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I'm a lurker!

153 replies

gaveitago · 08/10/2011 09:22

Hello, so I've been lurking for an embarrasingly long time- (started as a diversion to not smoking)
Always too scard to post- terrible speller and typer.
Anyway have rare weekend alone- still in bed- read paper- had tea and crumpets- put on washing and now can't be arsed to do any of the work I stayed home to catch up on (rest of family gone camping)
So AIBU to out myself and say hello?

OP posts:
TalcAndTurnips · 08/10/2011 10:48

AIBU to be more worried about North Korea than zombies, though?

And the Isle of Wight?

ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 10:49

Have you read it yet Cool? Is it worth buying?

gaveitago · 08/10/2011 10:50

I'm cutivating stinging neatles at the bottom of the garden - as a year long food source- and have escape plan and hiding place in case of alien invasion. No one ever took me seriously- dss just roll eyes.

OP posts:
ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 10:51

Err before you all rush off, can you come and give an opinion please, on my very dull curtain thread.


Please and thank you. :)

SayCoolNowSayWhip · 08/10/2011 10:51

Scarah - absolutely! I think it's a must for every Zombie Survivalist. Seriously, a lot of work and research has gone into this in worrying amounts. In fact, did you write it?!! Wink

Awesome book. I'm about halfway through, but once I'm finished, no zombie will be able to defeat me....

TalcAndTurnips · 08/10/2011 10:52

Zombies can hide behind curtains - are you mad?

ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 10:52

Probably I was interviewed for it, and forgot. So many interviews, so little time.

gaveitago · 08/10/2011 10:55

Thank you so much for making my first outing such fun- I'm off to tackle mounds of paper work- good luck with the zombies.

OP posts:
BarkisIsWillin · 08/10/2011 10:58

Went away for a while there; not sure I can keep up with all the homework you lot are firing at me :o. Does that mean I fail?

TalcAndTurnips · 08/10/2011 10:59

Good morning to you - I must be off to my bunker. I see worrying plumes of smoke on the horizon.

clipboardannie · 08/10/2011 11:07

Now it's all gone quiet ........ bravely whispers 'Hello' and scurries back to safety of lurking corner.

PandorasSocks · 08/10/2011 11:10


clipboardannie · 08/10/2011 11:16

We can feel very brave now, Pandora, as we snuggle back into our lurker blankies.

ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 11:18

Hello shy lurkers :)

SayCoolNowSayWhip · 08/10/2011 11:19

Awww.... don't be scared, ickle lurkers....

ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 11:19

Bit of dutch courage. I like your thinking Cool :)

LadyEvilEyes · 08/10/2011 11:24

When I lurked, my first thread was the OFRS one.
I would have known nothing about defending myself against zombies.
I'm now fully prepared and ready.Grin
Sorry Scarah but curtains are boooooring. Grin

gaveitago · 08/10/2011 11:25

Ok, so I managed 15 mins of work and then felt your pull from across the kitchen table- you're so powerfull

OP posts:
PandorasSocks · 08/10/2011 11:25


ScarahStratton · 08/10/2011 11:27

I know they are. I'm procrastinating over putting up the curtain pole too :(

SayCoolNowSayWhip · 08/10/2011 11:28

Cba to scroll down and go to t'other thread Scarah, but personally I'd cut your curtains with your big wolefy teeth


BarkisIsWillin · 08/10/2011 11:39

It must be Wine o'clock somewhere in the world, so ta very much. Slurp


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SayCoolNowSayWhip · 08/10/2011 11:49

Barkis, it's always^ Wine o'clock Grin


BeaOnSea · 08/10/2011 12:01

Welcome, welcome all those posting for the first time.

You do realise you will never do your housework again don't you?

I remember the first time I posted - my heart was beating so fast and I actually had to move away from the laptop then sneak back to see if anybody had replied - I was really scared !!

I have no idea why - I'm such a gobby caaah in rl Grin

gaveitago · 08/10/2011 12:05

Well that's what's happened to me this morning, - done nothing! Have friend phoning wating me to go out and have to think up excuse- I just want to stay and stare at this screen - oh no I think I need help.

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