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Sigh. I have to stick a wooden spoon up dh's arse, don't I?

335 replies

HoneyDragon · 17/11/2012 21:40

For 11 years of marriage I have put up with his pathological need to stir what ever is bubbling in a pan. I can live with it.

But he waited till I was out with the dog, and BUTCHERED my chicken into a shredded stringy globby mess!

He had clearly chopped it with the spoon then bashed and shredded it and stirred it into fuckery oblivion. Rendering a dish where you should have had a choice of leg or breast into Chicken and Paprika porridge. Because "It's better that way". The lid did not need lifting, the pan did not need stirring. The dc's were presented with a favourite meal and instead both gave me WTAF is this Confused faces.

AIBU to think he you shouldn't fuck with another persons poultry like an obsessive spoonyfucker?

OP posts:
Newestname001 · 05/04/2021 08:19


stbHx was a spoonyfucker and a cookerknobfucker.

He used to stir then turn down every fucking pan he walked past Angry

I wouldn't mind but he was the absolute worst cook ever, I've shared his onion gravy recipe on here many times.

My biggest bugbear was when he boiled potatoes. He boiled them, I mean seriously boiled them. They would be furiously trying to escape the pan as it spat molted hot starchy goo all over the hob for about half an hour.

I don't like my food to be touching, I like each element to be separate then I can combine each mouthful as I see fit. He served everything up as a sort of food soup.

12 years with this man, 12 years Sad

Freedom beckons - hold on!! 🌹
CloudFormations · 05/04/2021 08:32

Mumsnet used to be nicer, didn’t it? If someone posted this thread today there would be reams if po-faced responses saying it’s not funny to joke about domestic violence and suggesting that either OP, her husband or both were controlling.

Biddie191 · 05/09/2023 12:34

CloudFormations - there would, but I think it's just a select few.

Sweetpea1532 · 05/09/2023 14:26

Oh, for the simple days of 2012...

HipHopopotomus · 05/09/2023 14:57

SpoonyFuckers 😁

HardcoreLadyType · 05/09/2023 22:26

I am on this thread, under an old user name.

I stopped using MN in about 2017, and have come back for a bit of a look in the past few days.

The fun just isn’t there, anymore. 😞

Sweetpea1532 · 07/09/2023 13:32

Yes, i agree@HardcoreLadyType ..times have gotten too complicated ☹️

PonyPatter44 · 07/09/2023 13:34

I was just thinking what a great thread this was, and then I saw the date....

baffledcoconut · 07/09/2023 13:41

Reading this thread made me think of the good old days and how lovely it was- perhaps things were going back. Nope, old thread. Absolute joy to read.

Is the OP’s husband reformed I wonder?

Guiltypleasures001 · 10/09/2023 18:37

Ahh he's a spoony fucker Grin

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