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Tomorrow will be the start of the new me

628 replies

chubchubchub · 07/07/2018 19:03

I have reached that moment.

I'm going to lose weight.

Join me starting from tomorrow.

OP posts:
Myownwendyhouse · 07/07/2018 21:42

Also. Motivational tip. Watch diet programs on you tube. There are tons of films on Netflix and amazon about health how bad and addictive sugar is. It keep the healthy eating in your head and makes you remember why your doing this.

This has kept me going. When I feel the urge to eat something bad I watch one of these and move on.

I have also kept that feeling of guilt and how bad I feel about myself after I do eat something I shouldn't in my head.

I had that feeling today when everyone was buying pizza while watching the football. I know that I want to see an 11 on those scales 2m. And I feel brilliant now that I didn't eat it.

Ethiopianflower · 07/07/2018 22:00

I just downloaded “MyFitnessPal “ app onto my phone - find it brill to be aware of what I am eating. Went for a run with my daughter this evening - she kept on having to wait for me .....I was huffing and puffing.....she is 9!!!😂😂😂

Howareya123 · 07/07/2018 22:14

@ethiopianflower this time 4 weeks you'll be waiting on herWink must do my fitness pal too, it's a great way to highlight secret eating if you're truly honest and document every little bit you eat!

Ethiopianflower · 07/07/2018 22:18

@howareya123 - totally agree with you - have to be disciplined with the app. Thanks for the encouragement - have to keep the ol’ runners working hard!!!

chubchubchub · 08/07/2018 08:08


So today is the day! I'm feeling anxious at the thought of doing this.

Off for a shower and I will dust off the scales and actually get on them.

I shall download my fitness pal, I've not used it before but have read a lot about it on mumsnet. I have a Fitbit somewhere in the house so I will locate that and charge it.

Good luck everyone.

OP posts:
Myownwendyhouse · 08/07/2018 11:12

How did u get on.

DaisyChops · 08/07/2018 11:13

Hi, can I join you please, I sound about the same as you, 5ft 3.5" and I'm about 11st 9 at the moment. Would love to get to 9 stone again. I joined SW about a year ago and lost a stone but I've slowly put it all back on which I swore I wouldn't do!
Struggling in this heat, I don't want to eat properly and too hot to exercise and I can feel myself gaining weight. I just feel grim, I'm going to start tomorrow though as it would be criminal not to eat the m&s cake in the fridge Wink

GetInMaBelleh · 08/07/2018 11:15

Can I join please?

DD is 9 months now and I think I have actually put on more weight rather than lose the pregnancy weight.

Have recently developed acid reflux which is really confirming for me that things have gone too far. Time to put on my big girl pants and sort this out.

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 08/07/2018 11:18


Ooooh ive got acid reflux now as well

Is that a 'fat' thing?

Fatbird71 · 08/07/2018 11:20

I'll join in too.....i've lost 10 kgs since March but have a LONG way to go....

DaisyChops · 08/07/2018 11:41

I've been getting acid reflux aswell so must be a fat thing 🙈 don't think it helps eating chocolate just before bed!!!

DaisyChops · 08/07/2018 11:42

Fat bird 10kg is excellent, well done 👏

50shadesofbeige · 08/07/2018 11:48

Thanks @chub (doesn't seem right calling you that!) just weighing in at 10st 8lbs so finally out the overweight bracket. Starting weight was 12st 1lb and I'm 5' 5" :)

10kg is amazing @Fatbird you should be so proud of yourself

Rufustheyawningreindeer · 08/07/2018 12:12

Oooh well done fatbird

daisy oh goodness...its a oain in my arse, well throat. Apparently a glass of milk helps

Which makes sense

snowsun · 08/07/2018 12:18

Start now.
Strike while the irons hot and all that.
Great support on here. Everyone's a big help.

Iputthescrewinthetuna · 08/07/2018 12:24

I want to join in. I used to be a curvy 10 (this would now not suit me)
I am now 14st - 5ft 8 (1stone of that is the injection contraception)
I have been preparing to lose weight as of today. Yesterday I was very aware I am changing my lifestyle, we had a BBQ and I chose to only eat a small portion of food.

We can do this!!?

RunMummyRun68 · 08/07/2018 12:55

I ran London marathon in April for second time. After both I've just stopped running, combination of heat and after all the training, had enough of it!

First time I put on 3 stone afterwards!!Shock
This time I've (so far) put on a it needs to go. I work a physical job too. So it's uncomfortable being overweight

RunMummyRun68 · 08/07/2018 12:58

So I've started today

Just a coffee for breakfast as I started work at 8. Just had lunch. Homemade pasta salad and fruit

At work til 6pm then Home. That will be my downfall. My kids are all older and buy their own stuff. So junk lying around all the time

chubchubchub · 08/07/2018 14:45

Hi to all the new people.

Well I dusted off the scales and gave them a polish. They were filthy and very under used. They don't work. Dead battery, my son is hopefully bringing one home later so I will report back.

OP posts:
MonkeysMummy17 · 08/07/2018 15:09

Can I join too? I have about 3 stone of baby weight to lose, with 3 weddings in the next 9 months I need to shift some weight (as vain as it sounds I don't want to be the overweight bridesmaid!)

I've lost 7lb since the middle of May, but maintained it for weeks now because I'm not putting much effort in. Had to go gluten free and that seems to have sparked a need to find new sweets and treats 🙈

Now using gluten free huel, aiming to do 15k steps a day and have an exercise bike to burn some extra calories, just need to keep the motivation burning (and not lose too much too quickly because of breastfeeding and fear of milk supply drying up). It would be nice to get the weight off this year, is it doable? I suppose any weight off is a step in the right direction though

Howareya123 · 08/07/2018 15:12

Day 1... just baked fairy cakes with the kids and haven't eaten one yet!! They're only out of the oven 5 minutes but it's still an achievement for me!!

itsBritneyBeach · 08/07/2018 15:21

Resisted a donut.. wow! A good startGrin


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Ethiopianflower · 08/07/2018 19:30

I baked fairy cakes with my dd today!!! When they came out of the oven I seriously felt like eating all 12 in one sitting - they smelt so good. But instead I had an apple 🍎

chubchubchub · 08/07/2018 19:54

I have been really good today on the food front. I kept forgetting that I was dieting and found myself going for the biscuits and I've had to stop myself quite a few times. I was quite envious of the dogs having a Bonio treat this afternoon.

Next door are having a BBQ and the smell of burgers and onions is wafting through my door, smells bloody lush. It's making me feel really hungry. I could do serious damage to a plate of chargrilled meat.

Well done for resisting donuts and fairy cakes you two.

Be good everyone Grin

OP posts:
MissKummerspeck · 08/07/2018 20:11

I would like to join please. I am currently following slimming world and have lost half a stone so far.
I’m 5ft 8
Start weight - 15st 4 Shock
Current weight - 14st 12
Goal weight - 12st

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