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Weird wedding card

169 replies

changedthenameforthis · 16/05/2021 20:28

If you received a card like this for your wedding, how would you interpret it? White background, Mr & Mrs in black, a few miniscule hearts, blank inner. Hand written best wishes - that's it.

OP posts:
changedthenameforthis · 17/05/2021 21:09

Thank you all for your different takes on this. I'm more comfortable with the situation now and don't feel the need to tackle the relationship until a more appropriate time. It was the 'seriously, you expect me to drop my life right now because you disapprove ?????' feelings it triggered.

Back story, obviously, and very good reasons for there being warmer words written.

OP posts:
BackforGood · 17/05/2021 15:02

The minimalist card is fine but just writing 'Best wishes' is unusual.

Maybe to you, but not to millions of other people.

KidneyBeans · 17/05/2021 13:50

[quote changedthenameforthis]@Scarby9
It was more minimalist and starker than that one. It had me in mind of a funeral announcement![/quote]
And yet it was clearly designed, marketed and sold as a wedding card so it appears that your personal taste isn't the last word in acceptable card design.

Or you can assume a nefarious motivation and hidden message

Depends how much drama and insinuation you choose to place upon receiving a card I guess

stillcrazyafterall · 17/05/2021 11:26

Well presumably it wasn't handmade so some card manufacturer didn't think it was 'weird'...

frogswimming · 17/05/2021 11:21

Even if they previously sent a bright card with lots of best wishes in I wouldn't think anything of it. It could as easily depend on their own mood and how they are feeling themselves. Maybe it was a rainy day and they wanted something cheery to counteract it last time. Maybe in the shop they went to this time, this was the card they liked best and the others were tacky. They could be feeling subdued /tired/restrained about something else.

Sometimes people wear coral nail varnish, sometimes people wear griege.

You're reading too much into it.

Ilovedthe70s · 17/05/2021 10:55

Don’t often remember to send cards, never expect to receive any either.

If I do send one I just sign my name, the card says happy birthday/wedding/baby or whatever.

ItsCokeFFS · 17/05/2021 09:59

I am certainly not boasting about my rudeness.

I happen to think that e cards are silly and lazy.

A friendly email is absolutely not the same thing as a random link with a daft cartoon (and the possibility of a virus/malware).

BeenAsFarAsMercyAndGrand · 17/05/2021 09:47


I send people e cards (nice ones from Jaquie Lawson)

e cards get put directly in my junk mail without opening.

I find it bizarre that people on MN say things like this. You're literally boasting about your rudeness.

I prefer physical cards to e-cards, but I open them as the sender is doing a nice thing and sending you good wishes. Do you delete all the friendly emails you get as well, on the basis that they don't require as much effort as a letter?

Even if you think that it's somehow rude for the sender to send you an e-card, by deleting it you're being just as rude, surely?
saraclara · 17/05/2021 09:39

I hate those Jackie Lawson things. No I'm not going to sit in front of my screen and watch the silly dog do it's thing.

I like to have cards on display. They brighten my life and each time I glance at them I'm reminded that people care about me.

The person who always send me Jackie Lawson cards is nice enough, but it's minimal effort on their part and the things just don't give me any pleasure. I don't even open them now. They're really impersonal.

mogtheexcellent · 17/05/2021 09:38

If the sender was me it was because I lost the original card and had to stop at a petrol station and out of the two cards on offer the other was very old fashioned and ugly.

And it can be recycled. I dont buy glitter or foil cards for that reason.

Feelinghothothottoday · 17/05/2021 09:34

Is it from your in-laws?

He is having an affair?

We really don’t know.

Getyourarseofffthequattro · 17/05/2021 09:29


Is it someone you dislike?
There is a difference of opinion over an unconnected matter.

You're overthinking it.
ItsCokeFFS · 17/05/2021 09:25

I send people e cards (nice ones from Jaquie Lawson)

e cards get put directly in my junk mail without opening.

viques · 17/05/2021 09:00

I send people e cards (nice ones from Jaquie Lawson) because

I don’t have to spend money on a bit of dead tree,

I don’t have to remember where the good pens are

I don’t have to buy a “how much!?!” Stamp

I don’t have to double guess the post office to get the card there on the right day.

They don’t have to work out how long to display the dust gathering card on a shelf .

Sorry if I have offended anyone’s aesthetic sensibilities or caused anyone to spend anxious hours working out the hidden, subliminal messages my choice of card is transmitting .

[I do buy cards when someone has died. I know from experience that when things have calmed down a bit after a funeral reading cards, and the loving messages in them is very comforting in a tearful way.]

saraclara · 17/05/2021 08:59

If this card was a passive aggressive gesture on their part, (because it's very much not their usual style of card and the sign off not their usual warm wording) then you over-thinking it is exactly what they were aiming for. Don't give them what they wanted.

When you next see them thank them effusively for their lovely stylish card. It will be the right response (but for different reasons) whatever their motivation.

eepeep · 17/05/2021 07:49

The minimalist card is fine but just writing 'Best wishes' is unusual. If you've had a falling out then it's very possible that they were being polite but 'cool' in giving that card. If there's no bad blood then I'd put it down to that person not being very expressive but genuinely wishing you well.

CeeceeBloomingdale · 17/05/2021 07:49

I would imagine it’s hard to buy nice cards at the moment although that may be their taste anyway. I’d also conclude they aren’t good with words, which is true of many people. I think you’re overanalysing.

StrictlyAFemaleFemale · 17/05/2021 07:46

I never know what to write inside cards. Perhaps they were having a full on day when they wrote it?

Madcats · 17/05/2021 07:42

I would conclude it was from somebody who went shopping in the middle of a pandemic. My "go to" card shop has closed, so people are getting whatever the local garden centre stocks.

Congratulations by the way!

Sssloou · 17/05/2021 07:35

Sounds like you unconsciously suspected that your fall out had either not been resolved or created some distance. The card is confirming your suspicions if it is unexpected from their usual words and actions. I wouldn’t judge the card - sounds much more classy than the glittery ones but the ‘best wishes’ is cold IMHO unless they are your boss or someone.

I am assuming that you haven’t had a wedding or this person didn’t attend if it was small.

It’s a shame that this is on your mind when you have just got married.

SallyLondon · 17/05/2021 07:27

I've had some very "different" cards this year - clearly the local corner shop's finest offerings (because people haven't wanted to go to bigger shops or have been getting groceries online.)

brokengate · 17/05/2021 01:37

If it was different to what they usually might send I would do what is the answer to every mystery right now and blame covid. Or brexit.


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Maskedrevenger · 17/05/2021 01:10

We have had a family bereavement this week, do you think I minutely examined each condolence card we received? Maybe I should have rated them as to how gushy they were and whether I approved of how they had been signed instead of just thinking that’s nice that so and so has taken the time to send us a card. Some of them have just a name in them some a wee memory of my loved one we have lost but they are all appreciated. I’m in fact looking across at the wee group of cards in my living room right now thinking you are being ridiculous and should in fact get a hobby and stop focussing on imaginary issues.

unwuthering · 17/05/2021 01:07

I'd think, très chic.

Fuckitsstillraining · 17/05/2021 00:39

I'd assume it was sent by someone with taste as opposed to someone who finds the gaudiest, tackiest, shiny, golden embossed, overdone, unicorns, flowers, rainbows, etc etc cards to send.

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