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They’ve only gone and discontinued Syndol...

143 replies

PoptartPoptart · 14/03/2021 20:42

And it was literally the only thing that would shift my menstrual headaches 😩

The original Syndol contained paracetamol, codeine, caffeine and doxylamine succinate. They have pulled this off the shelves (no idea why) and they have now released a new version of Syndol which just contains paracetamol, codeine and caffeine (so basically the same as Solpadeine Max).

The doxylamine succinate must have been the secret ingredient as Solpadeine doesn’t even touch my menstrual headaches.

Ive been taking it for years with no ill effects so I have no idea why they have changed it.

I’m so cross and now dreading my next period without it Angry

OP posts:
Cocolapew · 20/03/2021 13:42

I'm back from The Great Syndol Hunt. 3 Boots didn't have it, I asked and the woman said that it seems to be a supply problem, she hadn't heard it was being discontinued because it's available in other places.
Out of 3 independent pharmacies, 2 still had lots of the original one.

jessstan2 · 20/03/2021 13:45

You can buy packets of ten. I have just ordered two (20 tabs).

Actsofgenerosity · 20/03/2021 14:02

Weldricks is the only place I could find them on line, max of 3 packs of 10. Let's hope it's just a supply issue

jessstan2 · 20/03/2021 14:25

I hope so. Many places are currently out of stock, apparently.

Volcanoexplorer · 20/03/2021 15:03

I’ve recently discovered veganin tablets. Not sure what is in them exactly, but they are bloody marvellous when no other pain killer is working.

jessstan2 · 20/03/2021 15:05

That's interesting, Volcano. I remember them being given at school if someone had an ache. I'll look into them, thanks.

Cocolapew · 20/03/2021 15:14

I don't get migraines like I used to, I've had a daith piercing and had a hysterectomy so no period headaches but I still need Syndol because I get a headache that radiates down my neck and I can barely move it when it happens. Nothing gives the same relief I get from Syndol.

jessstan2 · 20/03/2021 15:23

Veganin is paracetamol, caffeine and 8mg codeine.

You get the same but with 10mg codeine in Solpadeine Max.

Ohwhataprogramme · 31/03/2021 22:40

Anyone managed to track any down? They've disappeared from everywhere seemingly Sad

BritInAus · 01/04/2021 03:02

Do you have a compounding chemist that can make up the same product for you?

NelleBee · 01/04/2021 03:14

There’s a good evidence base for the use of NSAIDS in acute migraine so try taking 600mg ibuprofen (3x200mg tablets). Also for a true menstrual migraine I’d talk to your doctor about trying a Triptan, there’s several available and if one doesn’t work another night.

Greyhoundteam · 01/04/2021 14:26

I have contacted Sanofi (Syndol Manufactures) and they said there was/is a supply issue with the original style Syndol. They were adamant they were not being discontinued but added that there would be shortages until September.

Boscoforever · 01/04/2021 15:03

Thanks Greyhound! Good to know

poppycat10 · 01/04/2021 16:09

I used to get tension headaches and took Syndol but it made me so drowsy.

It is awful stuff really, but if it's the only thing that works for you I totally get why you'll be disappointed.

I now get a different sort of headache - ibuprofen and drinking cola shifts them.

poppycat10 · 01/04/2021 16:14
MiniDoofa · 01/04/2021 16:22

Not to derail thread but for info I’m in Aus and all codeine was removed from OTC sale about three years ago. Very frustrating, now have to go to GPand script has restricted number of tabs per time.

QuentinWinters · 01/04/2021 16:26

Certain menstrual headaches are relieved by antihistamines so it might be worth trying them separately
This is interesting on the topic. I have PMDD and menstrual migraines which is how I came across it

BillMasheen · 01/04/2021 16:33


There’s a good evidence base for the use of NSAIDS in acute migraine so try taking 600mg ibuprofen (3x200mg tablets). Also for a true menstrual migraine I’d talk to your doctor about trying a Triptan, there’s several available and if one doesn’t work another night.

Trouble is, I think like a lot of us seasoned migraineurs... absolutely NOTHING else has any effect.

NSAIDS don’t do shit, unlike its aspirin in coke at the first tiniest hint of aura (that I don’t always get)

Triptans (and I’ve tried pretty much all the variations available) make me puke like something off the exorcist.

30mg codedine is ok, but tends to lead to rebounds because it doesn’t hit the underlying tensions that triggered the damn thing. And it’s a fucker to get on prescription.

Yoga helps with the tension but doesn’t help the migraine.

Im genuinely surprised that no other manufacturer makes a comparable product.
Cocolapew · 01/04/2021 16:39


I have contacted Sanofi (Syndol Manufactures) and they said there was/is a supply issue with the original style Syndol. They were adamant they were not being discontinued but added that there would be shortages until September.

Thanks for this that's good to know
IEat · 01/04/2021 16:48

Might be worth checking batch numbers in different named medications. The same batch number means the same ingredients everything usually for a lot less than leading brands. Martin Lewis did a big thing a while ago. You might find sane dosage of tablet under another name

Ohwhataprogramme · 01/04/2021 17:08

I had the same response, coming back Sept 2021 hopefully x

prettycolours · 02/04/2021 15:35


I'm back from The Great Syndol Hunt. 3 Boots didn't have it, I asked and the woman said that it seems to be a supply problem, she hadn't heard it was being discontinued because it's available in other places.
Out of 3 independent pharmacies, 2 still had lots of the original one.

I work in a pharmacy and I had a look yesterday; we have 4 boxes of Syndol behind the counter, all with the doxylamine in. Can't remember the last time we had any delivered though! It is definitely worth going round your local pharmacies to see if they have any remaining stock.

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Syndol · 07/05/2021 09:55

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ordinarygal · 04/06/2021 21:28

@icenii @poptartpoptart I'm exactly the same. Menstrual migraine and teeth grinding. They were literally all that touched it. I had a new box early March so have only just worked out they've withdrawn them again. Feeling desperate 😦

Glitterblue · 17/06/2021 19:25

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but has anyone ordered the kirkland sleep aid tablets online from the USA? I was just wondering how it works with customs charges etc. I know I did it once before when they discontinued it for a few years, I got them from ebay but I can't remember worrying about any extra charges.

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