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Weird wedding card

169 replies

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 20:28

If you received a card like this for your wedding, how would you interpret it? White background, Mr & Mrs in black, a few miniscule hearts, blank inner. Hand written best wishes - that's it.

OP posts:
SageRosemary · 16/05/2021 22:43


You are coming across as VERY High Maintenance ...

... or this is possibly a reverse?

Congratulations and Very Best Wishes on your recent Nuptials, hope you and your husband have a very long and happy marriage, may all your troubles be little ones.

Gilly12345 · 16/05/2021 22:45

You have too much time on your hands.

Concern yourself with stuff that matters.

It’s the thought that counts.

EffYouSeeKaye · 16/05/2021 22:58

If it isn’t typical of their usually style and wording, and there’s a back story, then I’d say it could well be the best they could muster under the circumstances.

The question is, do you want to resolve whatever the problem is, if there is one?

AngelicaSchuylerAndHerSisters · 16/05/2021 22:58

What a very odd and ungrateful sounding thread.

EffYouSeeKaye · 16/05/2021 22:59


Talkwhilstyouwalk · 16/05/2021 23:00

To be fair they have given you their best wishes.....No names on the card is a bit odd though.

Babyjune21 · 16/05/2021 23:03

I’d say you’ve got to much time on your hands

NashvilleQueen · 16/05/2021 23:03

Can we see the design? How old is the person signing it?

midsomermurderess · 16/05/2021 23:07

Not knowing you, not knowing the people who sent the card and the nature of your relationship and its history, not having seen the card, what do you expect from complete strangers on the internet? op, this is entirely silly.

Summerfun54321 · 16/05/2021 23:24

I dug out the card for the engagement, and it was a riot of colour, flowers, and extravagantly expressive wishes for happiness!

Kind of answers the question....

😂 This reminded me of Jonathan Creek. He likes to look at everything in the most minute detail and deduce things that no one else can see.

Regularsizedrudy · 16/05/2021 23:24

So you’ve fallen out with this person, and you think they have chosen to take their revenge by carefully selecting a card that, while totally inoffensive, they knew would not be to your taste... right.

Gembie · 16/05/2021 23:28

First world problems or what.

They were kind enough to send a card, who cares if it wasn’t gushing?

Happymum12345 · 16/05/2021 23:33

It sounds like a wedding card that is hip & cool. The ones you described are about out dated now- champagne glasses etc.

saraclara · 16/05/2021 23:33

I'd love it! That's just my sort of card. Clear, classy, understated and smart. I really dislike flowery stuff and sentimental wording.

I always go for simple and elegant cards. I'm not remotely elegant myself, and I couldn't be more low maintenance! But I do like that style of card over all others.

BackforGood · 16/05/2021 23:35

@Itsokthanks - OP clarified in a later post, she didn't mean it wasn't signed, she just meant they hadn't written a gushy message to add to their name......... you know, ..... like many people don't.

RaspberryCoulis · 16/05/2021 23:38

An ex-flatmate didn't just get upset about the type of card, or the wrong message inside, or the fact it was a generic one rather than "to my cousin" or whatever.

The worst card crime EVER in her eyes was putting a second class stamp on the envelope. How insulting, she was clearly not worth a first class stamp, how could they treat her this way....


Siepie · 16/05/2021 23:49

I might write something longer to a very close friend, but most people I send cards to don't get gushy messages. And I really wouldn't read into the monochrome.

I wouldn't have thought anything about receiving it. DP and I found other ways to spend our time as newly weds Wink

Birminghambloke · 16/05/2021 23:54

Unless a contrast to usual style of card and writing content or tone, I’d not think to it. This year, unless I stocked up when my specialised favourite card shop was actually open with all the ‘non essential’ shop closures, people got the most similar to my style I could pick up in WHSmith or Sainsbury’s.
Be grateful someone took the time to buy, write and post a card to you. It generally costs £5 for the sentiment!

Naillig222 · 17/05/2021 00:31

Wow. You are really overthinking this.
It was probably the first wedding card they saw in the shop, the same method of selection that most of your guests probably used.

Fuckitsstillraining · 17/05/2021 00:39

I'd assume it was sent by someone with taste as opposed to someone who finds the gaudiest, tackiest, shiny, golden embossed, overdone, unicorns, flowers, rainbows, etc etc cards to send.

unwuthering · 17/05/2021 01:07

I'd think, très chic.

Maskedrevenger · 17/05/2021 01:10

We have had a family bereavement this week, do you think I minutely examined each condolence card we received? Maybe I should have rated them as to how gushy they were and whether I approved of how they had been signed instead of just thinking that’s nice that so and so has taken the time to send us a card. Some of them have just a name in them some a wee memory of my loved one we have lost but they are all appreciated. I’m in fact looking across at the wee group of cards in my living room right now thinking you are being ridiculous and should in fact get a hobby and stop focussing on imaginary issues.


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brokengate · 17/05/2021 01:37

If it was different to what they usually might send I would do what is the answer to every mystery right now and blame covid. Or brexit.

SallyLondon · 17/05/2021 07:27

I've had some very "different" cards this year - clearly the local corner shop's finest offerings (because people haven't wanted to go to bigger shops or have been getting groceries online.)

Sssloou · 17/05/2021 07:35

Sounds like you unconsciously suspected that your fall out had either not been resolved or created some distance. The card is confirming your suspicions if it is unexpected from their usual words and actions. I wouldn’t judge the card - sounds much more classy than the glittery ones but the ‘best wishes’ is cold IMHO unless they are your boss or someone.

I am assuming that you haven’t had a wedding or this person didn’t attend if it was small.

It’s a shame that this is on your mind when you have just got married.

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