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Weird wedding card

169 replies

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 20:28

If you received a card like this for your wedding, how would you interpret it? White background, Mr & Mrs in black, a few miniscule hearts, blank inner. Hand written best wishes - that's it.

OP posts:
LawnFever · 16/05/2021 20:56


Is it someone you dislike?
There is a difference of opinion over an unconnected matter.

So you’re now looking for reasons to feel hard done by?
JimBobNoJob · 16/05/2021 20:57

Oh right I was imagining someone sending an anonymous card. But like I said could’ve been for convenience, as it was right on the front of the display or maybe the sender liked the design.

Scarby9 · 16/05/2021 20:58

Something a bit like this?
I might send a card like that because it was different from all the pink and flowery type wedding cards.
It wouldn't occur to be that someone might find it weird.

Weird wedding card
RosieGuacamosie · 16/05/2021 20:59

Are you secretly disappointed they didn’t write “hope you get food poisoning on your honeymoon”?

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 20:59

So you’re now looking for reasons to feel hard done by?

No, I'm wondering about the strength of feeling about the unconnected matterGrin

OP posts:
Roominmyhouse · 16/05/2021 21:00

Do people really read that much into the type of card someone buys them and how they sign it? Some people aren’t into cards and will just grab one and sign it, it’s not a big deal to them and probably wouldn’t occur to them anyone would take offence.

exexpat · 16/05/2021 21:00

I would be much more likely to send someone one like this, for example, than something covered in flowers, sparkles, champagne flutes etc, but maybe I would be inadvertently offending them. I would only hesitate because I wouldn't be sure that the bride wanted to be known as Mrs (I wouldn't).

TenThousandSpoons · 16/05/2021 21:00

It sounds like a nice card to me, could be seen as stylish rather than cheesy. Does it literally just say “Best wishes, name” inside? If you’ve fallen out, I agree they’re maybe still in a mood with you.

Jenjenn · 16/05/2021 21:01

Sounds classy in a minimalist way or just convenient supermarket card? The best wishes + signature is a bit cold but that's what my dh would probably write regardless of who it was for. He just doesn't do heartfelt messages in a card.

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 21:01

It was more minimalist and starker than that one. It had me in mind of a funeral announcement!

OP posts:
UCOinanOCG · 16/05/2021 21:04

I like minimalist cards and often buy them to send to people. I hope my friends and family don't think badly of me because of this!

dudsville · 16/05/2021 21:04

This is akin to trying to interpret the wind.

lightand · 16/05/2021 21:04

Context would be important.
What is the story?

user119462956294725482648 · 16/05/2021 21:08

[quote changedthenameforthis]@Scarby9
It was more minimalist and starker than that one. It had me in mind of a funeral announcement![/quote]
Well, take that up with whoever designed the card then. It made it to market as a wedding card.

KarmaViolet · 16/05/2021 21:08

Was it like this one OP?

I know a couple who did their invitations in a similar style, as well as seating cards and their wedding service booklet. I thought it was really stylish, but possibly not to everyone's taste. If I got married I'd love a card like that! (and I'm not the etsy person in question, I have the artistic talents of a sea slug and I just googled black and white wedding card to look for examples similar to the couple whose invites I was thinking of).

IrishCharm · 16/05/2021 21:08

Not enough information to think anything other than it sounds like you’re overthinking it @changedthenameforthis ♥️
Congratulations on your wedding x

KM38 · 16/05/2021 21:10

Manager in a busy upmarket card shop here 🙋🏻‍♀️ We stock 12ft worth of Wedding cards and have everything from extremely minimalist like you describe right up to super fancy, embossed, metallic, embellished, and all the florals and champagne flutes you can imagine in between. People have extremely different taste when it comes to wedding cards. I wouldn’t think anything of it at all. They obviously just have different taste in cards 🤷🏻‍♀️

ArtfulScreamer · 16/05/2021 21:11

I think you're over thinking it a cards a card more or less. DH and I received a Mr and Mr card (I'm female) it was from an elderly family friend and I thought nothing more of it than they'd picked it up thinking it said Mr and Mrs no need for further consideration as to if they thought my DH was secretly gay or if they thought I was particularly masculine or any other out there theory.

Faevern · 16/05/2021 21:13

So you are thinking that the person sent you this card reluctantly and chose the most boring and minimal wishes because the unconnected matter, matters more than you thought?
Are they usually more flowery and wordy?

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 21:13

Thank you. That takes one element out of the equation. The card was sent by someone who regards themselves as a person of good taste and finely judged social sensitivity.

OP posts:
KateTheEighth · 16/05/2021 21:20

Good lord

They sent you a card and you're pissed off because the text wasn't to your liking?

OrchidLass · 16/05/2021 21:21


If you received a card like this for your wedding, how would you interpret it? White background, Mr & Mrs in black, a few miniscule hearts, blank inner. Hand written best wishes - that's it.

I wouldn't read anything into it. Well, I suppose you can if you like, or you could just think 'that's nice of them to send a card'.

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RevolutionRadio · 16/05/2021 21:24

That sounds like the sort of card I'd pick and would like to receive, it's the kind of style I like so would assume other people might like it too.

SuziQuatrosFatNan · 16/05/2021 21:24

I'd assume that I was having an affair with them behind my back. That bastard.

LittleCatDog · 16/05/2021 21:25

The number of 'Mr and Mr' cards me and DH got for our wedding haha, I think people just pick up the first card they see and don't actually read it. We had a few blank and half written ones too, made us laugh!

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