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What stupid accidents have you had?

160 replies

boomchikawowwow · 07/06/2021 20:07

I always seem to have stupid injuries for one reason or another.

This evening I thought I almost smashed my teeth out from a drinking glass. My tooth still feels sore now Confused

I'm always covered in burn marks from taking things out of the oven.

Who else is accident prone?

OP posts:
moolady1977 · 07/06/2021 23:13

I stepped off a kerb coming out of work and pulled all the muscles in my neck , trying to avoid hitting my toes on a bedroom set of drawers I kicked the bookcase and broke my little toe instead and most recently walking downstairs at work and don't know how I happened I fell down them but rolled down the paramedics thought I'd broke my pelvis ,hip and foot I walked out the hospital 5 hours later with a grade 3 sprain and lots of bruises , just a few of them or I'd be here all night

BasicallyBookish · 07/06/2021 23:33

When I was at uni I sprained my ankle. Given that I have a disability, was very wobbly when I walked and fell a lot everyone assumed that I’d done it falling. But no, I sprained it whilst sitting in my wheelchair.

RicherThanYew · 07/06/2021 23:35
  1. Scalded my hand with a beef and tomato Pot Noodle (other brands are available) and despite being warned that id be scarred for life there isn't a mark on me anymore.
  2. Tore my ligaments wearing flip flops and walking Confused
  3. Broke my wrist falling off my pals micro scooter but my mum didn't believe me so I took myself to the chemist for elasticated bandage and a sling, it's still humped now Grin
Sandinyourshoes · 08/06/2021 11:22

Cut my fingers testing how sharp my hairdressing scissors were.
Pulled off the foil from a tub of yogurt and run my right index finger round the rim, slicing it it on a small fragment of foil still stuck to the rim, felt like a razor blade.
Trying to cut cheese into slices when its already a thin slice but just too thick for a toastie, the knife slips.
I keep my fingernails very short but still occasionally cut skin of the opposite hand when catching my thumbnail on it!

PollyannaWhittier · 08/06/2021 22:07

Moolady1977 has just reminded me - two summers ago I broke my right little toe tripping over a cardboard box, and last summer I broke the left one tripping over the ironing board. I work in a school, and my boss wasn't amused at me wearing trainers for the first few weeks of term the second year running due to virtually identical injuries Blush He's banned me from walking around barefoot this year Grin

AwFeebs · 08/06/2021 22:12

One Christmas DP asked me to pass him the scissors off the floor, I stood up, got my toe wrapped around some loose thread in my PJ bottoms and went flying - broke my toe. Blush

DillonPanthersTexas · 08/06/2021 22:16

Fell off a mountain and into a crevasse once, I suppose that was a bit stupid

LadyCatStark · 08/06/2021 22:18

I broke my elbow heeleying on my little brother’s heeleys. I was 21 😂 and working at a play scheme in my summer off from Uni. It was when heeleys first came out and all the cool kids at the play scheme had them so I’d seen how it worked. I bought some for my step son and decided to demonstrate how to do it. It wasn’t as easy as it looked and my step son was pushing me around my parents’ dining room when I fell and landed on my elbow. I didn’t want to tell the nurse at A&E what had happened so I just said I fell, but she must have a beacon for liars and knew straight away so thought I was covering up something dodgy. I quickly came clean after that!

NeedWineNow · 08/06/2021 22:25

In the same year I got out of bed and strained my back, no idea how. Saw the doctor.
Two months later I fell and twisted my ankle - my heel slipped on the bobbles on the pavement at the crossing - the ones that are designed to indicate to blind or partially sighted people that there is a crossing. Saw the doctor again and had to have physio.

About 4 months later just before we were going on holiday we were having a weekend break in an old coaching inn in Oxfordshire. We were on our way out of our room and I felt off the step, bounced across the narrow corridor and hit the opposite wall and dropped like a stone - DH thought I'd knocked myself out. Foot swelled up. Got home and went to Minor Injuries and it turned out I'd fractured a metatarsal in my foot. Thankfully only had to be strapped up rather than a cast. A few days later had to see the doctor about a repeat prescription and he queried my foot. I blithely told him not to worry I'd be fine, and said I was going off on holiday - two weeks cruising round the Med. He looked at me for a very long moment and said 'what could possibly go wrong'.....?

Frlrlrubert · 08/06/2021 22:46

I'm permanently bruised from walking into corners, but my best one lately I'm blaming on my mask/glasses combo meaning I can't look down.

I tripped over a box and fell over behind my desk, in front of 30 year 9s. Good job I'm moving schools because I'll never live it down.

Previous to that I got the hook eyelet on my walking boot caught on the laces of the other boot and fell over rather dramatically in the supermarket car park, tore up both knees on the rough tarmac.

