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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Melania Trump

153 replies

Mrsglitterpants · 11/11/2016 18:04

I might be alone in this, I hope not, but is anyone else disappointed by the slut shaming and vitriol aimed towards her?

Her husband is a disgusting reptile, that's a given. But in the last day or two I have seen her called a tramp, gold digger, whore, slag, dirty, and trash.

Today a 'feminist' page on FB - this one if you're interested
published a meme about her basically laughing at how thick she supposedly is. What was particularly horrible were the comments underneath from women, all who you would assume to be feminists as they follow the page. Vile comments including 'I hope they wiped down the chair she sat on in the white house' and 'when do they install the stripper pole'.

I understand that feminism doesn't mean that all women are above reproach but really? We have a man in the White House who hates women, direct your hatred at him!

And tbh as she's married to DT I suspect her life isn't a picnic, he is a nasty bully.

OP posts:
tribpot · 15/11/2016 17:13

It's somewhat debatable whether the photo is real but it is horrifying. Even if it said 'Rape Trump' it would be indefensible.

roseship · 15/11/2016 17:55

Snopes can fuck off with their selective debunking

Why do they debunk rumours that Hillary Clinton faked a rally

but then equivocate and spread rumours that the 'Rape Melania' sign is fake.

tribpot · 15/11/2016 19:07

Snopes haven't said the Melania sign is a fake, they are saying that its veracity has been questioned - it looks somewhat odd but there is no conclusion either way.

I had the same thought about the dreadful things posted on Facebook yesterday about Michelle Obama, that the story was a fake as it also seemed so extreme, not to mention unbelievably stupid for public officials to be commenting in such a disgusting way. I honestly would not have been surprised to discover that one was faked by anti-Trump supporters. However, that one does appear to be true.

kesstrel · 15/11/2016 21:35

This thread prompted me to look her up - I was surprised she was 47 too. However, in the course of my research I discovered that it was Trump who chose the "Barron" name for their son (goes with the pseudo-aristocratic decor at Trump Towers, I guess), while Melania chose the middle name 'William'. No surprise there. But the bit that really left me Hmm was, Trump calls his son by the nickname of "Mini-Donald". How utterly in character for a narcissist.

roseship · 16/11/2016 07:39

Snopes are more than capable of drawing (often arbitrary) conclusions, it is not clear why they seem to want to question this.

Pluto30 · 16/11/2016 09:47

kesstrel According to a butler who used to work for the family, Barron is a mini-Donald. So that could have something to do with it.

roseship · 16/11/2016 10:30
kesstrel · 16/11/2016 10:51

Pluto Grin I should have thought of that....

TheDowagerCuntess · 16/11/2016 18:16

Does anyone take Snopes seriously anymore - they're as subjective as the next media outlet, surely.

Esmereldada · 20/11/2016 19:03

Well I hope she stays. After all it's her who lays next to him each night as he slumbers peacefully, vulnerable and unprotected....

Melania Trump
StealthPolarBear · 20/11/2016 20:24

Chances are high she's not intelligent. Doubt trump would want someone intelligent. Not a crime.

iremembericod · 20/11/2016 20:37

I agree with pp that she hadn't seemed great in the last few weeks of the campaign.

She never seemed to interact with him or look him in the eye.

I'd imagine she's had to come face to face with some horrific stories about him throughout the campaign, even sexual assaults aside I am sure there will be affairs, bad business and also having to reconcile his comments about immigrants when she is one..and I'm sure that has been challenging in every way.

SarcasmMode · 20/11/2016 20:46

The only thing I dislike about her is her taste in men.

I mean how can you insult someone you know nothing about? It makes no sense.

I think those who are insulting her feel powerless and feel insulting her will make them feel better or look cool. Why else do it? It's hardly going to change the fact she's married to Trump.

Anyone who goes around calling another woman a slut, as if wanting sex makes you one in the first place (because heaven forbid a woman may want to have sex with more than one man). But they are using there dislike of her husband to mean dislike of her and then just going straight to a sex slur when we know nothing about her sex life ( nor should we, nor does it matter).

It's like not liking a woman's boyfriend for a reason and automatically calling him a pervert. No correlation and unfounded.

But let these people feel big if they want to. I doubt Melania cares what they think.

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 22/11/2016 14:33

I judge all trophy wives. And the sort of man who needs to buy marry one. Well, hello Mr Cleese! How are you? Grin

Seems Melania isn't planning to live in the White House. That'll go down well. Wonder if the marriage will survive the Presidency. Melania didn't bargain for that. The Sunday Times ran a profile written about the Trumps back in 2005. Described Melania as probably more right wing than Donald, and that she had cold, dead eyes like a shark.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 22/11/2016 23:33

I judge all trophy wives. And the sort of man who needs to buy marry one

What a nasty thing to say. Reminds me of that Caroline Aberne dig at Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee , which became rather ironic given Aherne's own marriage lasted 3 years compared to McGee's and Daniel's 28 years.

PinkIsRad · 22/11/2016 23:52

What I wonder is how someone can marry a person who is that narcissistic? Does Melania not know Donald loves himself more than anything?

Pluto30 · 23/11/2016 00:06

Seems Melania isn't planning to live in the White House. That'll go down well. Wonder if the marriage will survive the Presidency.

Talk about cherry picking. She said she won't move to the White House until Barron has finished the school year. Makes sense, and she's not the first First Lady to do something like this (Jackie Kennedy did the same thing).

DioneTheDiabolist · 23/11/2016 01:28

OP, I too am disappointed, but not surprised. It seems that misogynists, including those claiming to be feminist are all too keen to displace their anger at a powerful man to a woman they know little about because she is a woman.Sad

roseship · 23/11/2016 04:39

A lot of people think Barron is autistic. It doesn't make sense to move him half way through the school year.

Pluto30 · 23/11/2016 05:59

rosehip Why do they think he's autistic?

tabulahrasa · 23/11/2016 06:11

It seems to be because trump tweeted once about vaccines causing autism and the wee boy's tiredness during trumps speech after he'd won...apparently he looks autistic Hmm

Pluto30 · 23/11/2016 06:17

It was 3:30am... Blimmin' 'eck. Hmm

Poor kid.


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tabulahrasa · 23/11/2016 06:19

Yep, he couldn't just be tired...

Also if you could tell who has autism by looking it'd be a hell of a lot easier to get a diagnosis.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 23/11/2016 09:04

The Sunday Times ran a profile written about the Trumps back in 2005. Described Melania as probably more right wing than Donald, and that she had cold, dead eyes like a shark

I'm not sure which I'm more bemused by- the dreadful writing "cold dead eyes like a shark or that you remember such a badly written piece from 11 years ago.

RockyBird · 23/11/2016 09:07

Caroline Aherne was publically a victim of DV. Should she have stayed longer than 3 years to keep up with Debbie Magee?

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