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Easter target met, let's get some summer losses!!

328 replies

RufusTheReindeer · 20/04/2014 22:01

Hi, following on from the lose a stone and half thread those of us with more weight to shift (me!) would like to carry on

Is there anyone out there to join?

I will go first

I have reached my Easter target and I would like to lose between 7 and 12 pounds ready for the summer (I may lose more in the autumn but I don't see the point if I can't maintain it)

I have let things sill a bit so my intention is to calorie count as I did before with no chocolate or alcohol from Tuesday for a few weeks. Then I will relax the choc and booze rule Grin

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LilyJoAndMe · 27/04/2014 08:59

Oh j200 !!
If I feel over the moon for you I can't imagine how you must be feeling GrinGrinGrinGrinGrin !!!!!

Oh - so lovely !!

And great to know that you've put weight on then - haha !

supermariossister · 27/04/2014 09:01

got something in my eye....Blush I love good news

LilyJoAndMe · 27/04/2014 09:05

Not got a big veggie plot fir me this year . More into a little flowery ( and maybe scented) - sitting and reading a book corner here.

Tea and chin-wagging done .
Now on with exercise .Wink

LilyJoAndMe · 27/04/2014 09:07

[ hands hankie to Super] before slipping on trainers Smile.

supermariossister · 27/04/2014 09:10

thanks, much appreciated Grin. we have veg planters but only grow specific stuff now after growing tomatoes last year by the bagful and giving them away because noone here likes them! now we have pepper sweetcorn and beans and stuff that will actually get eaten. we did have potatoes and pumpkin but the dog ate them Hmm on a happy note today I am wearing jeans that didn't fit me two weeks ago Grin. woohoo

JemimaMuddledUp · 27/04/2014 09:57

Yay for the positive j200!

I try not to go below 1200 calories so do listen to the warnings on MFP. Obviously it is different if you are doing 5:2 or similar as the calories will even out over the week to be an average of more than 1200 per day, but I wouldn't want to come out at less than 1200 very often. I try to concentrate on eating plenty, but making it good stuff.

Although having said that, my super healthy day yesterday was scuppered by the fact that we went out for dinner to a pub that we hadn't been to before and the menu was shockingly bad. Even the salad came with spit roast chicken and bacon, pretty much everything else was with chips. I made the best of it by having a cajun veggie burger (I left the bun) with sweet potato fries and salad, although it was deep fried it was at least vegetables.

Back on track again this morning. Went for a 2.5 mile power walk then had a green smoothie (coconut milk, spinach, banana, strawberries and bueberries) for breakfast. Am going to make a butternut squash, red pepper and spinach curry with brown rice followed by fruit salad (strawberries, kiwi, melon, grapes) with fromage frais for lunch and then have a salad (baby leaves, beetroot, orange, goat's cheese, pumpkin seeds, pine kernels and sunflower seeds, balsamic dressing - pretty much the same as I had for lunch yesterday) for dinner.

I have been reading the Deliciously Ella blog and am feeling really inspired. She makes everything looks so yummy!

RufusTheReindeer · 27/04/2014 10:43

Congratulations j200 Thanks

You really need to look after yourself and make everyone else do all the work!!!

Welcome jayne it is a very positive thread! And the nice thing is that everyone is coming on here on a regular basis. My vision board is on pinterest, but it deffo need shorts and I'm finding it really difficult to find straight leg jeans at the mo Hmm

jemima in awe of your food. I cook very nice meals and can do some great salads and healthy food but not on such a regular basis!! Go you!!

lily it's absolutely pissing it down here Grin I don't think I'm going to be able to prise anyone off the sofa!!

super love it when cloths start fitting better or getting smaller (it is a pain when you move down a size because then you think you are fat again Grin)

OP posts:
supermariossister · 27/04/2014 14:38

just done 10 minutes aerobics and had to stop because it stopped reading the disc :s wonder why. I am not so good with healthy foods I'm terrible at putting things together anyone want to share any lunch ideas?

JemimaMuddledUp · 27/04/2014 17:36

I take packed lunches to work with me. I often make double of dinner the night before so that I can take the leftovers. Over the next few days I am having:

Monday - Salad made from baby leaves, spinach, tomatoes, red onion, roasted butternut squash, lentils and feta.
Tuesday - Salad made from baby leaves, roasted veg (tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, aubergine, red onion), feta, pumpkin seeds, pine kernels and sunflower seeds.
Wednesday - Falafel, couscous, hummus and salad (mixed leaves, tomato, cucumber, red onion).

