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Tomorrow will be the start of the new me

628 replies

chubchubchub · 07/07/2018 19:03

I have reached that moment.

I'm going to lose weight.

Join me starting from tomorrow.

OP posts:
DaisyChops · 15/07/2018 22:03

Similar Sunday to you guys really...DH had a migraine so we ended up with a's a proven medical cure for headaches don't you know 🙈

Not feeling positive about my weigh in tomorrow morning, almost hoping for a maintain!!!!

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 15/07/2018 22:31

Fingers crossed daisy

A maintain is good if youve had a bad week

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 01:23

Fingers crossed everyone Grin I've been at work and had the worst shift ever but still didn't eat a whole loaf of bread! Woooohoooo

DaisyChops · 16/07/2018 07:28

Morning all, never thought I'd be pleased to see 1/4 lb loss!!!

I know it's a poor effort but I can honestly say if it wasn't for you guys it would have been a gain!!!

Well done Britney, you have more will power than me, I was on the chocolate m&m's last night as got another interview today so doing my usual panic eating 🙈

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 16/07/2018 07:52

Oh gosh, good luck for the interview Thanks

Ethiopianflower · 16/07/2018 12:02

Well done daisy - great to see a loss on the scales. Good luck with interview. What do you guys do when you are invited to friends and have worked really hard all week to be good and then handed so many delicious calories that you cannot say no - and see all your hard work for the week go down the drain. Maybe I am getting excited for nothing - it’s just one meal - it’s just that I am trying so hard to be good!!!

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 12:41

Good luck for the interview!

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 12:43

@Ethiopianflower all your hard work isn't going down the drain, you've worked hard and are having one meal to celebrate and reward yourself! So long as it's a good potion and not huuuuge (like I'm so guilty of doing. ALL. The time!) it's fine.

Every step you take, every day that you make good choices instead of bad ones is a win and will help you with your long term goals.

We want sustainable eating habits, not diets we'll give up in a week's time. You can eat the higher calorie things! But the important thing is knowing when to stop. Grin

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 13:04

I've lost 2lb since Thursday Grin I don't really mind about my weight I'm just concerned about how I look and feel but that's encouraging! The number is currently at 13 stone and this is the most I have ever weighed in my life Blush

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 16/07/2018 13:38

Well done britney

Im over 13 stone....nudging 14 and again the heaviest ive ever been even heavily pregnant with number 3!!

Onwards and downwards

Ethiopianflower · 16/07/2018 14:24

Thanks Britney - good advice!!! Well done on your loss - that is very encouraging and motivating for you!!! You’re doing great!!!

Howareya123 · 16/07/2018 19:40

Well done Britney!! @DaisyChops hope the interview went well!! Panic eating is ok before an interview as you probably sweated the calories out of you during it😉

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 21:30

Thanks guys! How's everyone done today?

DaisyChops · 16/07/2018 21:44

Evening all, sounds like you are all doing really well!

I ate my daily calories in one go (after my interview), it may it may not have been at the Golden Arches eating establishment 😂🙈

But, back on it tomorrow, going to try to do a hit workout each day, like the 30 day shred if anyone fancies joining me? Done it before upto about day 8 and I did lose weight!

Where's OP these days? Come back OP, you've started us all on this journey, I'm really proud of my 1/4 lb loss 😂

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 16/07/2018 21:54

Not bad Britney

I'm working from 2-8 i may take one of my old diet bars along just in case

Howareya123 · 16/07/2018 22:09

I didn't have too bad a day, going to weigh myself at work tomorrow but I'm not feeling hopeful! I think I drank enough at the weekend to wipe out my good week! I wouldn't mind I never drink alot normally!! Anyway week 2 will be better!!!

itsBritneyBeach · 16/07/2018 22:19

Be strong ladies.. we can do this!

And for the millionth time @chubchubchub GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!

happytobemrsg · 16/07/2018 22:44

Place marking for the morning when I can read the thread properly. I'll do a proper weigh in tomorrow. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!

itsBritneyBeach · 17/07/2018 00:04

@happytobemrsg welcome to a non judgy thread all about moderation and good choices but NO crazy shitty dietGrin

Howareya123 · 17/07/2018 06:19

I needed you on Saturday @itsbritneybeach to remind me about moderation😂!!! Weigh in this morningShock

happytobemrsg · 17/07/2018 11:15

Thank you @itsBritneyBeach! I did the 16:8 diet for 3 weeks (does that count as a crazy diet?!) & lost quite a bit so I'm thinking of doing that again since I need results quick - need to lose 7lb by September for a party. Will be eating 10am - 6pm. The reason this works for me is that I tend to eat pretty well during the day but eat crisps & chocolate of an evening whilst watching tv. I can't get out of the mentality that watching tv = snacks. I'm sure I can lose weight just cutting those out! We have a gym at home & DH is a PT so I'll try to start doing sessions again (I was doing 2 a week & really enjoyed it until I had to take a week off & never got back into it).

happytobemrsg · 17/07/2018 11:19

Had my favourite brekki today : low fat Greek yogurt, blueberries, strawberries & honey toasted seeds. Delicious. Lunch will be a small pasta ravioli thing & for dinner a quinoa/pea/broccoli/hummus salad thing. Yoo Moo do these really yummy yogurt ice lollies (74cals I think) which I can't resist in this heat


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itsBritneyBeach · 17/07/2018 13:47

That sounds like a good plan - we can all eat nice things as long as they're not in lots of 300 Wink 7lb by September is definitely doable!

I got my uni results today, and after a year of dealing with bad health I did pretty well but I have to retake 3 modules which I can't deal with at all! So feeling pretty shit about that Sad I'll have to try hard not to comfort eat

happytobemrsg · 17/07/2018 14:07

Ah I'm so sorry @itsBritneyBeach. Don't be too hard on yourself, you did your best whilst battling poor health - I think only having to resist 3 modules is actually really good! Don't use this as an excuse to comfort eat! Instead, celebrate all the modules you did pass with a little treat like a face mask or a new lippie!

itsBritneyBeach · 17/07/2018 15:42

Omg I only have to retake one!! And I got great results aside from that so you know what I'm so pleased Grin thank you! I bought myself some shorts from Zara, which I actually can now fit in?!?? Yessssss

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