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To think people who wear intrusive perfume are unreasonable?

213 replies

MardyBraWouldDoEddieRedmayne · 07/03/2013 18:27

I'm not talking a discreet dab, but people whose perfume I can smell even when they've left the room.

And if we're eating it spoils my sense of taste.

OP posts:
rcs19 · 07/03/2013 22:30

Durian fruit, znaika? Smells like cat wee.

Devora · 07/03/2013 22:34

I'm sorry, KC, but Angel really is awful.

As bootsy has raised the issue of room fragrance, can I just say I hate that too Grin. Not completely - I do have a couple of scented candles I was given, but I never light them - the unlit smell is quite strong enough.

And air fresheners - absolute work of the devil. They give me such a headache, and smell so rank.

chickydoo · 07/03/2013 22:37

I can't abide Chloe, it makes me feel really sick. As does Channel No 5.
Hate anything heavy & cloying, the only exception being a tiny dab of Liz Earls newest fragrance.
Generally I like light zesty fragrances like space NK laughter & Jo Malone grapefruit or LBM.
Also love white linen Estée Lauder.

ivykaty44 · 07/03/2013 22:50

I would rather any of the above mentioned perfumes (even poison) to BO, the lingering smell of Bo is juts awful - sorry but armpits stale sweat is not nice. the lady on the next blardy spin bike to me on Tuesday had not washed her kit and as she got warm the smell of BO got worse - it was so bad I had to turn my head to the other side otherwise I would have been eating the smell.

I would much rather she had been wearing any perfume and smelt of it than the awful bO

As for house smells - going into a falt with no lights on and the curtains drawn and being warned not to sit down as you might get soemthing on your cloths - the flat smelling of dog shit and having to talk politely

Give me yankee candles any day of the week as an exchange thanks Grin

you can have all the awful smells if you don't like the expensive types

ivykaty44 · 07/03/2013 22:50

Durian - fruit in thailand

Disappearing · 07/03/2013 23:00

I agree with OP, I'm really sensitive to smells, and have to hold my breath if walking through the perfume department of shops. I have unscented everything, do extra rinses of washed clothes just to be sure there are no detergent smells left, use no fabric conditioner, etc. A couple of times, if a shop assistant managed to squirt some sample perfume on me I've been unable to eat afterwards until I've scrubbed down.

However I do wonder if I'm missing out, DH has said several times he'd like to buy me some perfume. I do like some smells, e.g. I used to have vanilla body lotion that was tolerable, I remember decades ago actually liking Bodyshop Dewberry (does anyone else remember that?), and I like the idea of the French perfume for babies, though could never actually apply perfume to an actual baby, what a horror of a concept!

Does anyone have any suggestions for a gentle perfume, for over-sensitive bods like me?

DTisMYdoctor · 07/03/2013 23:29

Sparkingbrook - completely agree about fabric conditioner. My lovely MIL did loads of washing for us when our washing machine broke down and I couldn't bear the strong smell of fabric conditioner on all our clothes, sheets and towels. As soon as we got a new machine I washed all the clean stuff she'd washed for us. I hated wearing clothes reeking of fabric conditioner!

Sparklingbrook · 07/03/2013 23:30

I don't think you should be able to smell it unless you actually sniff the fabric DT. I think maybe people use too much?

TheSecondComing · 07/03/2013 23:36

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WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 07/03/2013 23:47

DS lost a jumper at school once. A few days later another mum returned it, with apologies and having washed it. I noticed the fabric conditioner smell on it but didn't think too much of it and popped it in his cupboard. Big mistake, the entire contents ended up reeking. I use unscented detergent and fabric conditioner and hate the scented stuff.

Hair products are another one, some of them STINK.

Mermaidspam · 08/03/2013 00:28

Feckin' Angel.

Also Eden. Scares the bejeezus out of my nostrils.

