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Can we talk about the f word

134 replies

HighlandWorrier · 16/10/2018 18:52

As in fart?! After 16 years together I am no longer mortified when I have to pass wind around him but DH always passes a snide comment, like he never does it Hmm As a good Scottish saying goes "where ever you may be let your wind blow free!"
I know it's not supposed to be ladylike and I would be mortified in public but come on fellow mumsnetters admit it do you let rip in front of your other halves too or disappear off somewhere private?

OP posts:
SheWhoDaresGins2 · 19/10/2018 09:00

Popped up on my fone this morning Grin

Can we talk about the f word
HighlandWorrier · 19/10/2018 09:20

Haha SheWho, some people will try anything for a quick buck Grin

OP posts:
SheWhoDaresGins2 · 19/10/2018 09:24


Juells · 19/10/2018 10:03

Haha SheWho, some people will try anything for a quick buck

I don't understand what you mean. Farting in someone's face is a very clear message, I'd have thought. I bet it was part of an ongoing pattern of abuse.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 19/10/2018 11:38

Farting in someone's face is a very clear message, I'd have thought. I bet it was part of an ongoing pattern of abuse

Not necessarily - perhaps the farter really couldn't keep it in, and was up a ladder; perhaps the "fartee" is an offender himself and everyone was sick of his behaviour; perhaps there faster bent over and accidentally poked one out just as the fartee was bending down near him/her - there are many ways this could have happened accidentally.

Certainly if it had happened to me I would have certainly complained/ commented to the offender, would only have taken it to HR/management if I KNEW it was deliberate.

I doubt I'd be trying to sue.

BertrandRussell · 19/10/2018 17:40

Schadenfreude-presumably any of the scenarios you present would have immediately been followed by apologies?

MyNameIsFartacus · 19/10/2018 19:49

Check out my username - I work on a bladder/bowel ward and believe me after working there ALL embarrassment over farting disappears, indeed we celebrate farts as a good thing! I have a good friend who works there also and when we meet outside of work we fart in front of one another, seriously WHO CARES, it's an essential healthy bodily function!

KisstheTeapot14 · 19/10/2018 19:56

Yep, that sums it up Fartacus. We are all human, and all of us get wind. Some more than others but hey.

A friend of mine tells of being in the loo and an uncle affectionately enquiring from outside the door after a noisy one - 'Lady Trumpington I presume?' Always makes me smile that.

SchadenfreudeUndeadified · 19/10/2018 20:47

Perhaps they were Bertrand.

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