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To think people who wear intrusive perfume are unreasonable?

213 replies

MardyBraWouldDoEddieRedmayne · 07/03/2013 18:27

I'm not talking a discreet dab, but people whose perfume I can smell even when they've left the room.

And if we're eating it spoils my sense of taste.

OP posts:
Moistenedbint · 07/03/2013 19:57

Yanbu, I find the prospect of body odour preferable to certain overbearing perfumes.

Although not overbearing, I find Cerruti pretty nauseating.

Sprite21 · 07/03/2013 20:05

YANBU I can't wear even a mild scent without developing a headache and sitting next to someone in a theatre, classroom or on public transport who is wearing perfume or cologne is sure to bring on a headache.
It's awful. Why inflict that on someone, even if you think it smells nice?
I hate it in department stores how they make you go through the perfume section to get anywhere. I have to cover my nose and run/walk as quickly as I can. It's a health hazard, not an enticement into the store!

Sparklingbrook · 07/03/2013 20:05

Sometimes people smell really strongly of fabric conditioner too.

LittleMissFantabulous · 07/03/2013 20:06

My grandma wore Joy, instant headaches. Perfume can be evil:(

MardyBraWouldDoEddieRedmayne · 07/03/2013 20:07

Yeah! My first unanimous YANBU I think.

OP posts:
MardyBraWouldDoEddieRedmayne · 07/03/2013 20:09

yy to the Hollister smell. It reminds me f the poppy fields in the Wizard of Oz - presumably designed to put middle-aged old crones like me into a stupor, so that they will automatically pull out their credit cards to purchase some overpriced tarty tart for their teenager.

OP posts:
INeverSaidThat · 07/03/2013 20:10

YANBU.. I can't stand strong perfume, in fact I dislike most scents and try to avoid buying anything perfumed.

I find teenage boys and aftershave a bad combination too. If my DS has friends over I can smell lynx throughout the house for hours.

Whydobabiescry · 07/03/2013 20:11

YANBU overpowering perfume/aftershave is horrible. But I also can't stand it when people smell so strongly of cheap washing powder/fabric conditioner you can smell them from a distance - just how much do they need to wash their clothes? I love a bit of Ariel and comfort but not so that people can smell me before I arrive.

garlicbrain · 07/03/2013 20:16

I used to wear Poison. On purpose Grin

4711's lovely, Sparkling! Smells like French baby cologne, and is just as cheap. I wonder if you can still get it?

bootsycollins · 07/03/2013 20:17

Ooooh I remember Tweed, what a stinker. I hate Gloria Vanderbilt, all of the Charlie "fragrances", Opium is vile. Gonna have to have a sniff of the Angel next time I'm up town, not familiar with it at all. I used to adore Samsara but I can't be arsed spending that much money on a guilty pleasure Grin.

I once briefly worked in a nursing home, I have a freakishly good sense of smell (honestly it's like having a really shit superpower, sometimes I can tell what shampoo someone's used just by being in the same room) had to resort to wearing max strength perfume to cope with the unpleasant smells. That perfume was Michael Kors and now I heave if I smell it.

Raahh · 07/03/2013 20:18

Mardy --yy to the poppy fieldsGrin

maybe it's a smell that mimics teenage pheromones or something.

I'm scared of HollisterGrin

Sparklingbrook · 07/03/2013 20:19

You can garlic. Smile I got her the cologne stick when she was in hospital

olivertheoctopus · 07/03/2013 20:20

YANBU. My MIl wears some hideous and def cheap shit which makes our entire house reek for days after she's been to stay. You can actually taste it in the air . Bleurrgh

bootsycollins · 07/03/2013 20:21

Yeah 4711's still available, another scent I haven't smelt.

Remember all the really cheap and nasty scents of the 80's? Panache, White Satin. Urgh I cannot stand Narcisse by Chloe.

Salmotrutta · 07/03/2013 20:22

Try walking into a classroom after the kids have had PE.

The reek of Impulse and Lynx hovers like a miasma... bluergh!

Salmotrutta · 07/03/2013 20:23

OMG - my MIL used to wear Tweed.

It smelt like actual tweed, funnily enough Grin

bootsycollins · 07/03/2013 20:24

Hate Elizabeth Ardens Red Door and Sunflowers too.

catsmother · 07/03/2013 20:24

Ha - when I saw this I was going to come on and whinge about Angel, Poison, Giorgio Beverly Hills and Opium but I see everyone's already beaten me to it!

Can I add Jean-Paul Gaultier - smells like old burning tyres to me and makes me feel genuinely nauseous.

That "powdery" perfume favoured by "older" ladies might well be Chanel No 5 which always seems powdery to me. I'd heard how "classic" it was long before I ever actually smelt it and was surprised how cloying and intense it was.

Sparklingbrook · 07/03/2013 20:27

I am mostly wearing 'Suddenly Madame Glamour' £3.99 from Lidl. Grin

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 07/03/2013 20:28

I've never set foot in Hollister, you lot aren't selling it to me. I was recently completely lost for words when DMIL (75, favourite clothes shop Quality Seconds) said to me "It's a good shop that Hollister". Now I'm even more confused.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 07/03/2013 20:28

Oh it makes me heave.

In my business (adventure sports let's say) I lend out protective clothing. There is an otherwise delightful lady who visits several times a year and every time I have to take the stuff she has worn home and put it through the washing machine. It's truly gag-inducing.

jelepomme · 07/03/2013 20:29

There is a perfume that reminds me of a dinner lady at my primary school. I think of turkey twizzlers and boiled veg every time I smell it. A woman at work had it on today. It makes me feel disgusting.


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meddie · 07/03/2013 20:33

Angel is vile. sickly chocolate smell.
Rofl Sparklingbrook. I have a bottle of the lidl perfume too it actually isnt that offensive.

ifancyashandy · 07/03/2013 20:35

Do none of you ever wear perfume then? I wear it every day - bloody love it and have loads!

But none of mine have been mentioned here Grin

carlywurly · 07/03/2013 20:40

I once tried angel on and it actually made me retch. Vile. Had to go go to debenhams loos and scrub it straight off.

A woman at work wears Charlie and that's horrid too.

So yanbu

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