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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Melania Trump

153 replies

Mrsglitterpants · 11/11/2016 18:04

I might be alone in this, I hope not, but is anyone else disappointed by the slut shaming and vitriol aimed towards her?

Her husband is a disgusting reptile, that's a given. But in the last day or two I have seen her called a tramp, gold digger, whore, slag, dirty, and trash.

Today a 'feminist' page on FB - this one if you're interested
published a meme about her basically laughing at how thick she supposedly is. What was particularly horrible were the comments underneath from women, all who you would assume to be feminists as they follow the page. Vile comments including 'I hope they wiped down the chair she sat on in the white house' and 'when do they install the stripper pole'.

I understand that feminism doesn't mean that all women are above reproach but really? We have a man in the White House who hates women, direct your hatred at him!

And tbh as she's married to DT I suspect her life isn't a picnic, he is a nasty bully.

OP posts:
LassWiTheDelicateAir · 13/11/2016 12:08

Whether or not she 'signed up for the job' is irrelevant. The press coverage will be relentless and she has neither the grace or intelligence to deal with it.

What do you suggest then? She seems from some of the comments on here to be dawned if she takes no interest (and why should an unelected spouse muscle in on the job ?) but if she does try she'll be dawned as too thick to do it.

YonicProbe · 13/11/2016 12:10

"I've no idea how intelligent or otherwise she is but what has that got to do with anything?"


derxa · 13/11/2016 13:01

Well I have been called a 'dunce' on the horrible thread so that puts me firmly in the Melania camp. Grin
We should not be attacking her personally. It's vile. Trump is horrible and deserves all the bile.

Boolovessulley · 13/11/2016 16:41

I wonder if the marriage will lady.

Boolovessulley · 13/11/2016 16:41


user1475253854 · 13/11/2016 16:51

Calling her 'melanoma' is beyond vile. I don't know why that thread is still there.

Mrsglitterpants · 13/11/2016 17:36

I wonder if those who say 'she chose to marry him so does not deserve sympathy' have the same empathetic response to all women who married unpleasant men. Does your right to sympathy expire when you make the choice to marry someone who turns out be a nasty bully? After all, you chose to marry him, so you should have known, right?

As for those who suggest she doesn't have to be married to him....what planet are you on? Perhaps she is happy in her marriage to him. But if she weren't, do you imagine for one second that she would be able to walk away from a man like that with custody of her son and unscathed? She is married to a vengeful bully. So sad to see such meanness of spirt towards another woman.

OP posts:
lizzieoak · 13/11/2016 17:38

I find it unpleasant. It's shooting fish in a barrel and does not make anyone look clever or high-minded.

Ncforthispost2005 · 13/11/2016 17:54

Just curious if all the people who judge Melania Trump for being married to and defending DT also judge Hilary Clinton for still being married to Bill?
BC has been accused of rape, had multiple affairs and refused to issue an order of clemency for a man on death row who had such a severe mental impairment that he couldn't speak or even understand what the death penalty was (most reasonable people accept this was for political reasons i.e. that the electorate in Arkansas would not approve).
My guess is not because of the usual double standards that apply.
I don't judge women based on their husbands and frankly some of the commentary around MT says a lot more about the people who are saying it than her.

tabulahrasa · 13/11/2016 17:58

She doesn't deserve the abuse she's getting as yes she's just married to him, not actually him, but, if my partner was campaigning for office and saying the things he's said...there's no way I'd be there on stage supporting him and defending him.

So I don't have a hugely high opinion of her TBH.

noblegiraffe · 13/11/2016 18:00

I'm more disappointed that the Republican Party didn't disown him than Melania.

tabulahrasa · 13/11/2016 18:01

Ah but I don't think that highly of them anyway, lol

user1475253854 · 13/11/2016 18:05

That's a fair point about it not being easy to leave OP.

ForeverEyesOfBlue · 13/11/2016 18:08

I feel so sorry for her. Yes, she presumably knew what kind of a man she was marrying, but she didn't sign up for this.
Agree that she couldn't walk away now even if she wanted to, but she's in for a rough ride. I hope she is OK.

Xenophile · 13/11/2016 18:13

Exactly Glitter.

The women who post on the relationships boards must be really pleased when they're told that other women have no sympathy for them, they knew what they were marrying, and should just leave him.

Because suddenly famous women deserve their abuse, and make no mistake, a man who was as abusive as Ivana says he was won't have changed, in ways that 'normal' women don't?

BoredOfBrexit · 13/11/2016 18:14

I'm sure she doesn't give a shiny shit. She's been married to him for years without anyone worrying about her; now she will be the First Lady with all the protocol and protection that comes with it.

FreshwaterSelkie · 13/11/2016 18:15

I'm another who just feels a bit sorry for her.

I can't imagine it would be easy to be married to Donald Trump - but equally it would be very difficult to leave him, given who he is. I don't expect the marriage is particularly happy for her - marriages to narcissists/sociopaths/unpleasant bullies rarely are.

I don't get my judgey pants on for either her or for Hillary, because goodness knows the only people who really know what goes on in a marriage are the two people in it. My issues are with both of their husbands, and I don't think one's husband should be the measure of one's worth, be that good or bad...

stayathomegardener · 13/11/2016 18:18

Oh I disagree, now would be the perfect time for her to walk away on the basis DT would not want major distractions or too much (more) bad publicity.

YonicProbe · 13/11/2016 18:20


Well, they sorta did in a half-assed way when the pussy grabbing comments came out.

Such distancing didn't survive the win, I expect!

Branleuse · 13/11/2016 18:21

shes not just a trump supporter, which is bad enough. Shes married to the fucker. I dont have much sympathy for her plight

Imsickofnamechanging · 13/11/2016 18:23

Melania is not a child, she's a grown woman, who will probably be surprised at all the, 'let's feel sorry for her' on here. They seem to have been happily married for a Number of yrs so why do people on here seem to think she's suddenly in need of sympathy? I'm sure her husbands antics or behaviour towards women is nothing new to her. Yes she's probably feeling a bit out of her depth at suddenly becoming First Lady, but at 47yrs old? I'm sure she will adjust accordingly.

Hawaiiisalongwayaway · 13/11/2016 18:24

How involved does she have to be as 'First Lady' can't believe I am typing that title....


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Hawaiiisalongwayaway · 13/11/2016 18:24

That interview a couple of nights ago with all the women sitting like Barbie dolls on the sofa next to him made me shudder I have to say.

FreshwaterSelkie · 13/11/2016 18:24

Fair point, stayathome - she could choose to take a big step back around now. I wonder...

I meant it would be hard to leave him "given who he is" in the sense of the type of person that he comes across as being (a bully), rather than in the sense of him being the POTUS. He strikes me as being petty and vindictive - I've divorced one of those types myself and it was very painful.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 13/11/2016 18:33

Why is it abuse to say that I don't feel sorry for her?

For all I know she might be in love with him, she might enjoy the lifestyle she has?
She certainly seemed happy to endorse him.

She's wife number three, and he's never been shy of proclaiming his views on everything, she knew what she was getting into.

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