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How miserable are you that the Tories are in power?

813 replies

sundayrose10 · 08/07/2011 09:25

I feel tense and twitchy. I used to enjoy reading the politic section/ other political forums, but I fear if I keep on going there and reading more and more about Tory plans, I will give myself a heart attack.

I loath them but worst I fear them. I am anxious for this country and the ordinary man and woman.

Dave makes me feel insane with hatred.

I have a colleague who is in love with the Tories. I don't share biscuits with him any more.

Dave makes me itch. All over.

OP posts:
hellyeah · 08/07/2011 11:49

but it is this government who are make cuts that are affecting the sick and the disabled.

SpringHeeledJack · 08/07/2011 11:52

I was quite pathetically sad, now I've reached a sort of rolling boil of more or less constant fury

which is better, I feel


oohjarWhatsit · 08/07/2011 11:54

everyone agree cuts need to be made
no one wants it to affect anything they do/have Confused

jellybeans · 08/07/2011 11:55

I am very worried for vunerable people to be honest and the NHS. Luckily i don't think they will last long.

Laquitar · 08/07/2011 11:57


Welshexpat · 08/07/2011 11:58

There are some people who need help through no fault of their own, the genuine disabled, and as a civilised society we should give them everything they need.

However as someone who grew up in a two up two down house with only an outside toilet who has succeeded through hard work at school, university and in the workplace, I have no, repeat no, sympathy for people who were too lazy to do likewise. I also have no sympathy for people who failed to save for their retirement and now expect those who did work hard and save to support their needs in old age.

The majority of people in poverty are there because of their own stupidity, feckless behaviour and lazyness. Unfortunately, New Labour turned these people into a client state.

StroppyDad · 08/07/2011 11:58


Apart from the itching, this is how I feel.

And the rest of you: don't even start on the "Labour spent all the money" crap! Before the financial crash, the UK had the 2nd lowest debt of any G20 country. Their spending plans were matched by Cameron and Osborne (or so they said).

Labours failure was not to regulate the banks. Were the Tories crying out for more regulation at the time. No, they were arguing for LESS.

sweetness86 · 08/07/2011 11:59


Im with OP I am worried for the country cost of food/petrol going up wages still quite low not rising with the rate of inflation.
I dread the day I have to buy those 9p tins of beans as I cant afford Heinz!

I worry about my dad who is disabled what will the cuts do to him in future?
Or my friend who's son is disabled and she relies on home care what will happen to her?

I am worried Dave scares me I don't like him I think more children will grow up in poverty , the housing system is on its knees so more will be homeless.
Since hes came into power I dont see anything positive happening to rectify the problems were having just spending cuts which in my eyes are making things worse and worse.

I wonder how we afford so much foreign aid when were in so much debt .

As you can see Im worried Grin

Thistledew · 08/07/2011 12:00

The trouble is that for many people (myself included) life is great just now. Mortgage rates are low, my income is not dependant on (although may be affected by) the cuts. DP is in recession-proof employment that will not be affected by cuts. We have spare Money for private healthcare and no family members who have recourse to any facilities for disabled persons etc.

The issue for me is that there are a great number of people who are not so fortunate and that is something I actually do give a shit about, but a great number of people don't, so long as life continues to be rosy for them.

madamimadam · 08/07/2011 12:01

OP, judging by Cameron's performance at the press conference this morning, you might not have to be miserable for much longer...

Otherwise, yes. I didn't vote for them but this is so much worse than I imagined. What's wrong with ideologically driven cuts? The fact that they are not thought through for starters. Move poor families out of London. What a brilliant idea. Ditto public service cuts - of course there won't be a problem as the private sector will mop it all up. Bugger - forgot. We've got no growth.

It's back-of-the-envelope policy making and I expected better from these expensively-educated people.

As well as the fact that the countries we've modelled our cuts on were in very different economic situations when they did them - Canada for instance did it when there was solid economic growth and they were well out of the recessionary woods.

If I were Cameron and Osborne's paters, I'd be looking for a refund from Eton etc

aliceliddell · 08/07/2011 12:04

On Radio 4 1pm news - Andy Coulson now arrested - that's the same Andy Coulson appointed by Cameron as Spinmeister. Cameron might go the same way as Notw. Yay!

sweetness86 · 08/07/2011 12:05

However as someone who grew up in a two up two down house with only an outside toilet who has succeeded through hard work at school, university and in the workplace, I have no, repeat no, sympathy for people who were too lazy to do likewise. I also have no sympathy for people who failed to save for their retirement and now expect those who did work hard and save to support their needs in old age

Who would do the mediocre and low paid jobs? I hate this attitude we aren't all academics. My nan worked hard but paid a married womans stamp she didnt know that she would only get half a pension for doing this but she know gets around £37 a week is that fair? She worked for 50 years of her life!
Just because someone doesn't go to uni it does not make them lazy I can see you are rather proud of what you achieved not knocking that but I would just be as proud of my son being a bin man its not all about going to uni not everyone does!

