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Boris is 'broke'!

305 replies

RainbowParadise · 19/09/2020 14:07

Apologies for the fail link.

But awww, diddums, Boris is struggling to afford a nanny and complaining about supporting his other children.

How my heart bleeds!

OP posts:
Bioprepper · 24/09/2020 22:33

Poor boris. If he can’t afford kids he needs to keep his legs shut. Spending all his benefits on fags, booze and sky telly! Shameful

I am going to go put a rainbow in the window and give him a clap until he finds one of the ‘plenty of jobs out there’ to tide him over

SabrinaThwaite · 24/09/2020 21:58

Will be interesting to see what is listed in the Member’s Register in the next few weeks.

wanderings · 24/09/2020 21:47

We need a Boo for Boris. I'd gladly take part in that every week.

TotorosFurryBehind · 24/09/2020 20:46

Paying legal fees for all those super injunctions to stop his philandering being reported in the press has gotta add up.

PigletJohn · 24/09/2020 16:28

It was as if she didn't have a care in the world.

Getting away from a Buffoon can do that to you.

Egghead68 · 24/09/2020 14:51
LomasLongstrider · 22/09/2020 20:24

"he ought to be made available as part of NhS fertility treatments"


user1471565182 · 22/09/2020 20:12

Passionate animal rights compaigner who would legalise foxhunting in a millisecond if they could.

SwedishEdith · 22/09/2020 19:59

she is now and advisor to an environmental charity.

She does their PR, as far as I can tell. I can't see that being a "passionate animal rights defender" would make her qualified enough to be any kind of advisor.

midsomermurderess · 22/09/2020 18:13

She was removed from her job as head of Conservative Communications because she fiddled expenses. She is as much of a scheming lying tart as he is.

netsybetsy · 22/09/2020 12:50



PigletJohn · 22/09/2020 10:03


Boris is 'broke'!
TryAnotherNickname · 22/09/2020 08:16

Carrie does work though, the poor woman is allowed some maternity Lu. She resigned her job as Conservative party head of Comms when she started shagging the boss (so not correct to say that consort was better than intern - that was a big role for someone her age) and she is now and advisor to an environmental charity. So yes she does need a nanny. But I can’t imagine it’s a question of not being able to afford one, it’s more likely not trusting BoJo around one. Quite rightly.
Remember that the 7 or 8 babies plus Petronella Wyatt are only the ones we know about. If that’s the strike rate, I reckon she’s actually shagged at least 3x that number. He can’t surely impregnate every single woman he’s shagged? )if he can, he ought to be made available as part of NhS fertility treatments)

Dogneedsbrushing · 22/09/2020 08:07

He won by promising things he knew he couldn’t deliver.

Jaichangecentfoisdenom · 22/09/2020 04:07


Surely if you go for a job, you know what the salary is and work out whether you can live on it. Otherwise, you'd be a bit stupid, wouldn't you?

That's the point though, isn't it? Boris is sly, and slippery as snake, but nonetheless a bit stupid. And yet he won the election with a huge majority.
user1471565182 · 21/09/2020 22:58

I think that freezer had a time porthole to Perugia airport in it

CLCB07 · 21/09/2020 22:05

Jeremy Vine wrote about it.

mbosnz · 21/09/2020 20:20

So the lazy little bugger who seems to be permanently missing in action, with others having to front for him, feels he's underpaid for not doing his job?


PicsInRed · 21/09/2020 19:35


Apparently Boris hates the job and misses Marina ( according to the Times)
You couldn’t make this shit up

As if Marina would have him back or so much as brunch with him though he probably needs her to shout him, being so hard up and hungry ya know. 😂
SabrinaThwaite · 21/09/2020 13:44

The Perugia airport seem quite sure on their ability to spot a Johnson.

Maybe there’ll be some guff about how it must have been Boris’s brother or doppelgänger or something.

Boris is 'broke'!
Zilla1 · 21/09/2020 13:35


I know, agree and apologies, I was trying and failing to be ironic.

FudgeBrownie2019 · 21/09/2020 12:06


It's an indictment of this government, that we set Downing Street's denials at so little worth.

They've lied so often. Not even important lies. Just lies.

Exactly this - when someone lies over small, inconsequential stuff, you begin to accept that nothing from them will ever be true. That's exactly how I feel about Downing St now - their litany of lies means that they could swear on everything from the bible to the holy ghost and I'd still bet my life on it being nonsense.

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PerkingFaintly · 21/09/2020 12:01

It's an indictment of this government, that we set Downing Street's denials at so little worth.

They've lied so often. Not even important lies. Just lies.

eddiemairswife · 21/09/2020 11:39

Grant Schapps, who has two large flags propped up in his study when he broadcasts to the nation.

PerkingFaintly · 21/09/2020 11:19

Grant Shapps? Grin

The "Dominic Cummings didn’t move around from the family farm in Co Durham" Grant Shapps?Grin

Grant, Grant, you'll never be part of their gang, no matter how much you brown-nose and abase yourself. They'll always leave you holding the baby, while they laugh and carry on behind your back.

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