Welovegrapes · 08/03/2013 00:29

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bootsycollins · 08/03/2013 00:57

I love fabric softener, especially Comfort, love scented ironing water and Febreeze fresh cotton air freshener.

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 08/03/2013 08:11

I can't stand scented candles (don't get the fuss over Yankee candles) or those room air fresheners.

Why would I want my room to smell of vanilla or cinnamon? Totally overpowering smells.

ChocsAwayInMyGob · 08/03/2013 08:19

I think the older lady perfume is actually Yardley English Lavender talcum powder, hence powdery smell.

Powder is actually a note in many perfumes, especially older formulations. Talc sales are really falling so the powdery smell may well be certain perfumes.

Examples of powdery notes in fragrance are Cabochard, Arden True Love, Love Chloe, Chanel no 5 and Coty L'Aimant.

CruCru · 08/03/2013 08:35

I hate air freshener and can't understand anyone using it.

I thought the rule was no scent at the dentist, cinema or on a plane.

LemonBreeland · 08/03/2013 08:51

This thread is perfect for me. I always end up sneezing around people who wear too much. I also get a headache if I wear any.

Hate bloody Angel perfume. SIL used to sell the stuff too, so was always reeking of it.

MIL is one of those people who has worn the same perfume for years and can't smell it any more. If the dc are at her house they come home stinking.

catsmother · 08/03/2013 09:34

Disappearing - try Pure Grace by Philosophy if you want something really "gentle". It's very different to the majority of perfumes, extremely subtle, almost like freshly washed clothes, or skin for that matter. Difficult to describe - just fresh and "clean" smelling.

Oblomov · 08/03/2013 09:48

I looooooove strong smelling perfumes. And can never find one strong enough smelling for myself. And when I smell a strong nice one, I am always tempted to run after the person and ask them what it is.....

EmmaBemma · 08/03/2013 09:56

"I wear aromatics, it seems to evoke a strong response. "

My mum wears this too. Whenever I smell it on anyone else I immediately warm to them because it reminds me so much of her - it would be an ideal perfume for a conwoman to wear (but only a very specific, me-targeting conwoman)

fedupofnamechanging · 08/03/2013 10:04

Is it me or are there fewer lovely perfumes around now? When I was younger, I was spoilt for choice and now I find it really hard to find one I love.

I still love Body shop's White Musk (apologies to those of you who hate it - will tone it down a bit, so you don't mention me in threads Wink ), but Samsara/Angel smell like vomit to me. Funny how we all smell things differently.

BeeBawBabbity · 08/03/2013 10:05

It's really interesting to read how sensitive to smell some (well lots) of people seem to be. I don't mind any of the strong perfumes. I actually have a bottle of that pure grace one too and it smells of nothing to me.

Are all you super smellers super tasters too? I also have poor taste buds, so I'm guessing they're linked.


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ChocsAwayInMyGob · 08/03/2013 10:09

karma- you're both right and wrong.

There are thousands of really beautiful perfumes around but I usually buy online now as the High Street range is all very samey.

You are right though because in my opinion, the modern trend for fragrances is dreadful and I can't wait for the fruity floral or vanilla/candy floss trends to die out.

In the meantime, check out Fragrantica, which not only gives you reader reviews of just about any perfume you can name, but also has a section where you can search for note you love i.e Bergamot or Oriental or Musk and it will give you all the perfumes that match the notes you like.

And by the way, I've been wearing White Musk for 25 years and I always get compliments on it! I actually think it's very subtle compared to monsters like Angel so keep on wearing it!

fedupofnamechanging · 08/03/2013 10:18

Thanks Chocs. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who still loves White Musk.

SouthernComforts · 08/03/2013 10:36

I wish I knew what Angel smells like. I'm intrigued..

What's the verdict on Lady Million? I love it but I think it's probably in the 'overpowering' category.

Btw, I'm 21 and I walked past a dingy looking shop, thought it was closed, realised it was Hollister and spent about 30 seconds trying to find the bloody door before giving up. I've never felt so old.

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