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to think leggings on their own is ridiculous

163 replies

sidress · 05/10/2012 21:56

as they are basically a form of tights worn under a skirt or long top. Not worn as trousers like I see so much of, particularly teens or young students. My daughter has taken to this recently but its her choice, I have bigger battles to pick.

I suppose the false jeans kind make a BIT of sense but I still don't get it.

OP posts:
wol1968 · 21/02/2014 23:38

It is if you're going topless as well. Grin Although I think it's a look DH would like to see more of - in the bedroom.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

CalamityKate · 21/02/2014 23:41

I still mourn the discontinuation of M&S leggings.

They were thick enough to completely hide pants. They had a lovely wide waistband. They were very stretchy. They never bagged at the knees, or slid down, or went out of shape even after being washed hundreds of times. I used to ride in mine and they just stayed in place, and in shape.

They were £18 (quite dear considering I'm going back at least 15 years) and they were worth every penny.

And then of course they changed suppliers or whatever and the replacements were nowhere near as good. I've never found any to rival them :(

WandaDoff · 21/02/2014 23:47

ZOMBIE thread.

HighlanderMam · 21/02/2014 23:52

I wear Jeggings (the ones that look like jeans painted on) with tope that don't cover my arse. I have a nice arse and I look good in them. You can't see the outline of my 'foof'.

They aren't see through so I guess that's what most people find offensive?
I wouldn't want to wear trousers that you could see my underwear through.

I did wear a pair of skin tight, shiny/latex looking leggings with a top that didn't cover my arse to a birthday bash not so long ago, They again were not see through in the slightest, and were very tight. Nothing was wobbling, and no 'foof' was on show.

YANBU to think leggings on their own are ridiculous. You can think whatever the hell you want.

HighlanderMam · 21/02/2014 23:57

Haha! Just noticed this is a zombie thread.

shemademegay you revived this zombie thread because you were offended by it.

I am offended by the fact that you use too many exclamation marks >> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's fucking annoying. Oh, and you don't need to star out your swear words either, we're all adults here, we've all heard the words before.

HighlanderMam · 22/02/2014 00:00

Typo in my first post, whoops,Blush

*with tops that don't cover my arse.

propertyNIGHTmareBEFOREXMAS · 22/02/2014 00:01

Yanbu. It is a really bad look. Always.

Starballbunny · 22/02/2014 00:07

They are comfortable,there have been days in this cold wet miserable winter when I really couldnt give a fuck if some nosey cow was offended by my VPL.

Normally I keep leggings for the house and long tops, but my backs been playing me up and I have the hump and don't care!

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 22/02/2014 00:12

There was a woman today in leggings and a leather jacket.
She looked 'okay' until she bent down them OMG , they were stretched to see through.
I could practically see her knicker label on her pants.

For the love of Jeff ladies. Look in the fecking mirror Hmm

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 22/02/2014 00:13

Zombie Thread

MissyO · 22/02/2014 00:19

Ok for little girls in the pre 'hip-rounding' stage not for anyone else

shemademegay · 22/02/2014 00:19

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shemademegay · 22/02/2014 00:33

And still they carry on! "Ok for little girls in the pre 'hip-rounding' stage not for anyone else Yanbu" "It is a really bad look. Always" "well im okay with it if you have the figure go ahead"

my point is any clothes are ok for anyone! if it makes them happy then they can do it! as for people complaining about see through leggings, this was not my original's just common sense to wear clothes that are your size and buy new when they get too old. but still surely seeing someones knickers is still not as offensive or mean as having a go at people for looking a certain way? so, in conclusion this still makes the person who hasn't gotten round to buying new leggings yet the better person.

The end.

needaholidaynow · 22/02/2014 00:34

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propertyNIGHTmareBEFOREXMAS · 22/02/2014 00:35

Leggings need no body fat. If you fit that then great. Otherwise you are going to be showing your beef curtains to anyone who cares to look.

propertyNIGHTmareBEFOREXMAS · 22/02/2014 00:36

*Leggings with a top above the waist

ZingSweetMango · 22/02/2014 01:11



I was expecting Cliffy though!Wink

FlockOfTwats · 22/02/2014 01:18

I think it's fucking disgustnig to humiliate people by taking pictures of their behind, no matter what they're wearing. Shame on you for condoning that behaviour.

Would it be ok to take pictures of a womans privates while she sleeps? Because there is very little difference. She obviously did not know she was displaying so much.

YourMaNoBraBackOfMyCar · 22/02/2014 02:25

That picture makes me cringe every time I see it not because of her leggings or visible underwear but because this oblivious female (whose age we don't know) has no idea her personal space has been violated and spread all over the web. Oh and yes I know it's a zombie thread but that same picture was posted on a similar thread earlier this week. I'm fat, I wear leggings with my tunics and do so while not giving one iota of fuck. It's my body. I'll dress as I please. If my dress sense offends then don't worry I'll be outta sight in a second or two. Just... y'know? Deal with it.

ahlahktuhflomp · 22/02/2014 05:34

Picture is on an escalator. If it is public enough to be in a stranger's face, it is public enough to be caught on camera without wrongness.

MadIsTheNewNormal · 22/02/2014 05:46

YANBU. Some women take complete leave of their senses where leggings are concerned. I feel embarrassed on their behalf.

Hotmad · 22/02/2014 06:12

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georgesdino · 22/02/2014 07:59

Im 30 but have a teen/celeb skinny legs, and I adore leggings. There are loads of thick ones you can buy, and I really love them.

brettgirl2 · 22/02/2014 08:01

Yanbu leggings as trousers only for under 10s imo.

justtoomessy · 22/02/2014 08:43

Ooh I had some lovely leggings in the 80's but always wore with a dress. I wouldn't wear them now as I am far too fat and dimply plus they are so thin.

I do think people can wear what they like however, I do wonder why there friends/relatives don't say that their pants are on show!

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