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Boris is 'broke'!

305 replies

RainbowParadise · 19/09/2020 14:07

Apologies for the fail link.

But awww, diddums, Boris is struggling to afford a nanny and complaining about supporting his other children.

How my heart bleeds!

OP posts:
annabel85 · 19/09/2020 15:57


I expect after he retires from politics that he will be richly rewarded much like he was paid/invested in prior to becoming PM for writing articles. The lecture circuit is lucrative and memoirs are paid well and boards and investment advisory roles pay well. Although he won't have direct power, it will benefit benefactors directly and from signalling to successors.

The sooner he leaves offices the sooner he can rake in the millions and away from all the hard work and thankless task of running the country.
anon444877 · 19/09/2020 16:02

Boris will be skewered between his core voters being on the older side, and as you say, business pressure due to economic disaster. Plus having to pay for all the interventions meaning we'll go into Brexit in bad shape.

I would still be a fan of Keir Starmer if he runs with limited policies, Labour need to be able to win, we've still got far too long of this poo show to go with them on an untouchable majority.

The80sweregreat · 19/09/2020 16:04

I saw the headline and didn't read any more, but I did think ' dont have so many children if you can't afford them '.. (which is judgey I know ,but only because it's him. )
I've heard the rumors too about other problems he has in his private life ( allegedly) added to covid and brexit and other back stabbers he has round him.
He looks stressed and so much older and the right wing press are after him now too.
What a nightmare.

movingonup20 · 19/09/2020 16:05

Diddums, they have to pay to have food sent up? Why don't they order food from the supermarket and cook like mere mortals. I cooked,cleaned and worked from home with 2 kids under 3 one autistic and a dh who worked 70 hours plus a week. For 10 % of that

nicky7654 · 19/09/2020 16:05

Aaah Daily Mail! Must be true then 😂

QuestionMarkNow · 19/09/2020 16:07


I expect after he retires from politics that he will be richly rewarded much like he was paid/invested in prior to becoming PM for writing articles. The lecture circuit is lucrative and memoirs are paid well and boards and investment advisory roles pay well. Although he won't have direct power, it will benefit benefactors directly and from signalling to successors.

I’m wondering who on earth would want him to come and do a talk/read his memoirs seen how much he has lied until now...

Whether you like them or not, TM, DC etc... at least still had some credibility to build on. BJ not so much Grin
IntermittentParps · 19/09/2020 16:07

nicky7654, I'm just repeating other posters here but it's actually a Times story that has then turned up in the Mail.

StealthPolarBear · 19/09/2020 16:08

Clapping is an excellent idea. It resolved all financial woes of NHS staff didn't it?

ToastyCrumpet · 19/09/2020 16:11

No violin small enough.

Zilla1 · 19/09/2020 16:11

Questionmark, I suppose it depends on whether you think ex-PMs and Presidents earn such large fees for lectures and books and consultancy because of the quality of what they have to say or for other reasons. They might wonder whether the Daily Telegraph and Murdoch's press paid such large sums to possible future PMs for the quality of their articles/journalism too.

Zilla1 · 19/09/2020 16:12

Toasty, you might want to pick a different instrument to refer to.

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 16:12


Boris will be skewered between his core voters being on the older side, and as you say, business pressure due to economic disaster. Plus having to pay for all the interventions meaning we'll go into Brexit in bad shape.

I would still be a fan of Keir Starmer if he runs with limited policies, Labour need to be able to win, we've still got far too long of this poo show to go with them on an untouchable majority.

Starmer's strategy of sit back and allow Boris's administration to destroy itself as a sound one.

Sunak might be interesting if he replaces Boris.
nancy75 · 19/09/2020 16:15


Poor guy, lets organise a clap for him.

I would be okay with organising the clap for him... Hmm

I should think he’s probably managed that by himself
derxa · 19/09/2020 16:15

The PM's salary is too low.

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 16:15

I’m wondering who on earth would want him to come and do a talk/read his memoirs seen how much he has lied until now...

Whether you like them or not, TM, DC etc... at least still had some credibility to build on. BJ not so much grin

May was a disaster as PM. Not all her own fault but she could only speak to a monotone script. Yet she's already made millions just on public speaking since leaving office!

Cameron has earned a fortune already, despite being known as the man who unwittingly caused Brexit and a decade of austerity and what that's achieved.

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 16:17


The PM's salary is too low.

It might be, but the big money and life of luxury comes later.
nancy75 · 19/09/2020 16:19

If Boris was getting more money I’d want a rebate, he’s been missing for most of the year

derxa · 19/09/2020 16:20

It might be, but the big money and life of luxury comes later.
If we paid our MPs a higher salary we might get a higher quality of candidate.

FlamingoAndJohn · 19/09/2020 16:21


and this is our business because?

I’m usually of the ‘this is none of our business’ school of thought when stuff like this is being said about celebrities but this man gets to decide what benefits people get, how much nurses get paid, what a living wage is. He clearly hasn’t a clue.
QuestionMarkNow · 19/09/2020 16:21

Yep @annabel85 but they still have a hell of a lot more credibility than BJ on the international stage. Especially now.

Leafbeans · 19/09/2020 16:22

The PM's salary is too low.

I wouldn't fancy doing it for £150k, no way. But in fairness with expenses etc and the money making opportunities that arise after being PM it is more 'lucrative' than that. By no means saying it's not a lot of money, it is, but for the level of responsibility and hours etc no thanks!


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RepeatSwan · 19/09/2020 16:23


The PM's salary is too low.

I wouldn't fancy doing it for £150k, no way. But in fairness with expenses etc and the money making opportunities that arise after being PM it is more 'lucrative' than that. By no means saying it's not a lot of money, it is, but for the level of responsibility and hours etc no thanks!

They don't do it for £150k. The earning potential afterwards is astronomical.
nancy75 · 19/09/2020 16:25

He’s wanted the job for years, I’m pretty sure he knew what the pay was. Obviously he didn’t expect the work aspect

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 16:25


It might be, but the big money and life of luxury comes later.
If we paid our MPs a higher salary we might get a higher quality of candidate.

I agree, but at the same time a lot of these MP's go into it to feather their own nests with consultancy roles and whatever else. And with the you scratch my back culture in the UK they'll get a well paid 'consultancy' role for life and charity positions for doing very little.

Look at David Milliband. A million dollar salary with a charity but he wouldn't get that without being an an MP and high profile minister first.
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