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How miserable are you that the Tories are in power?

813 replies

sundayrose10 · 08/07/2011 09:25

I feel tense and twitchy. I used to enjoy reading the politic section/ other political forums, but I fear if I keep on going there and reading more and more about Tory plans, I will give myself a heart attack.

I loath them but worst I fear them. I am anxious for this country and the ordinary man and woman.

Dave makes me feel insane with hatred.

I have a colleague who is in love with the Tories. I don't share biscuits with him any more.

Dave makes me itch. All over.

OP posts:
Expelliarmus · 08/07/2011 10:25

If you feel like this, how do you think you'd feel right now with labour in charge, considering the fact that they hugely contributed to the mess we're now in?

lovecorrie · 08/07/2011 10:26

sometimes I worry but on the whole, there is very little to be gained by worrying is there? I am concerned for my kids' future on occasions but on the other hand, we live in an affluent part of the country (yes we're lucky) are buying our house, (yes we're lucky) and I have just been offered a good job after being out of work for 6 months and in fact am in the lucky position of having had interviews for many jobs. I wouldn't want to be living in a place which will be really affected, but we have to be pragmatic about these things. How would things be different with another party in power? I honestly don't think anything would have changed.

LadyThumb · 08/07/2011 10:26

What I don't understand is why Con haters didn't shout and scream and jump up and down while Gordon Brown was having a field day taking the country to the brink of ruin. You wanted Labour, you got Labour, and now we are all paying the price. Shouting now is too late by far!!

eurochick · 08/07/2011 10:27

YABvU. The cuts are necessary because of Labour's unsustainable spending. They were trying to buy votes with money they didn't have. And now the Tories have got to make all the unpopular decisions to try to get us out of this Labour-created mess.

You want to see someoen about that itch too.

hellyeah · 08/07/2011 10:28

under labour I didn't have to worry so much as the didn't target vulnerable people like my dd. she had a future with them

PhishFoodAddiction · 08/07/2011 10:29

YANBU. This government fills me with dread-wondering what they are going to slash next. My DH is a firefighter, and the drive to save money there is potentially dangerous.

As a PP said, these cuts are ideological. UK uncut suggests that making banks pay for insurance that they currently get for free (paid by taxpayer) would raise enough revenue to cover the cost of the next 4 years worth of cuts. Link here

StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:32

Can anybody name anything genuinely good that the tories have done? All they seem to do is cut things. They destory, they do not create. They are purely reactionary.

CogitoErgoSometimes · 08/07/2011 10:34

YABU... What really made my skin crawl and leave me filled with dread was every time Tony Blair or Gordon Brown got on their back legs and started talking. Taking the country into terrible wars and flashing the national cheque-book around. Wanting to have us all neatly catalogued on databases, imprisoned for 90 days without trial and other civil liberty violations. Worst of all, trapping millions in poverty and making them reliant on state hand-outs, rather than encouraging enterprise and the work ethic. "After the party comes the dust-cart"... and every government that comes in post a Labour government has to do all the unpopular stuff to clean it up. This time it's pretty bad...but I am consoled that it would be even worse if Brown had won last May.

StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:35

How can we afford the olympics, libya, world cup bid, reforms of the nhs (they cost a fortune simply to impliment - it's like getting an oil tanker to change course) yet can't afford to pay for quality care for the elderly and disabled?

There is a disparity there. A glaring one.

bubblesincoffee · 08/07/2011 10:35

The only thing that worries me is the lack of investment and funding to the NHS. That and social care are the only areas that I think should be completely protected, and given more money.

The rest doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but you can't put a price on people's health.

Librarys - nice but not essential, legal aid - plenty of people that can't afford legal fees don't qualify for aid anyway, education - important, but if parents did more for their own children as they should then the impact wouln't be so bad, benefits - are too generous. Cut the lot, but don't mess with our health.

Carminagetsprimal · 08/07/2011 10:36

The 'government' is not a charitable organisation - they're job is to 'govern' and keep society in order.

Carminagetsprimal · 08/07/2011 10:38

The olympic bid was started under Labour -

StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:39

Oh well that's ok, bubbles. We'll all be healthy but stupid and with no way to enforce our legal rights.

Sounds like an excellent way to create a pliant, effective workforce. Well done.

RottenTiming · 08/07/2011 10:40

As yet, not very, I'm still beating myself up for having been "bought" by New Labour and their magic money pot (aka boom economy) which turned out to be not so magic after all.

I have the common sense/educational background/intelligence, call it what you like to realise that whoever was in power now would be having to take actions that would cause people's income to shrink. It was a poisoned chalice and will remain so for the forseeable future. They must however keep the 50% tax rate for as long as the little people are paying too otherwise they will lose my support in an instant.

In a way I think DC and NC are having to man up in a way that New Labour leaders simply couldn't at the time.

Yukana · 08/07/2011 10:40

I have to keep constant tabs on politics and what the government is up to, I did feel this way before, but with the Tories I feel like if I look away for one second something terrible will happen. More often than not the changes that have happened due to something they've done affect me in some way, and not positively either.

I'm scared for my future, for my mother's future, for the future of my fiance and my children. I just hope that light at the end of the tunnel won't be closed on me due to something this government may or will do.

I despise David Cameron so much I could cry, and I don't think he thinks about the people of the country (other than those within his favored groups) at all. I hope in the time I am in this country a tory government never gets to be in power again.

StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:41

Their job is to run the country and the economy for the benefit of the people, not the other way round.

Yukana · 08/07/2011 10:41

*didn't feel this way before.

oohjarWhatsit · 08/07/2011 10:42

it does make me laugh how people have such selective and short term memories

i.e. the olympics - that was nothing to do with this government!

MadameBoo · 08/07/2011 10:44

I try to stay positive but I feel very insecure, and every time I see DC's mug the fury starts to rise in me.

StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:44

People are strangely missing the point about the olympics....

bubblesincoffee · 08/07/2011 10:44

Stuck many many people already can't afford to enforce legal rights unles they represent themselves. My family wouldn't qualify for legal aid, but we would never be able to afford solicitors fees either, not be a long way. It's unfair that only the very poor have the right to legal aid.

Education is still going to be provided, and any extras that have to be taken away can be provided by parents if they want to do that. Too much is left to the government to sort out, and people need to take responsibilty for themselves.

pregnantpause · 08/07/2011 10:45

Mitakes have been made, on all sides and im not at all confident that labour would have done anything differently tbh, but I am afraid.
I am afraid for my dds and their lack of a future.
I am afraid for my gps facing an old age deprived of any dignity.
I am afraid for the country who seem to have condemned the poor, weak and vulnerable, and are happy to do it.
I am afraid that my family may one day fall on hard times and end up homelesss.
I am afraid because there will undoubtedly be a rise in crime and burglary and my family may fall victim to that.
I am afraid that bucinesses are given free reign to use people a fodder, as long as they make money.
I am afraid that one day one of mine will become disabled, because i know that with this goverment to be disabled is to be written off.

There is a lot to worry about in these times Sad


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Chandon · 08/07/2011 10:46


StuckInTheMiddleWithYou · 08/07/2011 10:47

Yes it is unfair. However, taking that away isn't going to improve the situation!

The very poor, are also more likely to live in bad housing, be ill or disabled, rely on benefits, be shafted by bad employers.... All of which have legal ramifications.

And what happens to those kids whose parents don't take responsibility? Or can't because they're working long hours in a low paid job?

Carminagetsprimal · 08/07/2011 10:48

What is your point about the olympics then?

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