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Boris is 'broke'!

305 replies

RainbowParadise · 19/09/2020 14:07

Apologies for the fail link.

But awww, diddums, Boris is struggling to afford a nanny and complaining about supporting his other children.

How my heart bleeds!

OP posts:
lamacorn · 19/09/2020 14:40

@Frownette 🤣🤣🤣
Yes next Thursday at 8 I'll be on my drive clapping for Boris. Poor man. Must be so hard to fund all those children...

tectonicplates · 19/09/2020 14:42


I thought most of his kids the ones we're supposed to know about are adults now? He's only got the baby and the ones we don't know about to pay for.
Maybe Carrie should get a job so he can be a SAHD Grin

Does anyone out there actually know how many children he has? Does he even know the answer himself?
QuestionableMouse · 19/09/2020 14:43

Some of the responses here are hysterical.

whysotriggered · 19/09/2020 14:43

I am available to take part in this clap and if he still needs help I can get hold of a badge for him.

Totickleamockingbird · 19/09/2020 14:44

So now we know how many children he has in total and with how many women.
I cannot believe for a second that a woman with that kind of parental record could ever become a prime minister in this country.

Holothane · 19/09/2020 14:44

Aw poor thing my heart bleeds not.

BatShite · 19/09/2020 14:45

Poor thing. Devastated for him.

ZaZathecat · 19/09/2020 14:46

He could always go to a food bank. And maybe he could apply for Universal Credit too.

jajajao · 19/09/2020 14:46

He'll stick around until there is no deal with the EU, set us on track to sell our arses (including the NHS) off to the USA, then he'll rake it in doing his wiff-waff posh act on the after dinner speaking circuit.

I seriously loathe him and the rest of them.

Chewbecca · 19/09/2020 14:47

Perhaps we could paint stones for him?

eddiemairswife · 19/09/2020 14:48

Well he likes dressing up in hard hats and hi-vis jackets and pretending to do a bit of manual work, so perhaps he could don a chef's hat and apron and be a cook, or have a duster and some Pledge and do the cleaning.

pussycatinboots · 19/09/2020 14:48

Oh, he's got 6 - for some reason I thought there were more...

RepeatSwan · 19/09/2020 14:49

The interesting thing about this story is not the content but how the right wing press are going for him.

Even the Spectator!

diddl · 19/09/2020 14:49

Well wouldn't think that 150,000 is at all bad, but if he used to get 350,000, I think that quite a few would find that % loss of income difficult.

But ten they would just have to make the necessary adjustments?

Totickleamockingbird · 19/09/2020 14:49

I don’t believe for a second that this story in daily fail is not planted. Above is a link for just one of the many things they have done in their government to create future for him and his children. This daily fail story is yet another attempt to prop his image as a man struggling to keep his health and family obligations together so he could resign as soon as his upper masters are done with him.

Phoenix21 · 19/09/2020 14:49

It’s not the first time he has whinged about his poverty:

Since then, inflation, pay reduction, divorces and more kids have added to the problem.

Has anyone suggest an MLM for him?

pussycatinboots · 19/09/2020 14:50


Perhaps we could paint stones for him?

Or a nice big slab? You know, sort of extra large patio-sized?
tectonicplates · 19/09/2020 14:50

Six that he's allowed to talk about, but it's widely thought there may be others that want to remain anonymous.

adviceplease11 · 19/09/2020 14:51

I guess in certain circles it's totally normal to have a nanny for your baby even if your partner doesn't work. Even if it seems bizarre to most people!

NotMiranda · 19/09/2020 14:51

The Mail has nicked this story from today's Times, which makes me think there is probably more substance to the "sources close to..." bit.

ColleagueFromMars · 19/09/2020 14:51

Poor guy, lets organise a clap for him.

I would be okay with organising the clap for him... Hmm

Phoenix21 · 19/09/2020 14:52


Oh, he's got 6 - for some reason I thought there were more...

He has ‘at least’ 6. Think maybe more than one super injunction.

How did the Johnson family make their money anyhow? I don’t know if they have old trust funds and whatever else wealthy folk do.

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Totickleamockingbird · 19/09/2020 14:52


Oh, he's got 6 - for some reason I thought there were more...

6 with three women. Doesn’t include his most recent baby and fiancé. So that is 7 with 4 different women.
No woman will ever become a PM with that record. Look at Hilary Clinton and how she had to put up with having that pest of husband to make sure her own career could take off. Hmm
pussycatinboots · 19/09/2020 14:52


Poor guy, lets organise a clap for him.

I would be okay with organising the clap for him... Hmm

I'd chuck a quid or two at that.

Maybe he'd be better off getting a proper job?
RainbowParadise · 19/09/2020 14:53


Oh, he's got 6 - for some reason I thought there were more...

@pussycatinboots Wikipedia says 'at least 6' 😂
Boris is 'broke'!
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