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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women's and Equalities - inquiry into the Reform of the Gender Recognition Act

180 replies

Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 14:42

Live now for anyone interested:

OP posts:
Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 15:55

Is it me or is Jane talking absolute bollocks?!

OP posts:
Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 15:56


No mention of the consultation being a troll exercise. Self declaration is now the new word, not self-id

We're going to have to watch out of for this new word.
OP posts:
highame · 17/03/2021 15:56

They are saying delay caused all sorts of problems when in fact Stonewall was going ahead saying self id was coming in and so many changes took place before women realised what was going on

highame · 17/03/2021 15:57

leafstamp I think the word bollocks is very relevant

highame · 17/03/2021 15:59

A lovely simplified system is required so that everyone in the country can apply for a GRC

JustTurtlesAllTheWayDown · 17/03/2021 15:59

Might get deleted for this one but the Mermaids person reminds me sooo much of the kind of enthusiastic young fundamentalist Christian who ran the youth groups in my very conservative home town.

Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 15:59

"What do you think the fee for obtaining a GRC should be?"

"nil or low as possible"
"if you take away the complication of the process the fee can go too"
"we're not clear on the purpose of the fee"
"No higher than the cost of new birth certificate"

OP posts:
Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 16:01


leafstamp I think the word bollocks is very relevant

OP posts:
highame · 17/03/2021 16:01

I am sure that Tinsel will be giving evidence or will have submitted.

The stripping away of bureaucracy seems to be very important - safeguarding down the tubes

JustTurtlesAllTheWayDown · 17/03/2021 16:05


Jane just said that there was a lot of anti trans pre populated responses and most responses from the public were supportive. Is that right ?

I believe that a large proportion were supportive, however I seem to recall that apparently a lot of these supportive ones were pre-populated templates that reportedly came from outside the UK and that was one of the reasons that the responses weren't fully published.
Iirc even google at one point was encouraging people to fill it in and sending people to Mermaids. The data wasn't reliable.
Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 16:07


I am sure that Tinsel will be giving evidence or will have submitted.

The stripping away of bureaucracy seems to be very important - safeguarding down the tubes

Agree. For anyone reading this later - that's been the theme I think: taking away bureaucracy.

Which is ok up to a point, as long as the process is still very robust and adheres to all safeguarding requirements.

Surely if requirements are made less onerous then there will be more Keira Bells? I do hope the government realise that.
OP posts:
Berthatydfil · 17/03/2021 16:11

So in Wales you can be given hormones in a week?

highame · 17/03/2021 16:11

want GP service with additional training. Qualified then to be lead on gender identity . Bet this is Stonewall training. Medical intervention not needed for many (of course not most trans don't have gender dysphoria) Welsh model being used as a good model

Leafstamp · 17/03/2021 16:12

OMG, Cat has just said the Welsh model will see people being prescribed hormones within a week of seeing the GP.

For so many medical conditions, best practice is "watchful waiting". 2 weeks is common for eg antidepressants.

I am really shocked by this.

OP posts:
highame · 17/03/2021 16:13

EHRC now being discussed. Clarity has come now. Want more wholehearted response and engagement. They don't have any answers to the question.

OvaHere · 17/03/2021 16:14

Agree. For anyone reading this later - that's been the theme I think: taking away bureaucracy.

So self identification by a different name then? Plus different models for adults and children - adults must have no requirement of medicalisation at all but a model for children must be medicalised to the hilt the second they get within an inch of puberty.

highame · 17/03/2021 16:14

Mermaids say EHRC huge disappointment and need change (public action required???? not sure what that means)

OvaHere · 17/03/2021 16:15


want GP service with additional training. Qualified then to be lead on gender identity . Bet this is Stonewall training. Medical intervention not needed for many (of course not most trans don't have gender dysphoria) Welsh model being used as a good model

Most GPs don't want to do this though. I'm sure a statement was made to that effect at some point.
Berthatydfil · 17/03/2021 16:16

Who is this guy asking about single sex provision and self ID

CuriousaboutSamphire · 17/03/2021 16:16

So they want to include under 16s in that, side stepping/setting up conflict with a recent court ruling?

Berthatydfil · 17/03/2021 16:18

So Nancy what about the allowable single sex exemptions ???

CuriousaboutSamphire · 17/03/2021 16:18

I am hoping someone other than Mermaids and Stonewall are there!

Where is it on?


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highame · 17/03/2021 16:18

How would self i-d work and how would concerns be addressed. Gave lots of e.g. women's sports. Nothing to do with GRC and are scare stories. Isn't going to refute because that would take too long......... obfuscation

JustTurtlesAllTheWayDown · 17/03/2021 16:19

Nancy Kelley: "A GRC is not how you get allocated into a particular part of the prison estate", except that this was confirmed that this automatically happens when you've got a GRC in the initial arguments for the MoJ review.
She really has no idea, does she? She doesn't even seem to know what Stonewall has put forward on sex exemptions. It's really bad.

highame · 17/03/2021 16:19

Deny women's rights, no evidence. ......blaaaah blaaah throughout history is now brought in to the argument

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