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To be unsure about FB pregnancy announcements.

110 replies

Mylittlepuds · 27/09/2012 19:37

The whole scan picture thing just makes me feel uneasy - it just feels too intrusive for me personally. But I can see that it's an 'easy' way of letting friends and family know in one swoop. What do others think? I'm wondering whether to do it (sans pic) in a few weeks time. However if the unthinkable happened, so many people would know. What's the best thing to do?

OP posts:
Katienana · 01/10/2012 10:26

I told close family and friends in person/phone/text etc then sent them a group fbook msg with the scan photo on. I did a separate status saying I was looking forward to baby coming for other friends to see. It was nice to get the comments and congratulations. I haven't posted loads about it though because lots of it is tmi and I would rather get advice from midwives or my family.

shittingit · 01/10/2012 10:37

myoldpuds just unsubscribe from most of their updates, I do and feel all the better for it.

you Those are exactly the sort of people I would want to see scan pics or announcements from, baby pics or count downs to due dates. The people I tend to inwardly eye-roll at ( must say I am nornally more patient, but lately my bs threshokd is v low)are the ones that make everything a drama/event, contant updates about their baby making journey, 'dh' or their baby, or their nursery, purchases-like big ass purchases that baby won't need until ay least a toddler those are the sorts of folk I won't defriend but will hide status updates from.

YouOldSlag · 01/10/2012 11:28

Shitting, when I was able to finally post good pregnancy news after lots of heartache, there wasn't a person on earth who could have stopped me! Smile

hhhhhhh · 01/10/2012 11:35

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YouOldSlag · 01/10/2012 12:14

I wouldn't post pregnancy news until at least the first scan had come back OK. In the case of DS2 I had to wait for amnio results so didn't post until I was about 18 weeks. Once family know, once everything looks as OK as it can ever be, then I'll post.

After three losses, I would never post as soon as I had peed on a stick!

Once I feel in the clear, I would happily shout it from the rooftops and have a ticker tape parade.

elliejjtiny · 01/10/2012 12:19

When I was pregnant with DS3 I hardly told anyone until he was born. Just immediate family, close friends, people who I saw regularly who would notice and obviously the gp, midwife etc. DS2 has a genetic disability and I wanted to avoid the negative comments about the possibility of having 2 disabled children and how we would cope. After he was born I kind of wished we'd posted scan photos on facebook etc.

SneakyNuts · 01/10/2012 12:43

I did and will next time too.

I had a miscarriage at the end of 2009. Not once between then and when I fell pregnant with DD (March 2011), did I feel jealous of other people's pregnancies- nor did I feel they were insensitive for announcing theirs.

Oh, I posted bump pictures too AND mentioned my pregnancy in more than one status. You lot would hate me Grin

YouOldSlag · 01/10/2012 12:52

Sneaky- I wouldn't hate you! I'd think it was fabulous news!

SneakyNuts · 01/10/2012 13:15

Oh good Grin!

ShabbyChit · 01/10/2012 13:49

Personally I love seeing scan pics, bump pictures, pictures of nurseries, things people have bought for their babies, that kind of thing.

My DH is infertile and we have been TTC for almost 3 years - I would never suggest people don't share things such as this for fear of upsetting those who can't have kids, have MC etc.
That seems ridiculous to me - whatever anyone posts on FB at any time is bound to upset someone in your friends list, surly?
My dad died 5 years ago and to me that's like saying no one should post things relating to their parents as it might upset those who have lost their parents? Hmm

TBH for me (in the long term TTC camp) - FB is probably my preferred way to find out things such as this as it gives me a moment in the space of my own home for my heart to sink in jealousy, then I can get my head around it, be happy for the parents and put on a brave face next time I see them in person.

I would hate to see the shocked/upset/jealous look on my own face if someone told me they were expecting to my face!

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