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Weird wedding card

169 replies

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 20:28

If you received a card like this for your wedding, how would you interpret it? White background, Mr & Mrs in black, a few miniscule hearts, blank inner. Hand written best wishes - that's it.

OP posts:
moynomore · 16/05/2021 21:43

I feel sorry for the person who sent this card.

Bomchiccawick · 16/05/2021 21:43

I really wouldn’t be reading into it this much...

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 21:43


I'd think that's great, at least this one can go in the recycling bin unlike all the glittery ones.

Excellent point!
OP posts:
Luckingfovely · 16/05/2021 21:44

Oh good grief, overthinking, precious, and self-obsessed much?

GingerScallop · 16/05/2021 21:45

OP, do you know what the other cards with "flowers, gold embossed, silver embossed, champagne flutes, etc, etc." mean? They mean some trees were chopped, pulped made into paper then card. Same as the minimalistic one. No more. No less. The genuine nature of what people wish for you and your partner are really not measured by the floweriness or beauty of a card or prose. It's in the heart.

I sense that if this person had sent the most beautiful card, you would have found something about another of their actions to 'interpret'.

You can make life easier. Don't sweat the small stuff

Sniv · 16/05/2021 21:46

The bride is traditionally dressed in white and the groom in black, so black and white seem very fitting for a wedding.

wildeverose · 16/05/2021 21:46

If they hated you that Much they wouldn't have sent a card.
You sound shockingly ungrateful

Lullabymummy17 · 16/05/2021 21:46

My MIL always signs cards "Best wishes, Margaret" thats it. No "to". No "Happy wedding day" it's just her way of writing cards. DH and I find it very amusing when she writes anything but "best wishes" don't worry about it

blacksax · 16/05/2021 21:47

This thread is like pulling teeth.

DumplingsAndStew · 16/05/2021 21:47

Jesus Christ. Please let them know how you feel about it so they know not to bother in the future.

I once gave two friends a card that said 'Wedding Wankers' on the front. They loved it.

Gingerwhinger1 · 16/05/2021 21:47

The lack of sentimental verse inside, with a just a best wishes, does make the card seem a little bit 'cool' but it depends on the relationship. I would describe it as a little refrained more than weird.
Personally, I can't overly gushing sentiments in cards, you are the most loveliest flower in the world and I am so glad I picked you as a friend, happy birthday - vom . because I am not that way in real life, so would look for a more appropriate sentiment to reflect my relationship with that person and if one was not available I send a card with a blank message inside.
You've said the relationship has been a bit strained, so maybe they were just trying to keep things civil with a 'best wishes' instead of over the top sentiments that aren't there at the moment.

Cavagirl · 16/05/2021 21:49

I think we need an artist's impression of the card really OP, to be able to properly assess the level of implied stationary side-eye

BackforGood · 16/05/2021 21:49

I’d think it was just a card from someone to celebrate my wedding.

and I also agree with pp who said they are a bit concerned for your marriage if, as a newly wed, this is taking up so much of your headspace Hmm
I mean, who would get out the engagement card and start comparing ? Confused .
What is the matter with your life OP that you a) even noticed and b) tried to be offended by something that is exactly what it is - a card wishing you well ?

21Flora · 16/05/2021 21:50

I’d never send any of those cards with all the tacky over embellishment. The card sounds lovely and simple.

Mollymalone123 · 16/05/2021 21:51

It’s the sort of card my DDad would send- he’s 86 and doesn’t ‘do’ emotion

Monsterjam · 16/05/2021 21:52

I would search high and low for cards like this without soppy messaging inside.

silverbubbles · 16/05/2021 21:52

It is simply a card.
no death threats, no horses head....
Don't think any more about it.

Perhaps they thought it was nice?

MargaretThursday · 16/05/2021 21:53

I'm just wondering how many couples we've offended when I've bought the engagement card (and tend to go for glitter) and dh has bought the wedding (he goes for minimalist). 🤣

MyDogIsDrivingMeMad · 16/05/2021 21:53

I'm surprised by some of the reactions here...

I don't think OP's slamming the card or the tastes of the person who sent it. It's more that she's concerned that this card from this person might be some type of signal of disapproval or unhappiness, and since it does sound like it's not the sender's usual style, it's not crazy or self-obsessed to notice and wonder if they're being intentionally standoffish.

YANBU to wonder, OP. Without knowing the nature of the unrelated issue, I'd keep this in the back of my mind, but do my best to pretend that nothing had changed between us and go from there. If they are markedly colder in your future interactions, you can respond accordingly.

Spied · 16/05/2021 21:53

Sounds like a passive aggressive card that says 'I don't like you very much at the moment but I'll send a card as I feel a duty and it's likely we'll be friendly again in the future'.
I'd take it for what it is and move on.
Don't give it any more headspace.

mongoosebaby · 16/05/2021 21:53

Apparently one offers the bride 'best wishes', and the groom 'congratulations'. Saw it on an episode of Gilmore girls so it must be true. Therefore, assuming you are the bride, and this person is a friend/relative of yours, then this is the correct etiquette!

Pinkbrush · 16/05/2021 21:55

This is a weird thread... it’s just a card!


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queenatom · 16/05/2021 21:58

Sounds like the sort of card my husband would send after I tell him that it’s good form to send a card - he really doesn’t understand the point and he hates trying to write meaningful sentiments.

Hollywolly1 · 16/05/2021 22:01

Seriously when i run into a shop to pick up a card i normally pick the first one that suits the occasion i don't spend anymore than 10 seconds on it because to me cards are a waste of money it doesn't mean I think any less of the personni am buying it for.
Although I fo know some people deeply offended if they didn't get a nice card.
I have a fabulous husband but he doesn't ever get me a card but does everything in the houseGrin

peboh · 16/05/2021 22:03

It's a card. That's it. It will get thrown into a box, or a drawer never to be looked at again. Why are you stressing over a card?

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