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Boris is 'broke'!

305 replies

RainbowParadise · 19/09/2020 14:07

Apologies for the fail link.

But awww, diddums, Boris is struggling to afford a nanny and complaining about supporting his other children.

How my heart bleeds!

OP posts:
Silvergreen · 19/09/2020 15:32


Well wouldn't think that 150,000 is at all bad, but if he used to get 350,000, I think that quite a few would find that % loss of income difficult.

But ten they would just have to make the necessary adjustments?

He didn't have a pay cut forced on him, he chose to become prime minister.
Afibtomyboy · 19/09/2020 15:32

In London finance terms, £150k is really very mediocre. I was on £55k 10 years ago in my 20s, doing an underwhelming job! My ex on £200k an not even a tiny fraction of the responsibility of Boris

Egghead68 · 19/09/2020 15:34

I’m sure his partner and ex-wife have good salaries too.

Nice to see the Daily Mail turning on Boris Johnson.

Leafbeans · 19/09/2020 15:36

He is probably lamenting the fact that he could be earning a heap more for much less responsibility and work. The worst decision he made was going for PM, which was primarily for his ego anyway.

AgeLikeWine · 19/09/2020 15:38


He has millions and he was getting paid massive amounts for his newspaper column. I don't believe this

Indeed. Apparently the Torygraph bankrolled his lifestyle by paying him £250k to write one column a week. It probably took him about half an hour to knock out a rough draft which the subs would then have to turn into something publishable.

Nice work if you can get it.
c75kp0r · 19/09/2020 15:38

Surely if it was planted then it was planted by his enemies ?

Shouldbedoing · 19/09/2020 15:38

Weirdly my Facebook won't load my post about it

Herdwick · 19/09/2020 15:39

It's blatantly a story about him because they can't print the story they want to print about him.

PigletJohn · 19/09/2020 15:39

I did hear that he's recently had another baby. However the identity of the (potential) mother is known.

The young mother, and certainly the baby, are entitled to privacy.

And also to financial (if not paternal) support.

If you search for a Boris Johnson Super Injunction you will find absolutely no mention of a recent one on reputable sites. Any posts mentioning one are removed.

oakleaffy · 19/09/2020 15:40

Poor, poor Boris.
Let me set up a Go fund me for him.

I hope you will all donate generously😂

yeOldeTrout · 19/09/2020 15:41

4 with Mariana

while supporting four of his other six children

Is that a slip by DM. Who is number 6 of the "other"?

Isn't horseface Carrie S. on maternity leave? I would have thought her salary alone would cover the housekeeper desired.

AfolMummy · 19/09/2020 15:44


The interesting thing about this story is not the content but how the right wing press are going for him.

Even the Spectator!

As I mentioned on another thread, this doesn't surprise me. Mary Wakefield, wife of Dominic Cummins is an Editor for The Spectator and Sarah Vine, wife of Michael Gove writes for the DM. I reckon it's part of a (Murdoch approved?) campaign to replace Boris with Gove.

WiserOlder · 19/09/2020 15:44

Jeez it'd make you sick. And the stick ulrika jonsson got and all of her choldren lived with her and at least one of the dads left her (pregnant) or was it with a newborn?

randomer · 19/09/2020 15:47

What is this shite about " putting children through College". Mine put themselves through, by living in rat infested shit holes, scrounging off us and are now massively in debt for the rest of their lives.

I am beyond it today. Fury and Grief combined.

PastMyBestBeforeDate · 19/09/2020 15:48

If only he'd listened when we said public sector pay has declined in real terms.

ThePluckOfTheCoward · 19/09/2020 15:50

Well he should have tied a knot in it after the first couple of sprogs instead of fornicating for England and spreading his seed willy nilly.

anon444877 · 19/09/2020 15:51

I've noticed the RW press very hostile to Boris of late - let's hope that's good news for Keir Starmer! As for him being hard up, I'm sure he'll make it all back when he's out at the next election in fat speaking fees from cronies.

Whatwouldscullydo · 19/09/2020 15:51

Oh the shame. How will he ever show his face anywhere.

Will he spontaneously combust if he touches am asda smart price can of beans?

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 15:51

He will leave soon and then rake it in like every other ex-PM.

He always wanted to become prime minister.. he never actually wanted to be prime minister and do the job and all that it entails.

anon444877 · 19/09/2020 15:52

it's all of a piece with his world king self-delusion that he'd believe he's so special he deserves to pass his genes on copiously.

goldensummerhouse · 19/09/2020 15:53

Three families? I've heard different...

RepeatSwan · 19/09/2020 15:54



The interesting thing about this story is not the content but how the right wing press are going for him.

Even the Spectator!

As I mentioned on another thread, this doesn't surprise me. Mary Wakefield, wife of Dominic Cummins is an Editor for The Spectator and Sarah Vine, wife of Michael Gove writes for the DM. I reckon it's part of a (Murdoch approved?) campaign to replace Boris with Gove.

Yes quite. They are so brutal when they want to get rid of a leader.

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Zilla1 · 19/09/2020 15:54

I expect after he retires from politics that he will be richly rewarded much like he was paid/invested in prior to becoming PM for writing articles. The lecture circuit is lucrative and memoirs are paid well and boards and investment advisory roles pay well. Although he won't have direct power, it will benefit benefactors directly and from signalling to successors.

annabel85 · 19/09/2020 15:56


I've noticed the RW press very hostile to Boris of late - let's hope that's good news for Keir Starmer! As for him being hard up, I'm sure he'll make it all back when he's out at the next election in fat speaking fees from cronies.

The right wing press have been pushing for back to normal and everyone back to the office etc for months now. They're turning after rule of 6 and more lockdowns and restriction announced by Boris.

Don't forget the right wing press are run by big business and billionaires. Restrictions hit them in the pocket.
goldensummerhouse · 19/09/2020 15:57

I've noticed the RW press very hostile to Boris of late - let's hope that's good news for Keir Starmer!

Perhaps they've heard he won't go and ask them to pay their taxes. In which case it's not so good news.

In general terms, whoever the tabloid press is skewering is usually the person who should be in charge.

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