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They’ve only gone and discontinued Syndol...

143 replies

PoptartPoptart · 14/03/2021 20:42

And it was literally the only thing that would shift my menstrual headaches 😩

The original Syndol contained paracetamol, codeine, caffeine and doxylamine succinate. They have pulled this off the shelves (no idea why) and they have now released a new version of Syndol which just contains paracetamol, codeine and caffeine (so basically the same as Solpadeine Max).

The doxylamine succinate must have been the secret ingredient as Solpadeine doesn’t even touch my menstrual headaches.

Ive been taking it for years with no ill effects so I have no idea why they have changed it.

I’m so cross and now dreading my next period without it Angry

OP posts:
PoptartPoptart · 19/03/2021 15:00

Yeah, I’m going to email and ask for a refund too. So disappointed.

OP posts:
Cocolapew · 19/03/2021 15:07

Not again! Ffs. I know there was a supply problem a few months ago but I've got it since then.

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 16:02


I remember your name from the last time it went missing! What a pain, may I ask where you got yours from? I got the second to last box in local chemist yesterday, they wouldn't let me buy the final box 😫

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 16:03


Mine too! I will ask for refund grr...

spagbog5 · 19/03/2021 16:10

I work in a pharmacy and we had plenty in stock today Hmm

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 16:21


Really that's good to know. I get migraines and they're the only thing that work. Have you heard of any problems? Brexit stuff maybe?

Cocolapew · 19/03/2021 17:13



I remember your name from the last time it went missing! What a pain, may I ask where you got yours from? I got the second to last box in local chemist yesterday, they wouldn't let me buy the final box 😫

It was a local pharmacy, I'm going out tomorrow to all the chemists to buy some just in case Hmm
IstandwithJackieWeaver · 19/03/2021 17:18

Sounds like migraine - the only thing that works for me for these hormonal headaches is sumatriptan. See your GP. You can get them on prescription. Codeine is unpleasant and only touches the edges as far as my migraines are concerned.

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 18:39


Works for a lot of us though.

PoptartPoptart · 19/03/2021 19:06

@spagbog5 really? The one in the blue box containing doxylamine?
If so that good to know.
I don’t suppose your pharmacy is anywhere near the Heathrow area? Smile

OP posts:
stablefeet · 19/03/2021 19:14

This happened years ago. They withdrew them completely, then brought them back minus the doxylamine. Surely that is what Spagbol has on her shelves? My doctor prescribed me promethazine hydrochloride 25mg to be taken alongside cocodamol or just paracetamol. It's a good substitute.

stablefeet · 19/03/2021 19:15

Ah look people - back on the market!

stablefeet · 19/03/2021 19:16


Sounds like migraine - the only thing that works for me for these hormonal headaches is sumatriptan. See your GP. You can get them on prescription. Codeine is unpleasant and only touches the edges as far as my migraines are concerned.

Didn't work for me, but Syndol was like magic. Glad to see they are back. Mind you, I'll stick with what I'm not getting on prescription because I no longer pay. Grin
dontsaveusername · 19/03/2021 20:10

As people say buy it seperately and add it. Just read all the labels to ensure the dosages are the same as what you have been used
to. If You can't get it try Phenergan tablets. Similar antihistamine which causes drowsiness.

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 21:00


It's out of stock

Sixdegreesofseparation · 19/03/2021 21:01

spagbog5 yes which version do you have on the shelves?

fitflop · 19/03/2021 22:31

My understanding is they have been discontinued with doxylamine.

I suffer from hormonal headaches, usually the day before my period and someone recommended trying Syndol.

I hadn’t got round to buying any when I saw this thread and thought I’d better try to get some ASAP. My local pharmacy told me earlier this week that they can no longer get it with doxylamine.
Following this thread as suggested I purchased some from Weldricks. They are the original version with doxylamine included as an ingredient, with a use by date of the 3.1.22. I was allowed to buy 3 packs of 10 in one order. I have used them once and was very impressed!

fitflop · 19/03/2021 22:41

This is what I’ve found on the Syndol website which confirms that the doxylamine has been removed. So what is left in some shops must be old stock. Weldricks still seem to have some but only in packs of 10.

They’ve only gone and discontinued Syndol...
They’ve only gone and discontinued Syndol...
sorryforswearing · 20/03/2021 01:02

I too thought this had happened a long time ago. It’s was a pharmacist who told me about it when I went in to buy some. It was five plus years ago. She basically said they weren’t the painkiller they had once been.

stablefeet · 20/03/2021 08:04

Well, if they have any left on the shelf with doxylamine better check the use by date! My friends who visit annually from another country where the proper tablets can still be brought (Mersyndol) have been supplying me annually for at least 3 years!
Anyone struggling - look at my previous post and maybe see if you can get your doctor to prescribe promethazine hydrochloride 25mg to be taken alongside cocodamol or just paracetamol. I find it works just like Syndol and really helps with my chronic pain.

blobbyface · 20/03/2021 08:52

I just panic bought some from It was cheap there too! I take about 5 doses a month when I get my hormonal headaches.

Actsofgenerosity · 20/03/2021 12:12

I don't think the best before date matters, I bet they're good for years after


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jessstan2 · 20/03/2021 12:19

You can buy Syndol online. A few places stock it if you google.

A good alternative is Solpadeine Max.

Actsofgenerosity · 20/03/2021 12:21


Where? It's out of stock everywhere I've looked

PoptartPoptart · 20/03/2021 13:03

You can buy Syndol online. A few places stock it if you google
I’ve ordered from two online places - both showed the original packaging on the websites, but when they actually arrived they had sent the Syndol Headache Relief version, which is no good as it doesn’t have Doxylamine. It is just paracetamol, codeine and caffeine.

A good alternative is Solpadeine Max
I agree that for normal headaches Solpadeine is a good alternative, but it doesn’t touch my hormonal migraines. It is just paracetamol, codeine and caffeine (which is what the new Syndol Headache a relief contains)

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