JoleneJoleneJoleneJoleeene · 08/07/2011 12:05

Welshexpat but can't you see that the cuts will affect the people who are unable help themselves?

oohjarWhatsit · 08/07/2011 12:07

as i said to the labour candidate who tried to tell me none of it was Gordon's fault, except the good bits, we will have to agree to differ :)

MrsBuntyisRatherGrumpy · 08/07/2011 12:11

Dear God Welshexpat, your not Norman Tebbit are you?

milkybarkidsgirlfriend · 08/07/2011 12:17

dont know why the state of the country is being blamed on the conservative patry being in Power?

Those that supported the Labour party, and believed Blair and Brown, those who thought the good times were going to last for ever, should be held entirely responsible. Did we honestly think we could live on the never, never forever?

Quite happy in this house actually.

Welshexpat · 08/07/2011 12:21

I know many people more successful than me who finished school at fifteen. But they worked hard and made a success of their lives.

It's soft headed thinking to believe the successful are fortunate and the unsuccessful are unlucky. Absolutely not true. People need to work harder and save from the early days of their adulthood.

Contrast how successful people are who emigrated to the our former colonies, or some sectors of the immigrant poulation to this country. They have had to work to make it. We have too many losers left in the UK and there is no reason to make life comfortable for them. East European immigrants don't whinge and whine, they usually are well educated and just get on and work hard.

I did point out that some people are disadvantaged and need all the help they can get. If we stop giving money to those who should have done more for themselves then there will be no difficulty funding genuine need.

sweetness86 · 08/07/2011 12:22

Maybe if I even liked the guy it would help but I can't stand him I think he is a very unpopular PM .
All the tabloids love him though and try to get us to love him too errmmm

'na thanks'

pregnantpause · 08/07/2011 12:23

welsh expat- well done to you, pat on the back.
However as someone who grew up in a two up two down house with only an outside toilet who has succeeded through hard work at school, university and in the workplace, I have no, repeat no, sympathy for people who were too lazy to do likewise
can i assume this was in a terraced street? with many other families?? many of those other children in your street wont have been able 'work hard at school' because they may not have got enough sleep the night before a dad was on night shift and someone needed to help with the baby. they probably suffered frequent illness due to poor living conditions, damp, cold etc. They were probably expected to contribute heavily to the household, leaving no time for homework and reading. They may not have had acces to books, as parents to poor to buy them. At 16 they were expected to contribute finacially or get out. their parents could no longer support them through education. perhaps they could move out, get a job whilst funding part time education? But they still cant afford the books to support the course, their library opening hour conflict with their job so they cant acces free facilities. In the meantime mum is ill and omeone needs to support her because she paid married womans stamp and barely gets enough to live on. they give up the education, work more hours to help their family, intending to go back to it later. But circumstances mean that later is never. Your right, they're just lazy feckers Hmm

latitude · 08/07/2011 12:28

YABU- The previous Governments spending was unsustainable, the Government cannot borrow £150 billion a year forever, it needed to be adressed and the coalition is doing that. The Government could do it or the bond market would forces us to do it.

MrsBuntyisRatherGrumpy · 08/07/2011 12:31

Do all the tabloids love him, sweetness? I get the impression that even the Daily Fail thinks he's a tosser.

hiddenhome · 08/07/2011 12:32

I'm just overjoyed relieved that labour is now out.

At least the tories are trying to sort out the deficit before we end up like Greece.


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Thistledew · 08/07/2011 12:42

Welsh expat- your theory only holds true if you say that all jobs should be paid at an equal rate. Or do you think that people who empty our bins, clean our hospitals and care for our elderly don't work hard? They work very hard, and do not get paid enough to save for a private pension. The trouble is, that if every one "worked hard" in the way you suggest so that they did not have to do a low-paid job, there would be no-one left to do those jobs.

aliceliddell · 08/07/2011 12:46

yy thistledew

mumblechum1 · 08/07/2011 12:50

Pregnant pause, I was one of those people who left school at 16. I worked full time in a factory and did A levels at night school. I could afford the books because I was working full time!

Eventually got a job in the court service, was headhunted by a solicitors firm and ended up qualifying as a lawyer by distance learning while working full time and bringing up a disabled child. I now have what most people would consider an affluent lifestyle, but with no handouts from anyone. My dh had an even tougher struggle and is now a VP in a multinational company.

I agree a bit with Welshexpat that if someone is bloody determined to work their bollocks off they can do well for themselves

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