, chocolate.

No doubt an Angel fan will be along in a minute to protest!

MarmaladeTwatkins · 08/03/2013 11:28

Oooh I really like the smell of Angel if it is a subtle waft rather than an overpowering stench. And I don't particularly like sweet perfumes, I prefer musky/oriental, but I do like Angel.

I think I wear perfumes that would piss some of you off. I like Alien for night time and Diesel Loverdose for the day time.

Bit of an odd question but... the posters who don't like heavy scents, what's your hair colour? I only ask because once I was talking to a perfumer and he said that brunettes are more attracted to musky/heady scents whereas generally blondes prefer cleaner, more subtle scents. I thought there might be something in it because when I wear Alien I get a lot of ladies compliment my perfume and they have ALL been dark haired. My friend who is blonde can't stand the stuff!

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 11:30

Thanks Chocs, hadn't thought of Ebay. I'm out in the sticks and rarely visit any towns with decent cosmetic shops/depts, all we've got is Boots and Debenhams.

I have tried Chanel Cristalle and O de Lancome on the recommendation of other threads and didn't like either. I still quite like CK One, but it does seem a bit dated now. I have also failed to find anything I like in Jo Malone. It seems I am very fussy !

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 11:36

I'm dark haired Marmalade. Like you I like a subtle waft of Angel, but not a heavy dose of it.

With me there are some (few) things I like even though they are very strong eg the smell of Lush shops. However if I dislike a scent I cannot bear so much as a whiff of it and I dislike so many including virtually all mainstream perfumes, air fresheners, detergents etc. It's not that big a problem as I don't use public transport or work in a crowded office.

MarmaladeTwatkins · 08/03/2013 11:39

The smell of Lush shops... jesus... I don't know how anyone works in one. Do the staff get danger money for their nostrils?

GetOrf · 08/03/2013 11:40

I am probably one of those people you hate, i drown myself in strong Guerlain stuff.

I don't have that good a sense of smell and can never smell anyone else's perfume, can smell BO though (which is fun on the tube in summer, dirty fuckers).

I don't think I have ever smelled Angel, I am going into House of Frase at lunchtime to have a whiff. Only scent I really dislike is Narcisse by Chloe because it smells like a bag of sweets.

GetOrf · 08/03/2013 11:41

i don't know how people can go into Lush shops. The smell is horrible - smells how I imagine an ambi-pur factory would smell like.

And lush is so pretentious. I remember when they were Cosmetics To Go - they sold utter shite which was overpriced to boot.

GetOrf · 08/03/2013 11:43

Twat (har har) I am blonde and like heady, oriental stuff.

MarmaladeTwatkins · 08/03/2013 11:43

Once I used a Lush fresh face mask and it brought me out in a terrible rash :( It said all natural ingredients as well! That shop is not scented by all natural ingredients. It smells like one of Barbara Cartland's farts.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 11:44

They've come a long way since Cosmetics to Go, which was very gimmicky, their skincare now is fabulous, the staff are very knowledgeable and helpful too.

GetOrf · 08/03/2013 11:46

I would never know, I can never get over the threshhold. Grin

DD bought me a glitter bath bomb a few years ago for Christmas. Can't say i was impressed by it. And those big lumps of soap look a bit grim.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 11:51

I don't use the soaps or the bath bombs and I make sure the DCs choose ones without bits in! It is a shame the smell puts so many people off though, they do have some very good stuff. I swear by the henna as well.

MarmaladeTwatkins · 08/03/2013 11:53

You don't even need to go over the threshold! The one in New St in Birmingham, I have to walk over the other side of the street to escape the smell. Thing is, it's not even an overpoweing smell of something nice. It's an overpowering smell of something that smells... itchy. Do you know what I mean? It smells itchy. The smell irritates me. Chemically and choking. Bleeee.

LittleAbruzzenBear · 08/03/2013 11:57

Weaker perfumes wear off my skin in half an hour so I wear Coco Chanel because it lasts. I love the proper Eau de Cologne, which I bought in err...Cologne a couple of years ago. I don't want to reek of perfume, but IMO there is zero point in wearing perfume if you can't smell it (not like a big mushroom cloud around you though). My friend hates any perfume that smells like perfume and wears, what I think, smells like washing powder/soap. I hate celeb perfumes generally. We are all different, vive la difference!

Sparklingbrook · 08/03/2013 11:59

YY to smelling itchy Marmalade. It makes my eyes burn too.

LittleAbruzzenBear · 08/03/2013 11:59

See now, GetOrf loves Guerlain, proper perfume IMO!

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/03/2013 12:00

I think there is a big difference (for me anyway) in things you just have to smell for a short while eg Lush shop to things you are stuck with for hours, either on yourself or on someone nearby, it is the inability to walk away that is the problem, and the reason why I do feel that the wearing of strong perfume in crowded places is inconsiderate.

giraffesCantDateDucks · 08/03/2013 12:04

It's people who spray body pray or hair spray in public that 26697 me my lungs can't cope

Sparklingbrook · 08/03/2013 12:09

giraffes it should be illegal. Many years ago a bloke opposite me used to spray his armpits at his desk when he got back from lunch every day. Angry

CalamityJan · 08/03/2013 12:11


I am sick of people who transfer their scent to you after an ordinary 'hello' hug, affect your enjoyment of a cup of coffeee, make me cough in the theatre or cinema.

For god's sake, what dread smell are they trying to mask, I wonder?

Actually men's deodorant is the worst. Really catches in your throat.


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scarletfingernail · 08/03/2013 12:32

I felt compelled to ask my colleague who I sat next to every day to stop wearing Gloria Vanderbilt. It's foul enough anyway but then she would sit at her desk and drown herself in it hourly. I had a permanent headache. She was good humoured enough about it when I said it was horrible, but then took revenge by bringing in Angel instead [bleugh].

RubberBullets · 08/03/2013 12:34

Maybe we could get rid of aerosol deodorants for a start. I use a stick, no faffing around waiting for it to dry, it doesn't take up much space and doesn't affect others around me when I put it on.

I'm not a fan of perfume, it makes my nose run something awful. I am one of the few people that adore the smell of Brut though Blush

DTisMYdoctor · 08/03/2013 12:41

Sparklingbrook - agree that for my MIL, it is a case of using far too much fabric softener, and possibly washing powder for that matter. I'm possibly particularly sensitive to it because I'm obsessive about not using too much washing powder and I don't use fabric softener at all (as I live in a soft water area). Clothes shouldn't have a really strong detergent smell imo.

Calamityjan - DH is banned from spraying deoderant in our bedroom. He doesn't wear too much or anything, but it really catches in my throat if I'm there.

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