Hawkins001 · 08/06/2021 22:49

Tried to have a bicycle race, panicked then crashed and knocked myself out and split my helmet.
Put a garden folk in my foot years ago when trying to do digging.
Tried to get frozen prawns off a pizza and put a steak through my finger, luckily missed the tendon, although why I did not just cook it then take them off, I never know.
These are my main ones.

Curlygirl06 · 08/06/2021 22:58


I like my grandma's double stapling accident best.

she stapled through her finger, nasty injury.
a week later she happened to visit so she was telling us what happened. but words didn't seem to be enough so she decided to get the stapler to re-enact it as closely as possible.
she managed to do a brilliant job of it as she stapled through her finger again. best demo ever🤣

I really laughed at that.
I'm always covered in bruises; if it's at the top of my leg it's the stair gate, halfway between my knee and the top of my leg it's the end of the bed and if just above the knee it's the coffee table. The thing is, all these things have been on the same place for ever so why haven't I learned?
LandGirlJudy · 08/06/2021 22:58

My eye was bloodshot for days after I got cheese in my eye.
I also got toothpaste in my eye. That shit hurts.

TimeIhadaNameChange · 08/06/2021 22:59

I got a second degree burn from a radiator.

I'd gone for a run and hopped straight into a bath without eating anything. Low blood sugar + low blood pressure meant I fainted when I stood up and hit my head on the taps. To mitigate that I decided I'd sit on the edge of the bath if I started feeling faint on my second attempt.

I did indeed faint, and unsurprisingly my balance isn't great when I lose consciousness. My arms went flying out, and one landed against the radiator. So did my head, on the edge, and I knocked myself out for a good few minutes. Came too with my tooth through my lip and my arm tingly.

When I woke up the next day to a row of large blisters on my arm I decided to go to the hospital. Ended up with near-daily nurse visits for a fortnight and antibiotics. And a pretty impressive scar!

1000glitterydicks · 08/06/2021 23:04

I slammed my middle finger in the door of a work vehicle ambulance, when I arrived at a 999 call and had to be taken to hospital by my crew mate....

MrsRLynde · 08/06/2021 23:08

Scalded my hand at the tea point at work whilst distracted by a squirrel. Had to go in the accident book.

pinkkoala · 08/06/2021 23:30

I managed to break my ribs on the dodgems 2 years ago.
And tonight at work in a residents room I shut my thumb in their window, it is still throbbing now, wouldn’t of minded but it’s the same thumb I shut in the filing cabinet at work few weeks ago.

bunburyscucumbersandwich · 08/06/2021 23:51

Slid off the sofa whilst wearing silky pyjamas and hurt my back.

pussycatlickinglollyices · 09/06/2021 05:54

A few weeks ago, we were in the back garden moving some pots and brushing up. There's a raised "step" 1 slab deep all the way around the patio. I was on the shelf part and dazzled by the sun and wearing new trainers lost my footing and went to fall forward.
In a split second I threw myself backwards but overcompensated and went arse first into a concrete fence post.
Bruised arse, sore ankle and a couple of cracked ribs.🤦🏻‍♀️

Also, once at Exeter racecourse, climbing the steps to the back of the stand and again, dazzled by the sun, headbutted one of the steel crush bars. I had a stonking headache, massive red mark on my forehead, and didn't admit I had double-vision for an hour or two because we were over 200miles and 4hrs from home 🤕

I also manage to fall down the stairs annually, but haven't for about 3 yrs. Waiting for the inevitable...that's a worry.

I've also stabbed my knuckle with a veg knife trying to remove the last sprout from the stalk.

Herbie0987 · 09/06/2021 06:07

In a shop trying on jeans that fitted like a glove, getting them off heard a loud crack from my hand, found out later I had sprained my thumb and was signed off work for a week.

HeronLanyon · 09/06/2021 06:25

Stood on heavy wooden rake. It slammed me in the mouth. Split my lower lip.

Caught my head on a sharp hook whilst leaning into low cupboard. Was badly caught until I pulled myself off. The blood was astonishing. I was just looking for a small hoover attachment. Ambulance and a and e etc.

Both rather Laurel and hardy.

HeronLanyon · 09/06/2021 06:27

I want to apologise for laughing at many(not all) of these. Support all.


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Toddlerteaplease · 09/06/2021 06:37

Broke my ankle holding one end of a skipping rope on Brownie camp. Still have no idea how it happened.

Ravenclawsome · 09/06/2021 06:39

I chipped a tooth eating a Ritz cracker. (Hit two teeth together).
Broke another when a Staffie tried to lick my face, misjudged it and accidentally head butted me.

Raffles1981 · 09/06/2021 06:45

I am over the top clumsy. Always burning myself, stubbing toes. Whacked my knee on a big plastic tray at work yesterday. I impressed even me when I slipped and fell on some ice last year and knocked myself out for five minutes. Also Suffered form post concussion syndrome for a few weeks after. It's been seven months and I still suffer from dizzy spells now. Confused

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