I also like soups for lunch, especially during the winter. My favourite is Tomato and Lentil. If I don't have time to make my own I like the Covent Garden Skinny Soups.

I try to avoid bread at lunchtime as I find I get hungry again really quickly and am diving in the biscuit tin by 3pm Blush

supermariossister · 27/04/2014 18:34

they sound nice, I think it's putting things together that get me the most. I've gone over today by 35 on MFP but I really wanted a can of Pepsi that I didn't account for, no excuses from me I'm a sucker for a can of pop. I've done some more aerobics though after I got the disc to work and boiled some eggs for tomorrow breakfast so I can't cave Grin. how is everyone

j200 · 27/04/2014 20:13

Evening all, have gone over my MFP today by 380 cals- annoying snacking on popcorn, cereal bar and an extra yoghurt I didn't need!

Lunch tomorrow is a big chicken salad with some of the chicken in lemon&herb marinade we bbqd tonight, got a total 0% with raspberries for breakfast and then will aim to only have an apple and a few almonds till dinner- need to balance out today!

Feeling very nervous that my line may disappear tomorrow, don't think will get much sleep again tonight!

RufusTheReindeer · 27/04/2014 20:34


It won't disappear I'm sure

Sorry about going over mfp, I don't worry too much over the weekend but I'm back to being extra good from tomorrow

I have a sore throat and feel abit sick so I'm trying not to eat to numb the "pain"

Doing well jemima and super Grin

Shit, just realised its cake club in Friday! No eating for the rest of the week for me!!

OP posts:
rabbitrisen · 27/04/2014 22:08

j200, brilliant!

Jemima. Am ashamed to say that I have probably only eaten two thirds of those ingredients in my life.
Very dull old fashioned food here! I have never had an adventurous food palate.

LilyJoAndMe · 27/04/2014 23:29

Sunday lunch done !!!!Grin

Saymwa · 28/04/2014 11:47

Hi all,

Yesterday I went to the hunt's annual meal . I live in France and in the country side too. So , all in all , it is pretty normal here to spend time in this way. It's also, pretty normal to win parts of animals in their lottery (sorry all Beatrix Potter lovers - which I promise does include myself)

So at this moment in time, I have a deer sitting in my oven and much work ahead of me. No gardening today - it's teeming down with rain anyway Smile.

And I'm going to have to get my act together to calculate the quantities and then go and buy the ingredients to start cooking - There are only eight kilos of it !! Grin

rabbitrisen · 28/04/2014 13:33

Welcome Saymwa.
Wow, not an everyday post that!

Never eaten deer before. It probably tastes ok.

Was deer the first prize! [and that is not a sentence I normally write either!]

RufusTheReindeer · 28/04/2014 15:44

Hey sayma

We are off to France this half term, my friend has a house she lets us borrow in a lovely little village in Mayenne (think that's right Grin)

So I will probably put weight on!!! All that bread and cheese

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supermariossister · 28/04/2014 19:53

welcome sayma Smile.

that is the strangest concept to me I've never seen a deer up close. let alone a cooked one.

how's everyone doing

supermariossister · 28/04/2014 19:53

dp puts cheese on/in everything. would have it with cornflakes if he could

RufusTheReindeer · 28/04/2014 19:59


I am not very well, so I am eating and inhaling wethers originals

Bugger it!

How are you doing?

I was thinking of taking ryvita with me and having the cheese on that...or is that really sad?

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supermariossister · 28/04/2014 20:04

think everyone is under the weather just now, I have made choc crunch for lunches and stole a piece so can't preach. nope good idea every little helps! I've never tried a ryvitaGrin am intrigued

RufusTheReindeer · 28/04/2014 20:08

I've always loved them even when I was a very skinny size 8. (Back in the nineties)

Back then I loved them with about three dairy lee triangles on each one!!!! Now it's one reduced fat blues cheese laughing cow triangle Sad

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rabbitrisen · 28/04/2014 20:09

Hate cheese. Like werthers though.

I have even taken to reading how many calories in sweets.

40 in a Spar choc lime dont you know?
But I like a couple so I get my choc.

rabbitrisen · 28/04/2014 20:10

I know. No one says that when you get older, you only get to eat a fraction of the treats that you used to be able to get away with.

But it gets worse. I know so many older people who can no longer eat this that and the other.

RufusTheReindeer · 28/04/2014 20:27

I blame my children, pre children size 8, post children size 14/16

Just as well they are gorgeous!

Underactive thyroid and poly cystic overies don't help either!!!!

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