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What stupid accidents have you had?

160 replies

boomchikawowwow · 07/06/2021 20:07

I always seem to have stupid injuries for one reason or another.

This evening I thought I almost smashed my teeth out from a drinking glass. My tooth still feels sore now Confused

I'm always covered in burn marks from taking things out of the oven.

Who else is accident prone?

OP posts:
paradisaea · 15/06/2021 04:53

I was servicing the town clock. The ladder fell away and I left swinging grasping onto the two big black hands. I eventually let go and fell on top of a passing baker carrying a plank on which were carefully balanced about a dozen meringue pies. I hit the end which catapulted all the pies into the air and landed on a dozen policemen who had all just left the station on patrol. I was then chased by them in two old cars, cops hanging off the side, until my car went bang and the wheels and doors fell off.

Ddot · 15/06/2021 06:21

Very funny

AutistGoth · 15/06/2021 12:05

@paradisaea Your name isn't Harold Lloyd, is it?

BearSoFair · 15/06/2021 12:11

I've posted this before, but taking the rubbish to the big external bins at the shopping centre I worked in, saw the centre manager across the car park so waved hello, tripped over my own feet, dropped and split the bin bag, tore my trouser leg, grazed my knee, pulled a muscle in my bum and over-extended the tendons/ligaments in my wrist - needed to wear a splint for weeks afterwards! It seemed to happen in slow mo as his wave back turned into a shocked "oh noooo Bear are you ok?!?!"

BoredOfThisShit · 16/06/2021 13:47


Hope your son is ok.

Iv broke my wrist this way too 🤦🏻‍♀️

lifeturnsonadime · 16/06/2021 14:53

I'm currently laid up with a broken ankle. I slipped on wet pavement and broke my ankle in two places, my heel and my shin.

OldTinHat · 16/06/2021 15:07

Tripped over dog and broke my nose, fell off my high heels and broke my ankle, broke my tail bone at a school disco, fell up stairs and broke my wrist - I'm sure I'll think of plenty more shortly!

Tarabelle · 16/06/2021 21:09

Blending some strawberries with a hand blender, and stopped to wipe some lumpy bits off the blade with my free hand. Sadly my other hand was still on the control button - and yes, I blended my finger. I thought I'd sliced the top off but it was just a really deep cut. I lost some sensation though, it's still quite numb...

Sweetpea1532 · 17/06/2021 06:21

Ouch! Did you have to throw away your strawberries?

Tarabelle · 17/06/2021 07:01

@Sweetpea1532 To be honest, I wasn’t much in the mood for eating strawberries after that and it was off to A&E. But I don’t think the family fancied them much either…

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